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Search results

  1. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Westward Trails

    “It’s a matter of perspective then,” Aige mused. “Spirituality can be as much of a companion to religion as it can be mutually exclusive.” She glanced at Lyle, thinking about his words. “I know it depends on the definition, but can a god really be a god if they’re dead? Not to me at least, but...
  2. RJr3:2

    Wayfarer Comms

    Good to see you’re doing okay, Grace! While there’s a high chance that the Charmeleon might be Owen as others have been saying, I do want to note that neither of them ever said their names, so even if there’s only a 1 percent chance, we should keep in mind that it might be someone else! This is...
  3. RJr3:2

    Obstinea Mountains Westward Trails

    “Not much for religion here either,” Aige piped up from behind them. The Roggenrola was busy taking in the sights. The last time she had been out of town, she had had a lot to worry about and had not been able to enjoy the trip, so in a sense, she was making up for it. Just a little. She...
  4. RJr3:2

    Wayfarer Comms

    Koa? Not the best at recognizing voices. But yes, I’m alright, thank you for your concern! I did not see any Drapion while I was pursuing, nor any signs of one having been around. As far as talking though, two things stand out. At one point, I was almost discovered, and the Zweilous expressed...
  5. RJr3:2

    Wayfarer Comms

    Okay, message, message. This is kind of like something back home... I'll keep this as short as I can! This is Aige, and I don't know everyone that well, but I have been around. I'm a Roggenrola. You might have heard this, but there was just recently a jailbreak from the Frontier Town facility...
  6. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    “That’s enough for today,” Aige said, looking around idly. Gathering a few stones, she made a small cairn to mark her place and started off back towards town. Time to sort through what I learned. As the Roggenrola walked, she wondered if anyone else from the jail had run in to anything. “I...
  7. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    I suppose asking for more would be inviting death. Aige let herself relax, feeling a little more lucky than usual. “Guess I can follow the road now until I hit a dead end,” she said to herself, speaking to no one for what felt like the first time in ages. “They’re a bit more alert now, but if...
  8. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Aige didn't move. Her job was something like this. Arrest the bad guy, protect the innocent. Bear and define the line that separated the two and decide who is punished accordingly. Walk forward, receive acknowledgement. Walk away, selfsame result. She thought a little about her...
  9. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Aige stopped in place behind them. End of the line. As she waited to see what happened next, she wondered if somewhere in her heart, she wanted something like this to happen.
  10. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Aige quickly arranged the rocks she had picked up into a crude arrow and threw the rest away, save for a small pebble she put in a small crevice in her face. You’d think they would slow down a bit once they got out of town. I’m surprised they can keep that pace carrying someone else. She...
  11. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Aige silently weighed her options. What was the saying? Nothing ventured, nothing gained? The Roggenrola continued to follow. I shouldn't smell like anything, I hope. If this is the road to the quarry, then I might actually have a better chance. Sound then? Aige paid close attention to her...
  12. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Looking over the two, Aige slowed her pace, adjusting her footfalls slightly to try and match the Zweilous. She alternated her gaze between the retreating figure and the ground in front of her. Not the ones locked up? Unless those things they have were those... poke balls or whatever they were...
  13. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Grand Station Construction Site

    Aige's pace slowed a little, the Roggenrola turning around to watch the sun through the fog. The shadow trail undulated slowly as she looked at it closely. That they would break out now and leave a trail would suggest that this shadow ability is new to them, she thought. Multiple trails are...
  14. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Jailhouse

    "Well, all we can do now is wish each other good luck," Aige said, starting off away from the others. "I hope I don't seem too selfish going off by myself, but let's worry about the specifics after the fact. Just do your best!"
  15. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Jailhouse

    "Not much time to think over it," Aige said, sounding a little put off. "But I agree with Grace that we should go now." The Roggenrola nodded at the Togetic. "Nice to meet you by the way." Looking at the others, Aige tilted back and forth. "However, I think we should probably split up. We...
  16. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Jailhouse

    "The mayor... wasn't it," Aige murmured, looking around. "I wonder if he's the type that would chafe at having to lay low in their own playground- so to speak." The Roggenrola listened carefully as Felin and Koa debated pursuit. "Normally, I'd be all for staying put, but there might be some...
  17. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Jailhouse

    Behind the others, Aige had managed to slip in, quietly looking around. After the dream, she wasn't quite sure how to feel. The powers that be and everything else everyone had been frantically asking questions about had not quite gone over her head but more to the side, leaving the Roggenrola...
  18. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Industrial Park

    Aige followed the developments of the conversation, slowly thinking things over. Nolan's comments about humans and non-humans rang hollow to her, for all it meant he could have been saying the same thing about the rich and the poor. At the very least, she could appreciate how passionate he...
  19. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Industrial Park

    "It's not such a bad name," Aige said from further back. "Being shamelessly dramatic often means being shamelessly passionate- at least I think so." Listening to everyone going back and forth, the Roggenrola had had nothing to add. She wished that everyone could have just sat down for a nice...
  20. RJr3:2

    Frontier Town Industrial Park

    Aige had stayed quiet, feeling a little behind the curve compared to the others. As she soaked in the information, the Roggenrola went back and forth in her head with guesses as to what it felt like to be a shadow pokemon. “Well that’s not very fair if they hit harder than anyone else,” she...
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