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Search results

  1. Harlequin

    Christmas decorations.

    I fucking hate Christmas decorations. More often than not they're tacky and look horrible, and then you have to actually put them up and take them down again... meh. We're not decorating our house but I imagine that my mother will decorate hers.
  2. Harlequin

    TMI Time: Virginity

    ""Let's have sex!" "Okay!"" is like, the dream. (unless you're looking for a relationship, in which case it's just kind of annoying)
  3. Harlequin


  4. Harlequin


  5. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Depends when you're defining "Christmas period"! I'll be going home around the 17th, I think.
  6. Harlequin

    Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, etc.

    I basically agree with Butterfree here. I'm probably going to expand on this later, though. WATCH THIS SPACE
  7. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Well, there's a regular Saturday morning social at The Vulcan Lounge in Cathays, although I'm likely to miss next week's because I'm going home for the weekend. There's nothing that interesting on this week, but on the 5th there's a quiz night, then on the 9th there's a social to Pulse, and then...
  8. Harlequin

    SFF Quiz

    Oh, yeah, I should have specified that I wasn't talking about this specifically! It just annoys me when people make quizzes too hard (see my brackets in my last post). I had a go at the quiz but I don't want to send you my answers, sry. :P
  9. Harlequin

    SFF Quiz

    But a quiz that's too hard is a bad quiz!!!! A good quiz should be challenging but doable, with some more difficult questions for the hardcore quiz participants!!! (I have this argument with the girl who writes the Harry Potter Society quizzes all the time, but basically when none of the houses...
  10. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    In all seriousness our LGBT+ association is a pretty cool guy! It has a dedicated political wing as well as a social wing, and it runs non-drinking socials all the time, as well as on-scene and off-scene socials. Good support network, if you need it. Cardiff isn't a bad place to be gay I guess...
  11. Harlequin

    What national holiday is on your birthday?

    Machine Day, which is pretty cool because machines are cool.
  12. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    You could also come to LGBT+ society events! For the record I've not been to any gay clubs either, but the society does do club nights all the time! Thursday is one!
  13. Harlequin

    University Applications

    I know people who didn't live in halls and they said that they regret not doing it for the experience, and I know that personally most of my friends are people I lived with in first year, but it's going to really be dependent on your particular circumstances. Also! Don't worry about the age...
  14. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Come to Cardiff's! Everyone is really friendly and I'm fairly sure we've got a guy from UWIC who comes to stuff sometimes! absolutely no one would mind that you're not a Cardiff student or anything like that! We have some people who aren't even students at all! If you don't just want to turn up...
  15. Harlequin

    I Have a Problem!

    I went to Sainsbury's dressed like it, too! But it's okay because where I live is full of students so this sort of thing is perfectly normal.
  16. Harlequin

    I Have a Problem!

    I went with arcanine and right now I'm sat in my living room dressed as one. :D
  17. Harlequin

    Help me commit to my Euro trip!

    If you're here in sort of the May/June area I could host you in Cardiff, if you're at all interested in being here!
  18. Harlequin

    The CoD Word War - NaNoWriMo 2011

    Yeah I've added in a few more scenes since I discovered this, and I've been reading through to see where I'm missing scenes or to see where I could put some more things in that also develop the plot. It's all very bare and basic at the moment because it's NaNo and a first draft, so this has been...
  19. Harlequin

    I Have a Problem!

    One is with the anime society. It's a joint social with the Japanese society, apparently. I'm not a member of either society because I don't really like anime and I'm not a particular fan of Japan or Japanese culture. I'm only going to that one because my friend is the vice president of the...
  20. Harlequin

    I Have a Problem!

    I'm going to two Pokémon themed parties next week! I like the diglett idea, actually! I probably won't use it but it's great to have in the future if I get bored of arcanine. :D
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