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The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [Complete]

Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

sounds incredibly suspicious and we should lynch it anyway!

I'm just wondering about the motive, but I agree about the lynching. It's almost time, and unless we vote, the mafia's just going to get a free kill.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

Well... well... Seems like I misread the post X_X *headdesk* So that's why there were only a few posts *thought the day period was 1 day*
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

I'm in, time to lynch. This is just too suspicious. *sets up angry mob supplies stand*
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

...There's a lot of talk about lynching, but nobody seems to want to VOTE. So, on that note: Mawile
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

Mawile seems weird to me. If there was an alien role in this game, I would be very suspicious, but since there's none and since this is the only lead we've got, Mawile
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

I'm in, time to lynch. This is just too suspicious. *sets up angry mob supplies stand*

So, going back through the postings, your only two posts have been to bandwagon and agree with folks. While I agree that Mawile is a possible lead, I feel we should entertain the idea of others. demonickittens could have spotty internet access. They could have nothing else to say. Or, they could be Mafia lying low. And for some reason, your latest post strikes me as very...fishy. Hate to buck the trend now that folks have decided on things, but my vote is for demonickittens. Feel free to defend yourself.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]


I agree with sreservoir. You seem all to willing to be lynched.

Also: sreservoir, your name is hell for me to spell.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

While Mawile and Flora and Ashes are anti-town, now that they've revealed themselves, I can't see them posing too much of a threat. They can't disrupt any night actions or anything, and we can and will take their words with a grain of salt. Without any other leads, sure, I'm in for lynching them, but I'll wait for demonickittens to defend itself before I cast my vote.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

the kittens is acting incredibly suspiciously, but I will nevertheless vote mawile because it can't possibly by pro-town and has a fair chance of being anti-town.

also, finger of suspicion on skylark.

Also: sreservoir, your name is hell for me to spell.

you can opt for res if it's too hard.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

I have no defense. All I offer is the fact that I am the Judge. Believe it or not I am with the town. But do whatever you want with me my life is yours.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

...I kind of wonder about the use of the judge. it is kind of fundamentally anti-town.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

This is from the roles page.

The Nice People that do Nice Things to Stop Evilness
The Doctors - The two doctors are nice people. They help people when they get sick. They can also choose one person each night to save from death by prescribing them Live Saving Pills (TM). Unfortunately, if they both give these to the same person, they will overdose and the Life Saving Pills will do anything but save a life.

Psychic Detective - The Psychic detective is a very witty person. He is also very smart. Every night, Mr. Psychic Detective can check up on one person to see if they are Mafia or not.

The Judge - The Judge is a very powerful woman in the town of Blargindale. Under these high tension times, she remains very calm and is looked up to by all of the Blargindalianites. The Judge has the ability to grant someone Immunity during the night, which prevents them from being nominated the next day. No one will know who the judge is. Every morning, the city will have a piece of paper that says who has been granted immunity for that day. If the judge is killed, she will show up as "Judge" instead of Not Mafia/Mafia.

Not Corrupt Politician - The not corrupt politician is, well, not corrupt. The not corrupt politician will be made aware of who the Doctors and the Psychic detectives are, but will not be allowed to communicate with them. The not corrupt politician has the same abilities as the corrupt politician, which are:
-Choose to hide someone for a day, removing them from the day's discussion
-Choose to imprison someone for a night, halting any night action that the target performed.
-Absolutely nothing

Jenny and Ginny - Jenny and Ginny are total BFFs. They do everything together; school, homework, potty breaks, they do all of those things together. If one of them dies, the other would be pretty pissed. So pissed, that they'd enact their revenge by killing someone who they think killed the other person. Every night, each one of them targets someone who they think will kill Jenny or Ginny. If one of them dies, the person the other one targeted will, in turn, be killed in revenge.

but if you want to kill me fine. In that case I nominate Demonickittens.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

I mean, the role of the judge is basically anti-town. lynch is the town's method of killing people off. the judge prevents that.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

True, the only way this role can be used for the town; is if I know something that everybody else does not. But I didn't make the roles.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

Wait, wait, you're nominating yourself now? That, just....makes little to no sense. I mean, if you're the judge, why wouldn't you nominate yourself to be not lynched? And why are you voting for yourself when someone else has more votes? (And if you are actually mafia, kudos for making me doubt lynching you this much.)

My vote is unchanged, for now.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

Well, demonic hasn't used their powers, meaning that they realize the anti-townness. And somehow I doubt the Judge can grant themselves immunity. But still, self-voting is just...odd. You might as well at least try to steer attention towards Mawile, as she only needs two more votes and I think there are some who would be happy to vote for her after a little prompting or something. I dunno, you suddenly seem to want to be lynched.

demonickittens could be Crazy Lady Henderson and trying to decide who to blow up? =/ Eh, I kind of doubt it.
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

My point is that how con I nominate someone without being willing to die myself but i guess Mawile has it coming so fine I will change my vote to Mawile
Re: The Bad People Who Kill People in an Evil Manner [DAY TWO]

Just because you vote for someone doesn't mean that everyone's going to kill you. I'm confused. :S
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