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Open Pokemon: Rebel Theory

Delilah nodded, accepting the plan and... The watch. She read the inscription and felt something funny inside, something she didn't like. She slipped the watch on - might as well, telling time was always useful - and walked over to the punching bags...

Her illusion flickered. Delilah grasped her head, fighting against the sudden headache. No one would have noticed the flicker, that's why she appeared as Houndoom so in case something like that did happen there wouldn't be a big enough difference for anyone to tell in the few milliseconds it took place.

She would not feel. Growling, she began to ferociously attack the punchbag. If the illusion wasn't there it would have been apparent that her eyes had begun to faintly glow blue as her anger grew, her attacks becoming more and more deadly. As focus came back to her she felt her mind expanding, felt herself lost in the blankness and gain more control.
As one bag feel to the ground, she turned towards another, this time her attacks becoming more rythmic as her emotions faded.
"so just as I thought," blade said putting the bar back and sitting up," you still don't have control do you?" his question was directed towards delihlah,"that watch I gave you was a test, I sensed it, I can see through your illusions," blade continues as he walks over to delihlah,"well I am sorry for you, I can since you don't fight the pokemon side and let it come out easily, I will only try to help if you ask, but in your state I'm surprised you can even regain control, I'm leaving to my room, bye," with out a wait for her response he walked out the door.
"If you keep on doing that, you'll suddenly find yourself learning Strength," She responded as she passed, and giggled as she turned the track and began a new lap. She watched his interaction with Dalilah and him leaving out of the corner of her eye, and sighed, but continued her laps until she felt her legs giving out. Only then did she stop and fall to her knees.
As soon as blade was three feet away from the door after he left the gym, he shoved his hands in his pocket, leaned up against the wall, and watched the clouds through the huge picture window,"so peaceful, poor delihlah I remember when I was taming my pokemon side, if it wasn't for my brother I would have had to take the pain train to he'll and back, with how strong my care emotions toward him were I could overcome it using that mind trick, though I don't think it will work for delihlah, and even if it did, for how long?"
That was all she thought as she flew out the room, having more control than she had ever had before of her powers. Pesky psychic type, pesky little psychic type that deserved to die, had to die for what he did...

Her mouth salivated at the thought of tasting blood again, it had been so long...
Completely reverted to her animalistic state Delilah slammed into Blade, effortlessly putting up an illusion of invisibility around them as her mind crashed into his with more force than she had physically.

The own illusion of herself had fallen, she was now as she was truly, predatory teeth bared in a rumbling growl. Instinct directed her, showed her what to do as she made his muscles think they were useless, and poised at the brink of trapping his mind in an endless world of nothing for all eternity.

He could see through her illusions? Fine, let him feel what she could do in the blink of an eye, was about to do to him unless he did something to break her free.
So she crouched on top of him as he lay on the ground, one claw set to slice open his neck if something happened and she was moved. She waited to see what he would do next. Something inside her made her give him a chance.
John himself had headed to the weight room, since everybody else had wandered there. He felt... out of place. Luzetta was running laps, Delilah and Blade were talking... he just stood around doing nothing.

His faithful Oochy was by his side, and, looking down at her, he could almost read her thoughts.

"I know, I know. I'm part Rapidash, and be perfect at running laps. But... I don't want to show off or anything," he muttered, dragging his hoof across the floor. Oochy gave him one of 'those' looks, and he sighed.

"Fine, I suppose I'll just run one lap. But only one."

Leaving his Mawile behind him, he jogged towards the track, and started gallopping across the gym. It felt good to run, even though he wasn't at full speed. He missed when he was younger, when he lived with both parents and they would take him out to the park. He would run around aimlessly with his Pokemon and friends. Well, he would've wandered around with friends, if he had any. His Pokemon were his only friends back then.

But now, now he had Blade! And Luzetta! And Delilah, he guessed. He couldn't help but smile.

And then he saw Delilah attack Blade. Blade was his friend now. And even though the Gallade wouldn't feel the same way, he was enamoured with him. He couldn't just stand back and let this happen. He ran at the two, yelling at Delilah.

"H-hey! Wha-what in the name of the Distortion World do you think you're doing?!"
There was a sound of a chain breaking and blades eyes turned blood red,"I OFFER HELP AND THIS IS HOW YOU THANK ME!" sudennly there is an explosion that destroys most of the wall separating the hall and the gym and send delihlah all the way into the wall at the end of the hall. His entire body doubles in muscle and the green aura around him makes him seem on fire,"In my true state the only person that can tame me is someone I truly love or the leader of this place, and why the he'll would he help!" with that he that the flys at delihlah and slices her throat open.
After a second the illusion breaks, and delihlah is unharmed but out cold, "hmmm she tried to use an illusion but her rage was so easy to counter," with that he returns to his room.
Darkness. Nothing.

Then laughter, a presence touching her mind...

Who are you?

I am Death. And I have plans for you, dear one...


A Whimsicott breaks out her Pokeball and frantically manages to get her unconscious trainer back to her room before discovery. After making sure Delilah is safe, leaving Emer to watch over their trainer, Thorn departs after Blade.

He had failed her.

Thorn enters the door with no regard for privacy, confronting the human.

"You said you would help," she says, accusing him, anger and deep sorrow bursting from the small Pokemon. "You said you wanted to make her better, and when she needed you most you abandoned her! I don't know what you've done, but whatever you did you made her worse. I trusted you to help! You were close to reaching her, and now I don't know if she'll ever come back!"

