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Butbutbut you can be fat and healthy.

Umm...Feet. :D Big and hairy on men, small and smooth on women. I also like hair a lot, but also the lack thereof on dudes. And I like bellies on fat dudes, cause I'm cool like that~
Butbutbut you can be fat and healthy.

Umm...Feet. :D Big and hairy on men, small and smooth on women. I also like hair a lot, but also the lack thereof on dudes. And I like bellies on fat dudes, cause I'm cool like that~

I meant that; if a person is big but is healthy, I find that attractive.

I like big feet on men... because you know what they say, right?

I like older men most of the time, around their 30's or so. Women, younger.
Oh, yes, age. :D

I like young girls (like, really young - twelve or so) and older men. Much older. Like 50+. Yesyes.
Hmm, what do I find attractive on a guy?

I tend to not like really long hair or really short; messy-medium length hair is yes.

Adam's apples. I love the hell out of them.

Guys with nice hips/asses. I'm not sure if I can describe what exactly qualifies as "nice hips/asses", but I guess nice to me works. :V I like skinniness, actually. Not like freakishly unhealthy anorexic-skinny, though. Or maybe what I'm looking for is slender? I'm not sure.

Mouths/lips/tongues. Yeeeeaaaaah.

Kind of from out of nowhere, but I got called a 'little boy' at the mall a while back. I admit my jacket was pretty masculine-looking, but the rest of my outfit wasn't and my hair's getting pretty long, so I'm not really sure why; but it still made me chuckle to myself.

Speaking of which, I'm probably going to get my hair cut again (in one of those sexy medium-length messy styles :D) over Christmas break. I'd like a nice peacoat too.
Hmm, what do I find attractive on a guy?

I tend to not like really long hair or really short; messy-medium length hair is yes.

Adam's apples. I love the hell out of them.

Guys with nice hips/asses. I'm not sure if I can describe what exactly qualifies as "nice hips/asses", but I guess nice to me works. :V I like skinniness, actually. Not like freakishly unhealthy anorexic-skinny, though. Or maybe what I'm looking for is slender? I'm not sure.

Mouths/lips/tongues. Yeeeeaaaaah.

Kind of from out of nowhere, but I got called a 'little boy' at the mall a while back. I admit my jacket was pretty masculine-looking, but the rest of my outfit wasn't and my hair's getting pretty long, so I'm not really sure why; but it still made me chuckle to myself.

Speaking of which, I'm probably going to get my hair cut again (in one of those sexy medium-length messy styles :D) over Christmas break. I'd like a nice peacoat too.

Wow, seems that I am very much your type!

ha ha! I'm joking.

Adam's apples are sexy, especially when you're being intimate. Tongues are too... I like freakishly longue tongues. And long hair...

I like skinny men, but I tend to date big/muscular men.
The plusses of going to the gym :D

And of course, asses.
Butbutbut you can be fat and healthy.

Eh; one of the biggest things for me is self-respect; a person who eats crap food and doesn't excersice properly isn't respecting their body.

Some people have hormone disorders and whatever, but the vast majority of the time, serious overweightness and obesity are because the individual just doesn't care about themselves enough :/

Adams apples are creepy, creepy things o.o
I knew someone with an epic adams apple. It was...kinda creepy, yes.

I agree with you on the fat thing, Danni. When the grease someone eats leaks out their pores, I run far away.
Hmm...the only thing I've eaten from a fast food place are baked potatos from Wendy's.

The only real junk I eat is instant ramen, oreos, and M&Ms. Alot of M&Ms.
Hmm...the only thing I've eaten from a fast food place are baked potatos from Wendy's.

The only real junk I eat is instant ramen, oreos, and M&Ms. Alot of M&Ms.

I don't think baked potatoes count...

But really, it depends on the food that you eat, howw many carbs it has and whatnot.
In reply to the question, I like men who look like men. You know, broad shoulders, chest hair, arm hair, leg hair, deep voice, the works. Twinks are a complete turn-off, especially because they often look like teenagers and I don't find teens very attractive ( :c )

Er, hips are cool. And hands, especially when they're a bit veiny. Long hair is very much a turn-off, but baldness isn't a favourite either. I like the hair to be nice and short at the back is all.
A bit of muscle goes a long way, too. Nothing young!Schwarznegger standard because ugh, but younger Putin and things, those are awesome body types. (and also just putin in general because my god)

I sound pretty fussy here but my standards aren't that high :v
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^ I understand. That's why I like men like my father, because he's built and he is very "manly".

If I want to date a girl, I date a girl.

It's that simple.
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