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Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

Luzetta grabbed the flashlight and flicked it on, closing the hatch before she heard the door in the other room open, and someone step in.

"Be quiet," She whispered, "Let's go," She said, walking forward, and trying not to make any splashing noises.
(damm iPod won't update page correctly)(got it to work)
The group walks for a good three minutes when blade stops and points up,"here is our stop," he says stepping aside," ladies first, then John, and finally I will pull up the rear,"
Luzetta jumps onto the sturdy ladder and began the climb, pushing up another hatch and popping her head up, ready to retreat if anything looked out of place. Nothing did, so she continued up the ladder, her body disappearing. Her head popped back down and she smirked, "Nothing outta place here, get a move on boys." she giggled, before retracting her head and going to flop on another couch.
John and blade quickie get out of the sewer and blade covers the hatch again,"sorry it was the only way I know to get around these places," blade says and walks over to the door, he looks out then closes the door,"ok we have maybe another hour before the patrol comes around here, so now what?"
"nope I've been on engine duty," blade said,"I know everything about those nuclear reator engines and that is about it, we need someone who is high up in the ranks on our side."
"...That leaves really only one option. The psychopath we just escaped from. He's about as high as it gets." Luzetta responded with a sigh, "...Not to mention...he's psycho. What are the chances we'd be able to get him to even LISTEN to us, without getting us all killed, that is...I mean....really..."
"I could shot him in the leg," blade suggests,"he will have to listen then."
"anyone else, how bout Delihlah, she knows some people, mainy because she is kinda lost it as human."
"ok so we try delihlah first," blade said,"then well try abyss, but I don't see that not turning violent."
A dark shadow slipped by unnoticed in the halls, darting along the side of the wall. All who saw her saw exactly what she wanted them to - nothing. She couldn't sleep. Didn't want to sleep; there were more interesting and useful things to be doing at night. Exploring or spying, whatever it was called it was more fun than sleep.
She paused outside a door, hearing familiar voices inside. She smiled, identifying Luzetta and Blade. Debating whether she should enter or not, the mention of her name decided it for her.
She opened the door as silently and quickly as possible and slipped in, returning to her normal form of a Houndoom morph.
"Did someone say my name?"
John flinched yet again when he heard Blade talk about actually wanting to hurt the other members. Sure, they had done wrong things, and he hated them for killing his father, but did they actually deserve to die? he though it over for a minute. Yes, he supposed. Yes, they did.

He put Goma back in its PokeBall, and started heading towards the exit with Oochy. Only to hear more Xanas heading this way. Great. And so Blade had decided to pull the sewer drain open and jump into it. John had to admit, that Blade was sure strong. And somewhat dreamy.. wait, no! He couldn't get distracted now.

He commanded Oochy back into her Ball as well, and jumped down the drain after the two other rebels. He gratefully took the flashlight and turned it on, pointing it around and distractfully looking around in the darkness.

He crawled up out of the hole and through another hatch after Luzetta, and before Blade. He looked around the new room they were in, and deemed it safe. He let Oochy back out, and Mawile stretching after being confined in her PokeBall.

"I think we should give it a shot. Maybe Abyss will listen to us... or not..." He lowered his head, rubbing his hoof against the floor awkwardly.
Blade acted out of instinct and quickly without blinking had pinned the person who entered the room to the wall with his blade to their throat,"who are you and what do you want," obviously not hearing what they had said before they entered
(this post was supposed to be before sweet silver's but didn't post fast enough)
"So we're convincing Abyss to do something?" Delilah smirked, plopping down on one of the couches. "I like convincing."
"oh sorry hehe yeah it seems like anyone cannot be trusted, I didn't realize it was you," he blushed lowering his blade(ps sweetie belle I'm wierder that you said my person was dreamy yet we are both guys)
A brief though flickered through Deliliah's head of making Blade think he was killing himself with his own blade, but she quickly abandoned it. Too risky, and she hadn't quite got the hang of other people's minds yet.
Instead she simply smiled warmly and gave Blade's arm a pat.
"Down, boy," she said, though half the joke was lost from Blade not being some sort of dog-like morph. She then turned towards Luzetta. "And hello, Luzetta. So what exactly are we "convincing" him to do?"
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