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Search results

  1. Aobaru

    New tcod Style im not sure to like

    For replacing my Darren avatar with "unreal air", the mothafucka who did this better watch his/her back. >D
  2. Aobaru

    Fond (or Not So Fond) Memories of TCoD

    I remember being anti-gay on here and then going through puberty and realizing I was bi :o
  3. Aobaru

    Doctor Mafia (Night 3)

    Re: Doctor Mafia (Day 2) Either you did send the PM, or you didn't. :\
  4. Aobaru

    Double Digits; high fives all around!

    Just *hic* wishing to want you a Merry Birthday filled with... fluffy stuff. Was I already here?
  5. Aobaru

    Double Digits; high fives all around!

    *sneaks a little rum into his glass of cream soda and quickly drinks it* :D
  6. Aobaru

    The One Man Disney Movie

    ...how does his voice do that. Seriously. He would be great on Glee.
  7. Aobaru

    hurr hurr I have reached the age of consent.

    Odd title I know, but I finally feel like I can officially say "I'm not a child now, I can have sex legally." :D
  8. Aobaru


    Thanks for killing the mood -_-
  9. Aobaru


    Tell that to him ; ;
  10. Aobaru


    But, seriously... penis, what's not to like?! I curse your genetic makeup, Darren!
  11. Aobaru

    hurr hurr I have reached the age of consent.

    ...in other words, I'm 16! :D We're going downtown on Sunday to eat at an Italian restaurant. It'll be fun. And I'm getting The Internet Is A Playground, too. Oh happy day!
  12. Aobaru


    Well considering he's I guess you win by default...
  13. Aobaru

    Awesome movies to Recommend

    V for Vendetta made me cry ;-; When the . Another concur for Scott Pilgrim. Best movie for one-liners ever. And the leader of Sex Bob-Ombs is adorkable.
  14. Aobaru


  15. Aobaru


    "My original songs are made of mediocrity." But like seriously I love how they hyped it all up. OOGH FOR THE FIRST TIME GLEE WILL HAVE ORIGINAL SONGS and then meh. How the fuck did the Warblers not win. I did like Mercedes and Puck's songs, though. Also: Trouty Lips. :D
  16. Aobaru

    Yes, then let us join in our mutual admiration/obsession with Darren!

    Yes, then let us join in our mutual admiration/obsession with Darren!
  17. Aobaru

    Curse you for stealing my Darren theme :x

    Curse you for stealing my Darren theme :x
  18. Aobaru

    Doctor Mafia (Night 3)

    Re: Doctor Mafia (Day 1) Unless you mean who else healed Seri, at which point I would say I don't know :\
  19. Aobaru

    Annoying Error

    I assume that means too many people are accessing the server? When it happens to me, it's usually resolved after about ten minutes.
  20. Aobaru

    Doctor Mafia (Night 3)

    Re: Doctor Mafia (Day 1) ABCD because there's no sense in fighting the current :\ I healed Seri last night.
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