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Search results

  1. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    Do not talk to him that way! Maybe you need help, especially in making a good argument, or something that actually makes sense.
  2. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    You probably do not even know my name *cries* What we really need as humans are less idiots...

    You probably do not even know my name *cries* What we really need as humans are less idiots screwing things up. ...and hot boys and girls!
  3. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]

    You poor dear. Hm... I have an idea! we will KIDNAP him!
  4. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    The LGBT Club

    No disrespect, but your Mother is an idiot :grin:
  5. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


  6. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Ha ha! I am not into religion either... I used to be until I started my incestous streak. By...

    Ha ha! I am not into religion either... I used to be until I started my incestous streak. By the way, the pope is rather...creepy. He was a nazi right? by the way, thanks for the support, but I think I failed my exams Ha ha!
  7. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    The LGBT Club

    ^ It is fun to say. My friends call each other that, but not being serious. One time he even called the teacher that ha ha!
  8. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    A little stressed with exams and such ha ha! How about you?

    A little stressed with exams and such ha ha! How about you?
  9. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    The LGBT Club

    Hello there. Is it fine for a gay person to call another gay person faggot, or anything like that? What do you think?
  10. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


  11. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    The LGBT Club

    ^ Welcome. I don't have any sort of authority, but join us.
  12. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]

    You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Do it.
  13. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Your Character Archetype & Party Role?

    I would probably be the silent one that is against the heroes. Someway, somehow, I sever the links to my comrades and join the heroes on their noble crusade... only to betray them under mind control. My class, would have to be something of a magical type.
  14. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Uhhh... h-hi?

    Hello there. Welcome. Have fun and post. Make new friends.
  15. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Hello there.

    Hello there.
  16. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    The LGBT Club

    ^ I understand. That's why I like men like my father, because he's built and he is very "manly". If I want to date a girl, I date a girl. It's that simple.
  17. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Hey, I'm leaving for tonight. Talk to you later, smexy :D

    Hey, I'm leaving for tonight. Talk to you later, smexy :D
  18. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    The LGBT Club

    Ha ha! So random, right? I love sodomy.:love:
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