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Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

Abyss was silent. His mind slowly taking in the information. His memories turned to every cryptic conversation he'd had with Deiros, every confusing comment he made, and every single plan that didn't seem right.

"...Nothing." And even after all that. He came up with nothing. His eyes reflected the honesty in his words. He sounded stricken, confused and a bit vulnerable at the same time, "I don't know anything about it..."
(Does Blade still have the Griseous Orb?)

Delilah frowned with something akin to concern as she hear the raw emotion in Abyss's voice, so unlike him...

"Are you ok?" she asked immediately, worried about the state of the Gengar morph, he wasn't taking this betrayal well.
"...Why did he send us...if he already had operatives here...?" He asked softly, though he didn't seem to be speaking to anyone in particular. Then his eyes widened, "Hey, Gallade. Where's Luzetta?" He asked, staring straight at Blade's hiding spot, though not knowing he was actually there. He knew he was in the area, though, "Did you leave her back there alone!?"

"Will you just let me go, already!?" Luzetta snarled, fighting against the executive's grip and jerking her dislocated arm farther out of joint. A snarl of pain echoed in the chamber, and she growled at the man who was holding her Pokeballs.

'Blade, where the hell are you?' She thought, panicking.
Blade let his mind wander back to the other site," damm it all to high he'll," he dropped his head,"amber, byte you guys safe," he heard grunts of agreement.
"well execute plan omega zeta," then far off in the distance a white light appears shooting onto the sky and then BOOM, blade turns back and starts tree jumping," go houndoom, I still don't trust abyss so watch him," the devil dog nodded and sat watch in the tree,"
When he arrived he immidiatly retreated his fainted pokemon and saw most of the building in ruin, he then spotted luzetta next to the knocked out executive. He walked over to her, and looked down, she was hurt but alive,"hmm I hope she can forgive me," with that he pressed his lips to hers and a white lights exited his body and enters hers, he broke off,"healing wish, it will save her but make me..," and with that he passed out, falling onto the executive cutting a deep gash in his leg with the blade.
Delilah sent out Emer quickly, hopping on the dragon's back and looking at Abyss. "What we where trying to steal is not here. I'm going back to confront Deiros, and I can drop you off with Luzetta if you wish. Or you can stay here. It's your choice."
Blade saw a light,"great I'm dead,"
At this point he heard a laugh of an older man, then a white deer walked out around it's belly was a golden ring.
"no you are not dead, you are between states," the pokemon says,"that move could have cost you but I spared you, for you and your three other comrades are meant to do great things,"

"great things?" blade asks," but how would you know?"

"I know because I am areceus," he said," now I will return you to your body, and next time I might not be able to save you,"

With that the world turned dark.
Nodding, Delilah instructed Emerald to fly, and soon they were on the way towards to other location.

"Emer, use Tailwind," Delilah said after a brief period, realizing that Abyss would probably be happier if they were moving as fast as possible. The Salamence grunted and whipped up a huge gust of wind with his wings, and then they were moving very fast indeed.

Emer landing hard on the ground by the site, but made sure not to jar his riders. The scene before them was brutal. Delilah looked at Abyss with horror, hoping would keep his sanity.
(ok let me just say this, the white light is a combo move called Final Flash, done by combining mightyena's hyper beam and tepig's overheat attacks. It has blown up the building but the orb is underground and safe. I used healing wish to save Luzetta and I am in critical condition)
Abyss looked upon the scene with no emotion, his eyes sweeping over the bodies of the dead guards, grunts and the executive who was alarmingly close to an unconcious Luzetta. Beside her was Blade, who, at first, didn't seem to be breathing.

Abyss didn't care for the Gallade morph, so his eyes were easily sidetracked by Luzetta, who groaned, her blue eyes fluttering open.

"What the hell happened here?" She wondered, "And why do I feel like I just died?"
Blade groaned,"yeah I'm not moving anytime soon, sorry for that luzetta." he just layer there,"if anyone wants to kill me go ahead I should be dead anyway, I gave Luzetta's back at almost the cost of mine, but for some reason arceus brought me back."
"So...I did die?" Luzetta asked, not knowing that Abyss was silently stewing his anger at the Gallade morph for leaving her alone in the first place.

"You fool! Were you too caught up in your crush on Dalilah to realize that Luzetta doesn't work well alone!?" Abyss snarled, his eyes seeming to glow sinister red in his anger. He growled, his stance seeming to become much more feral and defensive.

"Why do you think she always goes with someone on her missions?! Her powers are a benifit in a group, but they only hinder her alone!" The Gengar morph was working himself into a frenzy, his eyes narrowed into red and black slits.
"you want to know why, it's because I don't trust YOU, Abyss," blade said angerly,"I never have and never will, so when my mightyena saw people in there I figured it was a trap and you were sent to eliminate delihlah, to get revenge on me for my pokemorph side killing your parents,"
"I haven't had parents since I was 3. They were killed by a human criminal when I was too young to understand." Abyss rolled his eyes, "I was juggled through foster homes until I was 5, then I ran away. I lived on the streets since."

"Besides. What do you know about me?!?" He snarled, steadily growing angrier and angrier with every word thrown between them.

"Nothing. You know NOTHING! I bet you don't even know anything about Luzetta either!" Abyss' body was cloaked in a dark aura now, his anger dangerously close to meeting it's maximum threshold.

((Think before you write, kay?))
(I know hold on)
"ha is that what d-man told you," blade said,"that was his plan, he fabricated the plan, he set some gallade that knew illusion to attack you and your parents protected you with their lives, he knew that you were different and the only way to get to you was by eliminating your parents. Then he 'found' you and brought you here, and he fused me with that gallade he used to kill your parents. So he would later tell you the true story and you would go after me, he wants me dead, and he will do anything to get that,"
Blade then smiled," and looks like he wins, you can finish me here, and Luzetta is perfect so everyone wins, yay."
"Abyss..." Luzetta flinched watching the two argue back and forth, "Please...both of you...stop fighting..." She whispered, tears dripping from her blue eyes. Abyss didn't hear her.

The dark morph snarled, his views were being challenged now, "I see how it is Gallade. You despise me. You despise me because you believe me to be a killer with no heart. Yes, it may be partly true. I am a killer. I am psychopathic, to an extent. I'm sadistic, yes. But it doesn't mean I don't have a heart!" He threw a punch, aiming for Blade's shoulder. It seemed as if he totally forgot he had Pokemon.

"Abyss!" Luzetta cried again. "Please, Arceus, stop this!" She lunged forward, catching Abyss' punch and taking it herself. She cried in pain as the punch aggravated an old scar on her side.

"...Luzetta...?" He asked, slowly coming out of his daze.

"...I don't want to see you fight..." She murmured weakly, "I don't want to see you...either of you...get hurt..."
"get hurt, I'm the fool who killed you, why should I not die?" blade said stammering up his body was bruised and bloody, he had a lot of cuts and wounds,"well why should I live?"
"Blade, you've been a friend to me for a long time! Maybe not since we were both born, but at least for the 6 years I've been a Xana." Luzetta said, tears in her eyes, "I don't CARE if you killed me, just like I don't care about Abyss' attitude towards others! We all have our problems! I'm utterly useless alone, as Abyss has stated. Which is why I was so sad when I first joined up. Remember that? All the wounds and scars I had?"
"well look here, if it ain't irony," blade said,"look at me as compared to you when you joined, plus in my condition what use am I, remember arceus spared me, I SHOULD be DEAD!"
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