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Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

"hey I can hear them they are talking," blade says,"let's hope luzetta can get him out of the room I need to lay down and get to my room, I have a healing device in there."
"I'm sure there's another exit from the sewers somewhere," Thorn said, letting Blade down slowly and continuing to hover next to him. "I'll accompany to you to wherever you want to go, just in case something else happens with your wounds. Deliliah will be fine, even if she can't do something on her own then she has five other strong Pokemon to help her. You should get back to your room and rest, she wouldn't want something bad happening to you, however much she denies it..."
Even with his dark complexion you could still see him blush at that comment,"yeah right, um this way we can return to the room we usually meet in and then I can exit that tunnel my room is near there," he said and starts limping down the left path, each step put strain on his cut leg
Thorn instantly sighed and "picked up" Blade with yet another Gust, moving him along that way instead. "'In condition to travel,' yeah right. For now it's safer if you move this way, though you should be practically better by morning."
"...Abyss..." She murmured, as the man turned to leave.

"Get some sleep, Luzetta. You look exhausted." He stated, before leaving the room.

"...Abyss...." she repeated sadly. She couldn't believe he had such disregard for human life...but she sighed, "You can come out Dalilah. I know you're still there..."
John peeked his head out from behind the couch. he had heard everything between Abyss and Luzetta. There had been no seducing at all! What the hell?! He had to admit, he wanted Luce to be happy, and in a relationship with Abyss. But he was very scary... Ah, well. Maybe she'd have another chance.

"All clear?" He blinked twice, before standing up. Oochy was giving him a dirty look after being thrown behind the couch with him.
"I sure as hell hope so," blade says,"boss will have my ass if I'm not in or I'm tardy."
After a few minutes of travel they reach a ladder,"here we are," blade says," you better get back to yo trainer now," with that he hauled himself up and out of the ladder, it took him longer to reach his room then normal because he had to avoid the patrols. He finally got there and as soon as he had locked the door and hit the bed he was out, but that mabye wasn't too good. For the next 1/2 hour he tossed and turned having nightmares about what Abyss could do to delihlah, in the end he got up and sat in his window frame and watched the stars,"i wonder if me and delihlah will ever be together," just then he saw a shooting star,"man I wish those things really did grant wishes cuz then I be wishin' for me and delihlah to be together, forever."
(ps I really know how to write but this is how my person talks when he is alone or if he thinks he is alone)
"It's clear, John." Luzetta sighed, "I'm sorry about that, I just...froze up." She looked at the ground, her sadness and embarassment was clear. She felt...inferior. She couldn't even manage to seduce someone she had feelings for!

Wait...where did that come from!? Since when did she come out of the 'Pit of Denial'?
Blade watched out his window and noticed that he could see into Abyss's room,"hey I wonder if I will see anything we can use as blackmail, or to our advantage," he still had the feeling that the entire time he was being watched.
'What is he up to....' The shadow watched, but kept out of sight, watching from his own room,in the shadows.

'Idiot can see into my room.' Abyss rolled his eyes, 'Is he trying to test my patience...? What is he looking for?'

(That was sarcasm, by the way)
Blade watched the sky again,"awe what do I care wait abyss is coining," the sky was purple from the rising sun,"looks like I will have to go to work soon hoo-rah
Delilah rematerialized in the room and sighed. "We should have done what Blade suggested. He actually would have done it."
She then promptly walked out of the room and retreated back to her own, where she curled down on her bed. A few minutes later a Whimsicott joined her, curling up next to Delilah's head on the pillow.

(So I was thinking that the next day or something there could be a mission to go steal something, and it could be in teams - Delilah and Abyss, and Luzetta, Blade, and John. I thought it would be interesting to separate the two pairs (Abyss and Luzetta, Blade and Delilah) and see what happens. Plus Sweet Silver Nightmare won't have to roleplay with herself. What do you guys think?)
The alarm started blaring,"hmm time for work," blade says and gets showered and changed. Just as he opens the door a grunt is standing there,"they said you can have the day off, something giving taking you cuts time to heal," the grunt said and walked off.
"well mabye I will find the others around, I think delihlah lives in the west wing," blade says and starts walking, "wait how does abyss know of my injuries, oh crap he knows I was there!" with that he speed walk toward the west wing.
(sure though it upsets me not to be able to talk with delihlah possibly try to help her, even though I still have no idea what is wrong with her, let me look at that profile again.)
Luzetta sighed softly, a groan coming out along side it. She was not impressed with the mission folder she'd been handed six minutes ago. They were going to steal something. How was she supposed to know what to steal if they didn't tell her!? Jeez. Idiots.
(The whole "problem" would mainly be her psychopathy, and also the "secret" is how she's really a Zoroark morph)"

Delilah awoke and yawned. After listening to Thorn telling her that Blade had been returned safely and was practically healed, she went and picked up the folder that had been slipped under her door - not even a grunt would be stupid enough to wake her up early.

Hmm. A mission with Abyss... Delilah smiled, and almost giggled. She loved Abyss - loved with messing with him, that is. Nicknames ranged from "Mr. Grumpy Pants" to "Fluffy," and she made sure that everything he did was followed by a sarcastic remark. Naturally he hated her, but that just made it so much more fun.

She flipped through the rest of the file, noting a map that had two similar warehouse structures located in the wilderness. She was going to one to collect the Adamant Orb, whatever that was, and another was being sent for the Lustrous Orb. She frowned when she saw Blade's name assigned on the other team, but shook it off. She couldn't feel jealousy, she reminded herself.

Donning her Houndoom form as usual, she opened the door and started to head towards the gym* to let out some energy. Those punching bags didn't know what was coming for 'em.

*as in working out, not Pokemon
Luzetta finished reading the file, a sigh escaping her. It seemed she hadn't been paying enough attention when she was reading the file. She'd just reread it, and finally found out what they were going after, as well as who she was going with.

"Good...I don't think I can face Abyss after that anyway..." Luce murmured, closing her eyes and relaxing until her 'team' showed up.
(Sorry I thought I mentioned this, but since they are stealing smothing I'd figure they'd get together and head out around dusk. Terribly sorry!)
Blade was walking down the hall when some grunt bumps into him,"hey buddy each it," but as he turned around he was gone,"what the hell." suddenly he notices that a folder was placed in his hands, he opens it and skims through it and picks out that he is to steal something called the lustrous orb along with John and Luzetta, he is dissapointed at this when he sees a sticky note fall out. He picks it up and reads it,"after you complete the mission there is cave about 4 clicks from your position after you steal the other orb, in it you will find the griseous orb, bring that to the sewer exits at noon 2 days from now, tell no one ESPECIALLY delihlah, signed the shadow walker." with that he shoves the note in his pocket and heads to luzetta's office, it takes him only a minute to reach her office. He knocks on the door,"Luzetta you there!" he asks
(there is a reason I choose to mention to not tell delihlah, it like on of those obvious but kinda hidden clue).
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