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Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

Blade walked for a few minutes then stopped and waved his hand over a brick and it opened up a secret room. He entered and it closed be hind him, it was a small room, one bed, a lamp, couple of engineering books, bomb making guide, and a ham radio that was tapped into the v-com. that the grunts user so he knew when he was needed. He sat on the bed and started crying,"I blew it tonight, first I attack her then I abandon her, yeah she can hold her own but that's not the point,"MHD wept to himself," at this rate she won't even accepted me as a true friend, delihlah." he stands up and slams his fist into the wall busting open his knuckles making his fist start to bleed.
Luzetta flinched as the door was thrown against it's door frame, and she finally got her first look at the psychopathic Abyss in his temper. She'd only heard of it, never seen him angry since she'd joined Xana, she'd only heard of a grunt that had displeased him and failed a mission, as well as talked back to him. That grunt was dead now.

Abyss's sinister gaze (black irises on pure scarlet sclera, no pupils) slid over the room and immediately met her own, wide blue ones. He seemed to freeze in the door frame, and Luzetta sighed. At least he hadn't attacked her...yet.
Blade stared at the blood mark he made on the wall," I need to go back," he said then got up opened the door and after closing and locking walked back the way he came, his right hand was dripping with his blood.
He reached the ladder, when he heard the door slam open. He slowly climbed up the ladder and peaks through the hole, he sees abyss standing in the doorway. Wow, he thinks to himself, he doesn't seem as displeased as he did with that grunt that failed, let's hope she wil be ok. He suddenly feels the pain in his right hand, he just hopes he can hold on otherwise his cover is blown.
"Abyss..." Luzetta said, unsure exactly what she should say. Anything she said could easily send him back into a rage, and then they'd definitely be screwed over. She took a deep breath and took a small step forward.

"Luce." Was the placid reply, the rage in his eyes was rapidly disappearing.

(wow. Really interesting conversation. (/sarcasm) not.)
Blade watches but then his right arm goes numb from blood loss,"oh shit," he says and falls off the ladder, he quickly gets up and hides in the shadows.
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Blade hoped he was in the clear, so he look at his hand. The blood was still dripping off of his hand. "damn I need to wrap this up, but I don't want to leave them again," blade said to himself
Delilah could almost feel the waves of anger coming off the Gengar morph, noticing how they dissipated with Luzetta's help. The Ninetails morph would have to do her job, the rebellion depended on it.
Suddenly Delilah noticed a pair of eyes, barely noticeable even to someone who was looking at them, staring up at the grate. Blade. Interesting. Her sensitive nose picked up a slight smell of blood... He was injured. She frowned, pushing away the slight sense of concern she felt. She had always liked Blade the best, his manner was much more efficient and direct than the others, he was the only other who understood that things had to be lost in order for others to be gained.
He wasn't afraid, wasn't weak.
Still under the guise of the illusion, she sent out Thorn from her pokeball, instructed her what to do and watched as nothing appeared to happen. No one in the room would notice, there was nothing to suggest the a Whimsicott was hopping down the grate to assist Blade.
Delilah let go of the illusion once Thorn was through, feeling a bit light headed. Why did she do that? There was no reason for her to, he would probably survive... It must be because he was useful. Yes, that was it. Useful. She needed him, at the moment.
Thorn wouldn't be able to do much, but she could use Cotton Guard to bandage whatever had happened to Blaze. It would have to be enough.
"huh, who is there?" blade said getting up ready to fight, the noises were getting close but before he saw what what there he felt faint," how did I lose that much blood?" he asks him self then feels something wet on his leg. He lifts up his pant leg and sees a gash in it,"fuck must have cut it on the fall down," he sees the figure getting close,"stay back I'll kill you I wi..." the rest of his sentence was cut of as he passed out
Thorn ignored the threats - whatever he said, he was still at least part human and couldn't do anything to her. She didn't like the sewage around them, but then she noticed the blood running down the human's arm and leg and began frantically whipping up a sheet of soft cotton, wrapping it around the wounds as her trainer had instructed her. At least he was passed out, she wouldn't have to try and explain to him she was there to help.

After stopping the blood flow, she didn't know what to do next. The human wasn't doing so well, he needed blood and he needed it soon. Thorn knew she couldn't go back up for help, she would have to figure out something on her own...

There was a small movement in the sewage. A water type of some kind, Thorn didn't care much what but instantly used Giga Drain, sapping the wild Pokemon of its life. Instead of absorbing the energy, however, she directed it into Blade. She just hoped it worked.

Thorn lifted Blade's body above the water with a slight Gust, and began looking for more wild Pokemon to help him. Reduced to fishing. But she was doing this for her trainer, Delilah wouldn't normally help someone and Thorn had a feeling that if Delilah was going to return to the way she was she would need him.
"cool I'm dreaming I can fly, weee!" blade said slighty waking up," huh why am I flying in the sewer weird, Awe look at the cute, um tree cottonball thing," he shrugged,"I've dreamt wierder, to bad delihlah isn't in this one."
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Thorn zapped another poor water type of it's life and sent into Blaze. That should be enough, he should be almost back to full health... She heard something and turned around to find him awake, staring at her and commenting on her cuteness.
She attempted to talk to him, knowing it wouldn't work as well as it did with her trainer but he should be able to hear some of it, hopefully...
"I'm Thorn," she said, floating up on her own small Gust and using another to clear her cottony fur from dirty water. "Delilah sent me to help you."
Blade looked at the pokemon, he had taught him sled to communicate with pokemon without he help of his morph. "huh delihlah sent you?" he said,"hmm mabye she does care, but I'm such an ass for leaving everyone."
He then looked confused," how did she know I was hurt?"
Thorn wrinkled her nose. "She smelled the blood. It wasn't that bad, only Delilah and maybe Luzetta could smell it 'cause of their morph type, but still it might be safer for you to leave. Oh, and everyone's fine so far so don't feel that bad; the only one to worry about would be that pony boy, whatever his name is... Delilah's fine, no one will be able to find her."
"even if they are fine what kind of person am I to leave, what if abyss found here?" blade said,"I couldn't live with that thought on my mind of what he could do to her."
Thorn smiled, wondering at the fact Blade was able to care about the person Delilah had become. Then again, he was part psychic type, maybe his subconscious sensed that there was something else there... That there was still hope.
"You really should worry about what she would to do him," she said, then gave Blade an odd look. "I can't say much, but there are... Things about my trainer you don't know."
"well then their are things I must know," blade said," we are a team and as a team their are no secrets, we stick together, united we stand."
Thorn shook her head out of sadness. "I can't say more and not betray her, there are reasons for it, but to put it simply she isn't who she says she is... And she's not a traitor, far from it, but-"
The Whimsicott paused and looked at Blade straight in the eye, trying to get the truth across. "She didn't used to be like this. Like she is now. She's... lost. She needs help, your help. If I said any more I would be betraying her, and even they way she is she's still my trainer."
"what am I supposed to do," blade asks,"also how can we get back? Abyss is still up there and I'm in condition to travel,"
Blade looks past Thorn and at the ladder,"oh I hope everyone is ok and I hope Thorn is right and if things go bad Delihlah can hold her own," he says to him sled but without realizing it said this out loud
Luzetta sighed, "I see you've destroyed another room." she said softly, eyeing Abyss critically.

"..." There was no reply from the ghost morph, but his eyes flickered in aknowledgement.

"...And another grunt."

"He deserved it." Was the cross reply, "The idiot didn't know how to take orders."

'How can he say that...How can he not care?' Luzetta wondered, and began to wonder if Dalilah was actually right. How could someone who didn't care about anyone or anything, care about her?
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