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The LGBT Club

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Topic of attractiveness: Hair is usually the first thing I look at. I prefer darker hair usually. On guys, I love hair that's medium-length. Like, not below the neck, but long enough that it can actually kind of move. Like how some guys have hair that's short enough that it won't move if they move their heads. I don't like that. It needs to be longer for guys. Also, Adam's apples are the disgusting, and so are guys with huge muscles. I like guys to be kind of thin or average weight, but not ridiculously skinny.

On girls, I like the hair to be medium or long and straight. I don't like curly hair too much, and I don't really like short hair either on girls. I also like dark hair on girls. I care about weight less for girls. I'm fine with them being skinny, average, or somewhat above average. Chubby can be better on girls, I think. I don't like boobs that are ridiculously small, but I hate ones that are WHOA HUGE.

These are just what I prefer, though. Looks don't matter too much to me, definitely not nearly as much as personality.

Topic of faggot: I call my friends fags on occasion, and sometimes call things gay, even though I try to avoid it. If it's not being used in a derogatory way, I don't mind it too much. I hate it when people call everything they don't like gay and everyone that they don't like a fag, though. I think if you do it too much it's really stupid and immature. If one of my friends is just joking around and calling me one, I think it's fine, since I know they don't mean it.
*should check here more often* DX

On the topic of gay literature... uh, I've never read any LGBT literature or seen any LGBT films, but I really want to read Annie on my Mind. But my county's libraries don't have it.

On the topic of what's attractive... I find eyes especially attractive, especially in the female sex... and hands, I guess. Um. That's it. XD I also like the long-haired tomboy style as well.

*long-haired tomboy* :D
Though I notice I have been wearing a lot more pink/purple than I normally do. I have no idea whats up with that.

Maaaaan I want to read Annie on my Mind too~ Uh, most libraries have ordering services, so if its in any library in your council area (probably your county) you can order it in from there.
The only really lesbianish books you can find in normal libraries are Sarah Waters books, Val McDerminds novels with Linday Gordon as the main character (the book titles all have "___ for Murder" as in "Booked for Muder" or "Report for Murder" or something and theyre all (obviously) murder mysteries but very good and do honestly have cute bits in amongst all the killing and detective bits.
And Stella Duffy has done some lesbianish books, but again, theyre mostly crime/murder novels. I have no idea what it is with lesbian writers and crime novels; while her books dont have lesbian protgonists, Patricia Cornwells one of the most famous contemporary crime writers and shes an out lesbian, and Im sure theres more Im forgetting.

And if you want to watch LGBT movies, search for it on youtube and itll probably be on there. The great thing about gay movies being less mainstream is they get taken down less quickly X3

This post was brought to you from a keyboard with no apostrophe DX
Annie on My Mind is a pretty good book. *goes to a school that put up a display of LGBT books for National Coming Out Day* I think my favorite LGBT book I've read is Keeping You A Secret; not sure who it's by. It's very good, though.
Accepting gays is as bad as destroying the rainforest, guys. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7797269.stm
Came here to post this.
Seriously I'm starting to hate Ratzinger with every fiber of my being uggh
Can't wait for his 'atheism is the source of evil' Christmas speech, like last year. I've yet to discover something he wouldn't send me to hell for.

Bookwise I'm reading The Married Man right now and it's really good, though a bit weird. Can't say very much about it yet since I'm only on page 75 but still, liking it so-far.
In other book-related faggotry I'm starting to plan a couple of new stories, to develop once I've finished drawing The Five Stages of Love. One's about a sadistic writer and a vicar, which is going to be tons of fun to draw (though the abuse scenes are going to be awkward to show to my mum) and it's pretty much the only one I could start writing now if I wanted to. I still need to do a lot of research for the others, including Legionnaire training and a bunch of medical facts for my sociopath story.

