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The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

If the claims are to be believed, we only have one healer left, and thus neither Barubu nor dragonair could've died by healer clash. dragonair couldn't have been a lover as well, though, if once again the claims are to be believed, so I think it's safe to say Barubu was either Jenny or Ginny.

Right. The one-healer-left part. Dangit, that means that town rather than a neutral role is dead.

our chance of getting a maf, then, is 4/11, and chances of getting dead weight is 7/11.

Well, it's also good if we get one of the lovers since they aren't really pro-town. Of course, that just makes it easier for the mafia to pick off town because they won't potentially waste a town-killing night hitting the lovers. But I guess that hitting neutrals is better than killing innocents. So 4/11 mafia, 2/11 chance of hitting lovers, which would be okay, and 5/11 chance of hitting town.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

Double post because I was doubly ninja'd.

I think we should ask ole_schooler to tell us who she healed. Might not help much, but it's a possibility.

EDIT: Aaaaand I already posted that. Curse my memory. D:
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

Well Blazie has had some issues that she has discussed with me in a PM a while back.

And plus, sometimes you and Blazheiro take all the angles up and all we can do is agree. Or you make a very good point like you have been so far and it might actually works and we have nothing else to go by so hells yeah we'll agree. We're losing this game.

Also, Time Zones... the cruelest mistress of all.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

You want me to tell you my role?
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

You want me to tell you my role?

Don't you mean "You want me to reveal my role?" You'd have to reveal your role to everyone, making you easy pickings for the mafia. Assuming you have a super important mafia must kill you now role...
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

I'm the Stupid Teenage Couple. There.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

...So. Do we lynch Mawile since she's neutral and won't help town and we'll get rid of two non-town, or continue to hunt for mafia? I'm not entirely sure, because we need to kill mafia, but if we leave them too long the couple could actually end up winning.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

Since it's been asked, the first night, I healed Barubu (at least, I'm fairly sure, for some reason my sent mail got deleted), based on random number generator. Last night, well, I healed myself, because apparently healers can do that in this game. Had I been unable to, I would have healed dragonair, but...yeah. That's the way it worked out.

For the record, I'm a she. I guess I'm for lynching Mawile, because the if they're telling the truth, us lynching them is a wash, Mafia may lynch them tonight if we don't, may wait until later to even the odds. If they're lying, I would assume it's to cover for a Mafia (or crazy lady) role, and they will obviously be never killed by the Mafia, and the sooner a lynch the better. I'm not casting a vote just yet, as we still have longer to talk (and I'm obviously still clueless about this game) and discussion is good.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]


On one hand, we could get rid of someone that beat us in the end

On another... We could leave them for the Mafia

On a different hand... Mawile could be covering up for the Mafia

Or... they're telling the truth
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

(ack, I'm sorry! I was away and didn't see this :( fixing)
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

Flora is my partner.
She's also part of the Stupid Teenage Couple.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]


For one thing, you're not going to try to defend yourself? You do want to win, right? You're not even trying to convince us not to lynch you.

Also...for one thing, telling us your partner won't help. That makes it easier for the mafia to kill you because they know that they can hit either of you and kill you both.

Also, in most games is it strictly forbidden (and often modkill-worthy) to reveal your partner because it's like a) giving up on your entire team and b) stabbing your partner in the back, really, though you're new and I don't know how Blaziking operates...
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

She revealed herself anyway and had to delete her post because she wasn't allowed to be part of the discussion.

Besides, if you don't lynch us now, then the Mafia will kill us later.

I'm not defending myself because my role isn't as important as a healer's, so it's better for us to die than a healer, because then the innocents will still have a good chance of winning.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

I don't think anyone saw it but Blaziking. Why reveal it if it was covered up?
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

Ah. I see.

But you do realize that you don't win with the town, right? I mean, I'm pretty sure that if you die, you lose. You aren't pro-town.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

She revealed herself anyway and had to delete her post because she wasn't allowed to be part of the discussion.

Besides, if you don't lynch us now, then the Mafia will kill us later.

I'm not defending myself because my role isn't as important as a healer's, so it's better for us to die than a healer, because then the innocents will still have a good chance of winning.

So you're telling us that

a) Flora is in total agreement with you having revealed your roles
b) You are willing to be lynched
c) Even though you aren't pro-town, you want to die (and lose) so that a healer will not be lynched
d) Flora agrees with b and c
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