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Frontier Town Jailhouse

"Um... I don't think splitting off after the Shadows alone is a good idea," Grace said worriedly. "There's more than just those two out there... what if Owen or another Shadow Pokémon attacks?"

She shuddered, then seemed to steel herself. No, this wasn't the time to be afraid! If she ran into Owen, maybe she could figure out how to help him...

"Betel is... just a thought away, right? I don't think I've really tried it either..." Grace frowned, glancing at Gerome again. "If we don't return, I'm sure anyone here could say if we're missing..."
"I'm on board with splitting up, for anymon willing to. Either way, time is a'ticking the longer we stay here yapping on what to do," Felin Boots said, sliding her paws easily out of her boots and nudging them towards Gerome.

Felin smiled at him sheepishly. "Hang on to these for me, will ya?" she requested, "Would give folks something to remember me by if I don't make it back, though I doubt that'd be necessary."
If it meant trying to find Drapion or finding out what really happened, the risk could be worth it. And he was still annoyed that Ignatius had gotten out. "Okay," Koa said hesitantly. "If we hurry maybe we can track them down, or at least figure out what direction they went. Maybe if we spread out and search the area we can find traces... But we should try to stay close if we can, and not fight them." His last words came in a firm growl.

"Like I said this shadow stuff can do something to Betel. So they might not be a thought away. We have to be really careful."

Koa started towards the outside of the jail, intent on trying to glean anything, even the tiniest detail, scuff of a pawprint, or lingering scent of shadow or even Drapion's scent he could find. Drapion at least he was familiar with, so maybe if he could figure out where it went...

'Betel if you can hear me right now, let the group know we're investigating the break in at the jail. And we're trying to pursue, so maybe send backup if we vanish.'
"Seems real risky, givin' chase all suddenly like this," Gerome commented, taking the boots with a puzzled frown, "but then again, might be yer only shot at a good lead on what happened here. Just don't go takin' risks if you run into trouble, all I'll say. Seems you guys do that a lot..." He shrugged. "...I'm gonna head back to the bar. Report there, make sure everyone's alive, after yer done."

He lumbered away...

Koa found... that the wetness of the land from the attack, everything was so thoroughly covered. But based on how Drapion was, there would surely be some marks or indentations... that would have been covered up by now from the water.

However... they'd arrived pretty quickly and Koa could be sure that Drapion did not go southward. Which meant... well, that didn't narrow down a whole lot. But it was something.

The trail would be cold soon. They had to act fast. Stay behind and interview or help the Shadowed guards, or leave to pursue the escapees.
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"Well, all we can do now is wish each other good luck," Aige said, starting off away from the others. "I hope I don't seem too selfish going off by myself, but let's worry about the specifics after the fact. Just do your best!"
"Well, I best be going too then," Felin said, raising her paw in a quick salute before bounding away into one of the paths.
Fear gnawed inside Koa's gut. He really hoped Betel was listening. Or that this wouldn't be a repeat of what happened with Alex. Or that the others wouldn't encounter some kind of shadow. Or that Drapion wouldn't be worse of. Or- Pushing down the swirl of thoughts Koa sniffed around a few more seconds, scanned the horizon, then picked a direction and set off.
"Wait, are we even going to co-ordinate on this or--" Grace huffed, knowing that her words more or less fell on deaf ears. "Okay, um, we'll be back for the guards, I promise. If not us, then others from our team. We're going to follow these traces before they disappear. Just keep everyone away, and be careful with those guards!"

Her eyes widened, and she quickly took off after Koa. "H-Hey, wait!" she called, flapping her wings after him. At least she was faster, now.
The Wayfarers scattered and the guards seemed to know to keep their Shadowed compatriots covered for now. Hopefully, they would find something... but as the water slowly evaporated, releasing remnant but largely harmless Shadow mist that further dissolved into nothing, doubt sank in.

The odds of them catching up to the perpetrators was very slim... Would they find anything at all?

They just had to try.

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