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Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

Abyss only laughed softly, the darkness making his eyes stand out even more than usual. With a smirk, he slid a pair of black sunglasses over his eyes (for stealth's sake). A few more inches of darkness, and he'd be totally invisible to the naked eye. Unless you were a dark type pokemon, of course.
Being a dark-type, Delilah could see Abyss as well as blend into the shadows quite naturally herself. Not that she needed it, with her ability.

"So, you want to take out the guards on the east or west side?" she asked jokingly.
"East. The Orb is in the West, so if I take out the eastern guards, the western won't have any backup should one of us be seen," Abyss responded blankly, as if he were discussing the weather with a friend, not a plan to steal a highly powerful object from a closely guarded facility.
"alright let's head out," blade said, he grabbed the folder and the gear he was taking and headed out the door. The hall way was dead so he figured it was safe and pointed to the left and started waking.
"I'll take the east, then," Delilah said with the same nonchalance, before looking at Abyss a mischievously out of the corner of her eye. "Bet I can take out my side and be at our entrance before you can."

And then she was gone, supressing laughter as she raced through the trees, invisible to any onlookers. It had been a while since she'd been on a mission; there was always something about one that gave her a wild sense of freedom.
Blade reached the forests edge, he figured Luzetta was right behind him,"ok go mightyena," and the black and gray pokemon came out of it's pokeball,"scout ahead and stay out of sight got it byte," the pokemon nodded and sprinted ahead
Byte came back to blade a few minutes later,"ok we got 2 guards at the entrance, but what I saw inside was the weird part," byte said,"there are 2 guards, 2 scientists, and an executive."
"hey wait, Luzetta who sent us this mission?" blade asked, something just didn't add up.
"Deiros. Of course. Why?" Luzetta responded. She tilted her head, slowly realizing, "Not much was written in the file...but he must have known about this...Is he trying to do something?"
"well if the D-man sent us to steal something for him," blade said, he never called the boss by his true, or cover up, name," then why are his soldiers here?"
Delilah finished up with her side of the complex quickly and efficiently, and soon was approaching the entrance she was supposed to be meeting Abyss at.

While doing so she had though about their mission, recalling vaguely a story about the items they where stealing. A long time ago a Team Something-or-Other had tried to capture the powers of time and space using these orbs to summon legendary Pokemon, and had been stopped by a lone trainer. Since then the artifacts had been heavily guarded, but over the years the guard had dissipated as they were forgotten... Delilah felt like she was missing part of the story, there was someone or something else involved, but it didn't matter.

Stories were stories.
"call me crazy, but I just don't feel right about this," blade said and sent out amber," ok well your a big girl so I am leaving byte and amber here in case this goes south, I just want to check on abyss and delihlah,"
He gave a strange signal to his pokemon and jumped from tree to tree in the direction of the other team.
Luzetta frowned, before sighing. "We'll figure it out." She said.
Abyss brushed an invisible speck of dust after finishing off the last guard on his end. With a soft chuckle, he quickly went to the appointed meeting spot.

"All clear." He chuckled as he approached, using the shadows as cover. There was always a chance that there were more enemies than originally seen. One could never take too many chances with stuff like this.

Abyss had learned that....the hard way.
Blade reached the spot and watched from a tree, he saw both of them from his position,"guess I was just being too protective, my emotions are getting in the way of my sight again." but something was weird inside the building that the others were at had no one inside yet his had,"very strange."
"Same," Delilah said, then frowned. Something was... Off. "Isn't this thing we're stealing supposed to be an extremely powerful artifact that connects to a legendary Pokemon? Shouldn't we be, I don't know... Feeling something from it? Something doesn't feel right."

A movement caught her attention out of the corner of her eye, and Delilah identified who it was by smell - Blade. His concern about her was touching, but at the same a little irritating. She wasn't weak.

"It appears we have a visitor," she said, deciding it was best to get him out of the tree now unless Abyss found him and he got in real trouble.
Blade sensed delihlah's irritation and contacted her via mind telepathy," I'm sorry and I know you are not weak, but something is off," blades said and explained what he saw at the other site(please read my post a little back)
"Probably the Gallade, Luzetta doesn't blend in as well," Abyss responded, "She probably could though." He was actually rather placid right now, not moving in any threatening way towards their, uninvited guest.
(sorry about the wait, my internet has gone kaput until thursday and I won't be able to reply until then, barely managed to get on to tell you guys this)
(and it went back up early, thank goodness, sorry again)

Delilah frowned at what she had learned from Blade. There was certainly something going on here, something she didn't like.

She turned towards Abyss and proceeded to tell him everything she had learned from Blade. "Do you know anything about what could be going on?"
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