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The LGBT Club

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^Well, I call my friends fags all the time, in joke of course. I guess as long as it's not used for malicious intent, it's all cool.
Well, one of my friends has just given up on my whole gender status and now just calls me "faggot". I don't really care because I know he's joking, but I could see someone else being offended by it.

I tend to avoid using words like that unless I'm just trying to be funny and/or I don't really mean gay people, and even then I only use them around friends who know what I mean and don't care.
I agree; it's fine when it's used among friends in a joking way (and you're absolutely sure they don't mind), but calling everything you don't like "gay" or someone who's annoying you "faggot" is both immature and offensive.
TOPIC OF ATTRACTIVE STUFF: Tomboys. I mean the tomboys that still have long hair and everythign but just pull it up in a messy ponytail so they have it out of the way.

NUTRITION: I eat all sorts of crap, it's great.

FAGGOT!: that's such an awesome word. I say it as often as I can cause I like how it sounds.
I constantly tell one of my friends off for saying stuff like "THAT'S GAY" but we call eachother faggot all the time lol

Faggot is my current insult of choice. And 99% of the time my insults are not serious.
I like the letter f. Ffffffffffffff. It's one of the few consonants that you can just keep saying, cause nice ones like k and b can't keep going.
What is the rainbow shit in everyone's signatures for, is it supposed to be artsy or the gay or gay arts.
Well, ah, I started it, but then the Obsessive Scribblers took it as our sort of mark-of-obsessive-scribbliness.
*should check here more often* DX

On the topic of gay literature... uh, I've never read any LGBT literature or seen any LGBT films, but I really want to read Annie on my Mind. But my county's libraries don't have it.

On the topic of what's attractive... I find eyes especially attractive, especially in the female sex... and hands, I guess. Um. That's it. XD I also like the long-haired tomboy style as well.

On the topic of faggot... I hate the word and don't use it... when used VERY jokingly between gay people I don't really care, because it's really obvious then they're not serious, but any other use is just... ew. It makes me think of fags, anyway. D: It's a horrible word.
My mom refuses to believe that straight people can be exhibishionist (sp?) and that only gay people are. :(
All the exhibitionists I've ever known were straight

also I've been recently thinking about coming out to my mother at some point soon
I told my dad three years ago and he STILL thinks it's a phase, which irritates me a lot :(

anyway I honestly do not have a clue how my mum will react :| no idea AT ALL
The rainbow thing is based off of Dannichu's scarf, and the Obsessive Scribbers are using it to show their membership. Although I guess it could be mistaken for the gay. D:

So, my hair's at like my shoulders now. I told my mom I want another haircut, and she was like ":'[ you don't like long hair" and then my brother started making jokes about me becoming a boy, which I stayed quiet through.

God damn it, I'd feel so much better if I were out to my parents, and could start dressing the way I actually want to. I want to be out to them so bad, but there's no way it's going to go over well. I mean, I doubt they'd do anything as drastic as kicking me out of the house, but they are conservative stick-up-their-asses Christian fundamentalists. I could see them either desperately trying to 'correct' me, finally sending me to a therapist (which could either be very very good or very very bad), or just writing it off as a phase. I really don't know what's in my best interest now. This is getting hard to hide from them. :[
I constantly tell one of my friends off for saying stuff like "THAT'S GAY" but we call eachother faggot all the time lol

Faggot is my current insult of choice. And 99% of the time my insults are not serious.

lolol so true for me

and also i use faggot for parodies too much

on a seemingly unrelated note, this total homophobe in my class has a last name of "dickinson." he's a male, also. dear god have i been fed up with people making fun of my last name for years now. "omg look it's cam's weeny lol"
finally sending me to a therapist (which could either be very very good or very very bad)

On most accounts it's usually a very good thing. Therapists are pretty damn awesome.

But then again I'm all for therapies so maybe I'm biased.
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