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Judging by your name and avatar, I'd say you have a completely twisted view of what Satanism actually is.

But maybe I shouldn't judge by name and avatar. Hmm.
Judging by your name and avatar, I'd say you have a completely twisted view of what Satanism actually is.

But maybe I shouldn't judge by name and avatar. Hmm.

I know, dear.

I chose my name as a sort of parody, as to be ironic, but yes, I know
what it actually means. Satan does not really exist, miss.
*edit after getting postninja'd.

But anyway, yeah, it's an interesting religion. I'm not a follower, but it is pretty nifty.
It is very alluring.

I have friends and they have lent me their bible, so I read and alot of things
actually make sense regarding our nature as human beings and such.
I am not a follower yet, but I am thnking about it.
If they took out the supernatural things, I'd probably be a follower (it probably wouldn't technically be a religion, either). I haven't read into it at all, though.
I've looked into the religion and agree with the majority of what it says, but I'm not big on the whole magic/supernatural thing either. Although admittedly I'm not sure just how big a part that stuff plays in it.

I think I'm more comfortable just not adhering to a religion at all, atheistic or otherwise; but overall Satanism is pretty cool.
I have a friend who is a satanist. It's pretty cool. I'd like to read the Satanic Bible, but I doubt it could get it into the house without having to first swallow it. >>
I have a friend who is a satanist. It's pretty cool. I'd like to read the Satanic Bible, but I doubt it could get it into the house without having to first swallow it. >>

You can download it from the internet for free.
My friend Estella did this.
So when you say "Satanism", I assume you mean LaVeyan Satanism. It's important to make the distinction. (Although I suppose you already know this.)
I know nothing about Satanism.
At first I thought you were a troll, to be honest. But then you said your name was a parody.
It's probably pretty cool- most people are like "EVIL SATANIC AHH" but I honestly don't mind- it's what you believe, believe and practice what you want.
I know nothing about Satanism.
At first I thought you were a troll, to be honest. But then you said your name was a parody.
It's probably pretty cool- most people are like "EVIL SATANIC AHH" but I honestly don't mind- it's what you believe, believe and practice what you want.

Are you serious? ha ha ha!
And yes, it's a parody off the "EVIL SATANIC" thing.

Seriously, where did people get that satanists have sacrifice rituals?

Anyway, my favorite thing about LaVey's bible is that "You can't love everybody, as it hinders your ability to hold judgement." That is very true.
^people do those thing in the name of Satanism, but that may be because they have a very loose grasp on it.

Also Satanists, along with many, many other religions, used to hold sacrifices in the "olden" days. So.
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