She turned away, cotton deflating as a tear slipped out of her eye. "I just want the real Delilah to come back."
"well I can't, she has completely given her slef to the pokemon in her," he replied to the cotton pokemon,"there are only 2 ways to lock up a pokemon, one is by using a painful procedure which I have no clue how to do so it would probaly kill her, and the other is by using a mind link with someone she loves, but upon how she attacked me, and how she bottles emotions that option is out,"
Now I must go collect some orb to give to some guy I don't know, I'll be in the woods, I'm sure delihlah can find me if she has a change of Heart or wants to attack me again," with that he left leaving the pokemon alone
Blade turns around to look at the cotton pokemon,"I'll make you a deal, if you can get her to love some pokemorph, anyone, then I can save her and give you guys all the secrets to this xana corporation, I know everything but cannot tell lest the beast inside kill everyone," blade said,"so to sum it up if anyone wants this rebellion to succeed and if you want delihlah back, then get her to love someone, and she must be able to kiss them and restrain her power then I can save her, deal." but without a response from the cotton pokemon he left.
(long post, sorry, kind of got carried away...)

What am I doing here? What do you want with me?

I want to help you, precious. It's all I've ever wanted...

Help me?

There's something wrong with you. Let me fix it.



Delilah woke with a sudden flaring pain in her head, but it quickly faded. She blinked a few times and sat up.

"What happened..." she said, looking around. "Emer? Is everything ok?"

The Salamence growled protectively and placed his head on top of hers. He preferred not to speak unless it was really necessary.

Delilah smiled, and then stopped. She was smiling. She was enjoying the sense of comfort she received from Emer. She felt... Human. With a laugh she reached up and hugged the Salamence's head. He wasn't too happy about this act but let it go, as long as his trainer was happy...

The door creaked open and small bundle of cotton stepped through, looking completely heartbroken until she saw Delilah's face, her sadness turning into utter confusion.

"Thorn?" Delilah asked. "Are you ok? It's me. I'm... better now."

Thorn gasped in delight and rain up to her trainer, shoving Emer out of the way and giving her as much a hug as her tiny little arms could manage. Delilah hugged her back, and noticed that the Whimsicott was crying.

"I'm sorry," she said, apologizing. "I wish I could take back everything... But do you know how I got back?"

Thorn took a step back, confused again. "You don't remember?"

"No," Delilah said. "All I remember is something to do with Blade, then nothing."

Thorn smiled. "He brought you back. He did something to bring you back and he doesn't even know it."

Delilah smiled, and blushed slightly. "I have to thank him. Where did he go?"

Thorn explained, and soon Delilah was on the way to where Blade was headed. She could catch him in no time, traveling on foot was no match for dragon-back.
Blade sensed it, a rip in the distorted world,"oh no she didn't did she?" blade asked," I now see why the shadow walker wants this orb, it's giratina and he needs it to regain his power that he just used but why?" then he saw it a salamance but that wasn't what surprised him, it was delihlah and she was, smiling! Giratina must have used his power to grant her a wish, but why? Then it hit him, this corporation originally used giratinas power to create delihalah so this is his way to say sorry, should I be happy or worried, blade thought.
Luzetta finally got up from her knees, and sighed, checking the watch Blade had given her. It was almost 10:00 PM. She fiddled with the watch until she found the communication button.

"Blade, it's almost time to go. Finish up whatever you're doing and meet me and John in my office." She said.

With that said she turned to John, "I'm going to my office, you can come, or if you want you can get ready and come a little later,"

((i'm leaving it up to Dalilah to go get Abyss, LOL. Good luck.))
"yeah I'll out I'll meet you at the site, what about abyss?" blade asks,"I don't think delihlah should go alone and I haven't seen him all night," he fnally reached the cave, he noted that delihlah was still fly toward him and he entered, it wasn't much of a cave but more of a cubbyhole and in the middle was a pedestal with the orb on it, he grabbed it and ran out. After 5 minutes nothing happened, then he noticed something, the cave was light up, so it wouldn't be Bobbytraped because they dot know giratina can contact anyone and he cannot enter light areas anymore, with tha he starts walking back to the lab/ building they lived in.
"He won't do anything to her. He needs her for the mission. Deiros wouldn't be too happy with him if he killed her, and we all know about his 'hero-worship' complex." Luzetta responded with a sigh.
"then where is he," blade said as he entered the building not sure if delihlah was still following him," I'll he at the room in t-minus 2 minutes," and sure enough after 1 min 45 seconds of walking he knocked on the door.
Delilah had abondoned her mission to thank Blade after looking at the time, she would have to do it later. It was now time to go get Abyss.

She smiled. She may be more human now, but that didn't mean she wouldn't annoy him. Most of her personality was the same, just without the complete lack of regard for others.

Soon she was walking down the hall where Abyss's room was located, and knocked on his door.
"Wake up, Sleepyhead," she called out in a sing-song voice, not caring if he was actually still sleeping or not.
"well I just stopped by to say that call me over the watch I'm going to meet with delihlah when she returns to her room, don't want to interupt your party," with that blade left. He walked to delihlah's room knocked once then leaned on the wall across from her door, he pulled out his favorite book(death note) and waited.
Abyss was actually standing behind Dalilah, hidden in the shadows in front of his room door.

"I'm over here, Dalilah." He purred, rolling his eyes at her complete lack of attention.
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