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Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

"Fine. If you want to die, die." Luzetta murmured, "Just remember when you lay there dying, I told you we care about you. We'll all miss you." With that said, she turned and disappeared.

"Nice going, blady boy." Abyss stated with a sigh, "Now she'll be sulking for the rest of the night." He turned away as well, and began to follow the sad Ninetales morph.
"fine, like you care abyss, the only person you care for is yourself, anyway I have only one thing to do before I die," with that he pulled out the griseous from his bag," I must return this to a friend, as repayment for his help," and with that he starts limping away, a trail of blood following him.
Luzetta sat on a cliff that overlooked a large lake. Her tails drooped behind her, and her small, pointed, fox-like ears drooped slightly to the sides. She unclasped the gold clip from her cloak, and threw the glittering trinket into the lake. It landed with the tiniest splash, and sank into the depths.

"It's not like you...to be so merciful..." She murmured as she sensed Abyss' approach.

"...When it comes to you, Luzetta, I find myself doing many things I would never ordinarily do." The Gengar morph responded, sounding rather sad. He watched the wistful fox-girl, approaching and sitting on the cliff next to her.

"...But why...?" She found herself muttering, "Why me..?"
Blade finally reached the sewer where he would meet giratina, and sure enough the dragon arrived soon,"what happened to you?" it asked," nevermind let's heal you up,"
He let out a beam from his chest and it healed up blade,"now my orb please,"
With that blade handed over the orb," thank you now we are even, I might see you again," and then it was gone.
Blade ran out and pelted throughout the woods to the building, he still had a mission," well if anyone still has a slight care in the world I am finishing the mission, well I have giratina to thank for healing me," he said over the walkie talkie. He reached what was left of the lab and started throwing debris aside to clear out the floor, then he found the hole that lead to the underground section, so he sat and waited to see if anyone would respond, he knew they were mad and he could care less, they had a mission.
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