In softer news I'd love to do a LGBT-friendly children's book but I'm not sure what I could do without it being a generic Two Dads thing. I've been thinking about presenting it as a sort of homework a kid would do about their family (we all did this) but it'd still be boring. I AM UNCREATIVE

I'm also going to be in a play as a girl in a dress and this makes me a bit uncomfortable. Then again, not being out to anyone except the Internet doesn't help much, does it :v I'm sure the theatre group's leader wouldn't give me grief about it but I'm a huge pussy.
In softer news I'd love to do a LGBT-friendly children's book but I'm not sure what I could do without it being a generic Two Dads thing. I've been thinking about presenting it as a sort of homework a kid would do about their family (we all did this) but it'd still be boring. I AM UNCREATIVE

See Gary, see gary run.

See gary look through his mom's closet.

See gary model. Does this make gary's butt look big?
urgh, wtf @ the pope.

My family came over today to have dinner. My uncle kept making unfunny jokes about gay people when we got on the subject of some teacher around here who was gay. Apparently he's moved to a new school and is the choir director. "MORE LIKE QUEER DIRECTOR LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL." I was actually surprised when my grandma and aunt told him to shut up.

This is the same guy who said he thinks it'd be a good thing if Obama was assassinated. And when he found out I was learning Japanese and going to Japan this summer, he sat next to me at the table and was like "Hi Spaekle! Oh, I mean, KONNICHIWAAAAA LOL". Why does my family have to suck. :\

By the way, does anyone remember those old Pokemon picture books from back in Pokemon's heyday? there was one called 'Come out, Squirtle!'. I found this kind of amusing. :p
Hi guys hope you had a good day. I did, this church guy was like MERRY CHRISTMAS MY MAN and mom was all 'ahaha lol that's... my daughter'

MURRRRRY CHRISTMAS God I hate celebrating with family.

Also khaos updated! A whole cover page! Hurray!

Shut up verne, go play with your dinosaurs.
See Gary, see gary run.

See gary look through his mom's closet.

See gary model. Does this make gary's butt look big?
seriously considering something like this but I think it's already been done.

so I was telling my mum about some trangender film I wanted to watch and I asked her 'so what if i were a boy and i started wearing girl's clothes? What would you do?' 'THE SAME THING I ALREADY DO SEEING MY DAUGHTER IN BOY'S CLOTHES EVERY DAY ;-;'
It made me feel a bit uncomfortable but oh well.
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So much lol at the Squirtle picture XDDDD
The rainbow just makes it completely perfect.

D: Apects of your family really suck, Speakle; I really dont think I could cope in an environment like that at all. At least youll be ale to move out soon? Which is a terrible thing to say, but still.

Aaaaah, I would absolutely love to do some kind of LGBT kids picture book. Its always been my dream to illustrate kids books (I have a few pictures I did when I was as young as 4 where I remade the books with my own pictures - and I bought myself a colouring in book of the Very hungry Caterpillar just the other week), and Ive never seen copies of stuff like Heather Has Two Mommies or One Dad, Two Dads or whatever its called anywhere ):

And I found Gray Matters on DVD for £2 the other day in a second-hand game shop I go to sometimes. Its not a brilliant film, but it ups my gay movie collection to 4. And my sister got me The Jane Austen Book Club on DVD for Christmas, and one of the characters in that is a lesbian. Oh, and I got Will & Grace season 8 from my parents, too.

Dannichu makes the yuletide gay XD
So, anyone seeing Milk?

I got two movie tickets from the National Guard (don't ask), so I may use them to go see it.
I want to go see it sometime before the break ends. My family's considering making plans to go, so yay.
My Wilde Youth group is going to go as a big field trip :D and our trips are FUN. One of them we spent an entire two-hour car ride singing Queen songs. xD [/ramble]
I want to see it; I've seen trailers and read reviews and looked up Milk and his associate's lives online and it looks fantastic, but it's not showing in the UK yet. I don't know if it will, either.
I'd love to go and see Milk, but it's not out in Belgium yet, I think. I'll probably end up watching it online if the worst comes to the worst.

Also, what do you guys think of outing other people? I have mixed opinions, because on one side it's disgusting to out a regular person, but when someone who's very anti-gay in everyday life gets outed I let out a secret cheer.
Then I feel bad ):
I think I'd rather be outed than have to tell people :( it's easier!

but it's a pretty dickish thing to do, really. Most people have genuine reasons for not outing themselves so why do it for the sake of dickery?
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