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Search results

  1. demonickittens

    TF2 Mafia Match [Day 3]

    Re: TF2 Mafia Match [Day 1] Well this day can't end well so Abstaining for now. All who want to bring up suspicion on someone say so soon. But all in favor of randylynch randomizer go! *little ball with werefish5 comes out*. Do what you want with that.
  2. demonickittens

    The Hunger Games Fan Club

    Great trilogy, I have read all three books and they are very good. At the moment there is a debate about if they will be required reading.
  3. demonickittens

    Skylark vs. demonickittens

    Ok that didn't work well. But this will work, hopefully. First Night Angel use a substitute (15%) to stop the toxic forcing Fondue to use dive. then use surf to wash her up on dry land. Then use focus punch to put the turtle in her place. please RNG god let this work. Substitute~Surf~Focus punch
  4. demonickittens


    Re: ATTACK OF THE MIRRORMEN not completely convinced Abstaining for now.
  5. demonickittens


    Re: ATTACK OF THE MIRRORMEN So we have no leads,and the clock is ticking. Fun, I like a challenge.
  6. demonickittens

    The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

    Good game well played and loads of generic congratulatory remarks. Well never doubt me ever. thanks Aethelstan for defending me. But yeah gg.
  7. demonickittens

    The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

    Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE] well I believe that Aethelstan is the inspector. And Brock seems to be pointing the finger at anybody who claims to be innocent. but if you need proof that we are innocent then there is the obvious way of killing me and then...
  8. demonickittens


    Re: ATTACK OF THE MIRRORMEN Kammington Freudian slips for the win. Though a good defense might change my mind . The chances are not good at the moment and we have to be sure before killing.
  9. demonickittens

    The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

    Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO] Because it was too early in the game and everyone could have been mafia. And as I said before this power only works well if I know something that the mafia don't and I don't. But kill me and find out. and Brock, I don't lie I make...
  10. demonickittens

    The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

    Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO] This made so much more sense at two in morning last night. Um yes but how I have played mafia before the first person who nominated someone else got killed. And that is how I'm used to playing mafia.
  11. demonickittens

    The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

    Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO] My point is that how con I nominate someone without being willing to die myself but i guess Mawile has it coming so fine I will change my vote to Mawile
  12. demonickittens

    The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

    Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO] seems like a good Idea
  13. demonickittens

    The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

    Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO] True, the only way this role can be used for the town; is if I know something that everybody else does not. But I didn't make the roles.
  14. demonickittens

    The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

    Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO] This is from the roles page. The Nice People that do Nice Things to Stop Evilness The Doctors - The two doctors are nice people. They help people when they get sick. They can also choose one person each night to save from death by...
  15. demonickittens

    The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

    Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO] I have no defense. All I offer is the fact that I am the Judge. Believe it or not I am with the town. But do whatever you want with me my life is yours.
  16. demonickittens

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Going for a Signature Attribute. let's hope this works. [Night Angel]Sneasel(f) ability:Inner Focus Signature Attribute: Ghostly Entity While Night Angel was a young Sneasel she lived near a system of caves, with a deep lake in the middle. The elders had always...
  17. demonickittens

    The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

    Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO] I'm in, time to lynch. This is just too suspicious. *sets up angry mob supplies stand*
  18. demonickittens

    The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

    Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY ONE] Fine here goes nothing Abstain
  19. demonickittens

    The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

    Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY ONE] True, this game is not going to last very long and if we don't try we are just giving in against the mafia. Time is of the essence and if we don't kill some one then the odds of winning go down by a substantially large amount. So...
  20. demonickittens

    Skylark vs. demonickittens

    Hold in there Night Angel. First use Ice beam try to freeze the water all over her, if she throws up a protect use double team for four clones. Then if you landed the Ice beam and she is frozen use double team, if not frozen use toxic and if she used protect use ice beam again. Finally use a...
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