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Search results

  1. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    The LGBT Club

    You may touch whatever you find attractive.
  2. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Does a God of ANY KIND exist?

    I don't believe that there is a god, but I do believe some things can be wrong, like murder and such, and that other things are right.
  3. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    ^ Ding-dong? I forgot to say, my name is Alessandro.
  4. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    Anyone ever had a nickname for you? My friends call me "Sandy" and It's pretty ridiculous.
  5. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Funny Moments at School

    My friend Tara and I were chatting on msn. She was talking about her boyfriend so I blocked her.
  6. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Children Of Night

    To Alexis. ________________________________ Forbidden fruit that tastes so sweet when I press my lips against it Your moans are loud but still so weak your shame for me to keep I long to haunt your soul To rob what you adore I want to be be your reasons the answers to your...
  7. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Watch you Die

    Jhonny Vazquez? :D
  8. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    As far as marriege and adoption, gay/lesbian people should have the rights because they pay taxes, pay bills, basically anything a "normal" person does. And what example are they giving to gay kids, that they cannot marry because there's something wrong with them?
  9. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    It's not, but really, I don't think they do that. I could be wrong, but I have yet to know about such a thing occuring.
  10. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Do you ever wish you could read people's minds?

    People deserve privacy. Enough said.
  11. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]

    Yes, we are. Actually, yesterday was when I confronted Alexis about this, and he said he is attracted to me as well. Our parents don't know about this, but we have began having contact just yesterday. And by the way, The post above you meant my brother Sebastian, not Alexis. Sebastian is older...
  12. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    Are you serious? ha ha ha! And yes, it's a parody off the "EVIL SATANIC" thing. Seriously, where did people get that satanists have sacrifice rituals? Anyway, my favorite thing about LaVey's bible is that "You can't love everybody, as it hinders your ability to hold judgement." That is very...
  13. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    I think your feeling might be right about me ha ha ha!

    I think your feeling might be right about me ha ha ha!
  14. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Hm... well maybe since you practice it you might just be used to handling everything.

    Hm... well maybe since you practice it you might just be used to handling everything.
  15. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    I'm not sure what her last name is, but I know Tara... She's sort of a dark girl. Always wears...

    I'm not sure what her last name is, but I know Tara... She's sort of a dark girl. Always wears black...
  16. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    Sorry, I was not specific. And yes, I mean Laveyan satanism.
  17. xxxbloodysoul666xxx


    ^ That would surely be tragic! Ha ha ha!
  18. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    the flames begin to burn...

    ^ Thank you! Cats are my favorite animals
  19. xxxbloodysoul666xxx

    Watch you Die

    You’re so beautiful when fear dances in your eyes Just looking at them makes me want to cry My soul feels your wounds as if they were carved in my skin Corrupting the hate within But if I try to overcome I know that I’ll be the one Who gets the last laugh Who’ll kick you when you’re down I...
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