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Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

"Well. Either we need to convince him to take a vacation, or we need to convince him to join us. Either one will take him out of the picture, and make it easier to finish our job....something tells me he won't do either very easily..." (obviously Luzetta is extremely unaware of Abyss's little crush on her...) Luzetta responded softly, "And we all know Abyss is a complete psycho. I can see this plan going downhill. Fast."
Blade stared at her,"down boy, really I'm not a dog," he said slighty irritated,"and yeah how do you think we could get abyss in on our plan, my idea is violence, but that is my answer to most problems." then decides to let amber back out. She stretches and lays down.
Luzetta coughed and spluttered, "S-seduce him?! What are you implying, Dalilah?" To say she was surprised would be the understatement of the millenia. Then when she heard what blade said she hacked again, "Blade!? Who's side are you on, anyway?"
"everyones yet no ones, thats how I roll, yo," blade said," and to get a job done you gotta be willing to take on for the team, he'll if it was a female I would do it but it's a guy and I don't travel down that road."
"Luzetta," Delilah said. "If you really haven't noticed Abyss skulking after you like a lost puppy then you really need to pay more attention. Seducing him is probably the easiest way to go."
"Notice...? Is that why he's everywhere I go during the day? Are you implying he's in love with me...?" Luzetta asked, completely dumbfounded. Of course, who wouldn't be after finding out the psychopathic second-in-command in Team Xana was interested in them?

"...There's only a second-in-command. the rest are grunts. Except me, considering Abyss has pretty much taken me on as his 'apprentice'. Then there's also Dalilah here, you, John., and THEN there's the grunts."
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"I'm not sure about love," Delilah said. "Men are men after all, no offense to Blade and John. Whatever it is, it's an advantage, and we need to make use of it."
"If you really want, Luzetta, I'll get some information," Delilah said, rolling her eyes. "But one of these days you're going to have to do something about Abyss before our advantage becomes a disadvantage."
"Besides," she said, smirking. "I've been wanting to have a chat with Deiros for a while now."
"well that pretty much rules out all other options it's gain or eliminate Abyss other wise we will fail " blade said saying like it is.
John cleared his throat.

"Well, we can maybe do... uh... something? I got nothing. But I like the seducing idea!"

He was a little disheartened by Blade's remark about being straight, though he didn't take it too personally. There were other Magikarp in the sea.
"E-e..eliminate?" Luzetta whispered under her breath, not too sure why she didn't like the idea of that.

"...Okay. I-" CRACK!

"Damn." she muttered. "That's Abyss." she muttered. After all, the Gengar morph's hard-to-reach temper was well known to most.


"Looks like he's not too happy."
Blade retreats his tepig " well I'm out," he says before moving the grate and jumping down then closing it again.
(got to go for the night)

"Well then, Luzetta, I leave it up to you to make him happy again," Delilah said with a wink, and then promptly dissapeared. She was planning on staying to watch though, and the shadow behind the couch she had been sitting on gained some extra, but unnoticeable, bulk.
"Blade!" Johnathan looked down the grate his fellow morph had lept down into.

"Don't leave us with this madman!" He looked around frantically before finally diving behind the couch, dragging his Mawile after him. There was no time to put her back into her PokeBall.
Blade landed in the water,"ugh what have I done they must hate me," he looked down att he ground," it's best if I dissapear for the night," and he starts walking down the dark right path, opposite of where they had walked to get there
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