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The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

This made so much more sense at two in morning last night. Um yes but how I have played mafia before the first person who nominated someone else got killed. And that is how I'm used to playing mafia.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

If you are the Judge, why did you never grant someone immunity?
YOu coul be lying, using an inactive member's role to your advantage.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

If you are the Judge, why did you never grant someone immunity?
YOu coul be lying, using an inactive member's role to your advantage.

Because it was too early in the game and everyone could have been mafia. And as I said before this power only works well if I know something that the mafia don't and I don't. But kill me and find out.

and Brock, I don't lie I make up all of my own stories.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

The day is filled with many, many surprises. Mostly with people revealing their alliances. However, it is unknown to anyone if these revelations are actually the truth. One person who drew the most suspicion was a townsperson named Mawile. The townspeople were hesitant to vote, but came to a decision - kill Mawile.

To make it quick, a man offers to use his gun for the execution. Mawile doesn't put up a fight as he is brought at gunpoint. Most of the townspeople look away, and a shot rings out loudly throughout the town. The lifeless body of Mawile falls to the ground, with a hole pierced in his head.

Mawile is dead. He was not mafia. You have 24 hours to send in night actions.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [NIGHT THREE]

It's a rainy day in Blargindale as the townspeople awaken. Some choose to stay inside after a rather bloody day yesterday, others immediately go to the towsquare to see if there are any more victims to deal with. They look around, and see nothing. Was this a morning in which no one had died?

Suddenly, a loud "thud" is heard. The townspeople look behind them and see a crumpled body on the ground, after it had apparently fallen from the building above. They rush over to see if the person is still okay, but alas, there is nothing that can save her now.

Flora and Ashes is dead. She was not mafia. You have 48 hours for discussions.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

We still have a non-Mafia majority. May as well try to take down one of the Mafia before we die!

Okay uh leads leads leads. Assuming that Mawile and Flora were indeed lovers (I'm pretty sure they were telling the truth), then I'm not very sure what happened here. I asked Blaziking when Flora would commit suicide, since she didn't die immediately after Mawile was executed, and he said that she would die in the morning, which she has. Which means there was no Mafia killing tonight. ole_schooler probably got lucky and healed the person the Mafia had target.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

Don't demonickittens, he's the judge. I know this because I'm the detective, so don't kill me either.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

If I healed the right target, then I would guess they targeted me last night. Hah! In your face, you back-stabbing back-stabbers!

..Ahem. It's rather unlikely that both Mafia were role-blocked last night, so yeah. In any case, we do need a lynch, though I am unsure as to whom. For some reason, sresevior keeps pinging on my radar...but that could just be because they always use lowercase.

Aelthestan, demonickittens, do you have any way to back up your claims? If not, I think we have the start of who to lynch. If so, I can't wait for the guessing game the Mafia and I will play tonight (as in, who will the healer heal?).
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

Gah, everybody is roleclaiming like crazy! Aethelstan has joined the madness. Got any leads, or any confirmed innocents?

...Assuming that he's to be believed. demonickittens and Aethelstan could be mafia playing off dead members' roles. Do we have any unknown roles, or do all of the dead have a probable role? And do demonickittens and Aethelstan have proof?
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

Yeah, claiming to be the mafia's number one enemy... no. SUSPICIOUS.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

I don't believe we have to big of a chance of winning anyway. I had no leads the first two days which is why I didn't claim then, no point in getting killed over useless info. sresevoir and Manic Fame were listed as Not Mafia, so I'd avoid lynching them. They were my previous investigations. You can decide if you believe me or not.

I also believe we've possibly already hit one mafia, the Corrupt Politician. Don't know, since no matter what happens, he's listed as Not Mafia. To conclude, unless one of them is the Corrupt Politician, my list of not guiltys (as the Psychic Detective) is:

Manic Fame
demonickittens (Judge)

You now have a list of people to avoid lynching, or if I'm really that suspicious, a list of people to attack right away. You decide, but I claim to be telling the truth.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

well I believe that Aethelstan is the inspector. And Brock seems to be pointing the finger at anybody who claims to be innocent. but if you need proof that we are innocent then there is the obvious way of killing me and then backing Aethelstan's claim off of the result. But yeah we're screwed.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

We shouldn't just check off those people as innocent. One of them could be the Corrupt Politician. I think the Corrupt Politician is still among us, but we don't really have any proof of it. If you want to believe every single claim made up until this point, he would have to be among us because all of the dead would have roles, but you can't really be sure.

And I think that if Aethelstan was mafia he would give us a list with a mix of mafia and non-mafia. That way, if he was deemed guilty or suspicious, we might lynch one of our own, and if we believed him we would believe that the mafia in the list were innocent. Then again, if he's innocent the list is probably at least mostly if not completely innocents.

^I don't know how relevant that is. Ugh, 'tis late.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

Three choices, then:
1) Take a chance on the list, and hope that we find a mafia.
2) Lynch Aethelstan, and hope he's a liar.
3) Lynch Brock, and hope he's Mafia.

Or, well, lynch someone else, but I doubt we'll all agree on a random at this stage.

The problem I have with the list is, assuming it's generated by a Mafia member, I seriously doubt that there's four of them. (Unless the GM is that evil.) So, there's probably an innocent on that list, possibly more. For all we know, both Aethelstan and Brock are with the Mafia, and trying to throw each other to the wolves so we'll trust them.

I have only one question: Aethelstan, when I reveled my role as healer, why didn't you investigate me? To my mind, that seems suspicious, or maybe you just trusted me.

However, throughout the whole game, Brock has been terribly accusatory, pointing the finger at everyone who claims a role. (I know I'm being a bit wishy washy with my accusations, too, but I haven't actually voted to lynch everyone I accused, and I've given them a chance to respond.) So, Brock, care to explain? Are you just a suspicious person? Or in your frantically not to be discovered, do you point the finger at everyone, anyone else? (Am I mad about you trying to lynch me? Maybe...)
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

Um. I didn't accuse every single person.

I just stated that the sudden rush of role claiming, especially role that the Mafia would love to kill off was suspicious. And ironically, the people who claimed they were the mafia's enemies (ole_schooler, Aesthelstan) didn't get killed after they revealed. To me something seemed of there and a red flag raised.

Or was I just being overly paronoid?

And I don't think the COrrupt politician is dead because first Flora was missing from the day, then Mawile died and Flora commited suicide proving they were the lovers.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

I'm to lazy to go find the quote, but someone asked if the Corrupt Politician counts with the mafia for a majority win and the answer is yes, since the Corrupt Politician is a mafia aligned role.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY THREE]

I have only one question: Aethelstan, when I reveled my role as healer, why didn't you investigate me? To my mind, that seems suspicious, or maybe you just trusted me.
You were fairly well verified by the Politician. I may have been stupid to believe you all, but at the time I had my own different suspicions, and didn't take the time to investigate someone I was pretty sure was innocent. Too bad my other suspicions didn't do much at the time either.

If I get killed by the mafia or by lynching, that will at least somewhat prove I'm not mafia (unless you think I'm the corrupt politician, but that could be anyone). After that, you can narrow down the list of possibilities by not lynching the others on my list (unless you think they're the corrupt politician blah blah blah...).
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