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Frontier Town Industrial Park

Bellatrix could only inwardly groan at what was happening around her. From the inteleon's shady behaviour, to Steven willfully giving away what was in that notebook to Wes flying off the handle. Nolan still didn't give her any reason to trust him and for all they knew, he was just as likely to be involved in these shady dealings as he was investigating, especially after...

"And the name of this organisation is?" she asked, electing to push past the rockruff's rant in the hopes that something more could be gathered. At this point, she had it in mind to decline whatever offer this was to entail and do her own personal research seeing how Nolan was more than happy to keep her and the others chasing their own tails with platitudes and ambiguity. His employment offer had the makings of a trap written all over it. Why would he be so opaque about it otherwise?
Steven held his carefully crafted neutral smile as Nolan explained. A 'gentleman's agreement' was on the table, and while that left some room for interpretation, it seemed like a better outcome than making an enemy out of someone who had an entire government agency backing him. A government agency that was already breathing down their necks thanks to the whole mayor situation...

He was about to voice his support of Nolan's agreement when something gave him pause. "Permanent employment?" he echoed, eye tilting to the side in puzzlement. That seemed rather... sudden. No vetting period, no trial run? Besides, Steven was already gainfully employed at the local mines, and he was quite happy with that.

"Maybe we should--" he began, when he was cut off by the shiny rockruff:
a yappy puppy who clearly has never heard of the word 'civility' said:
“Well, pardon me for not trusting this guy right off the bat just because he claims to have good intentions!”

Steven was stunned into silence, and he watched the rockruff spin back around to start mouthing off to Nolan with a wide, incredulous eye. Did he seriously think Steven had no plan? That he'd just blindly throw away their only bargaining chip with no contingencies? Did he not listen when Steven made it clear they'd be working with Nolan so they could keep an eye on him and the documents at all times? Did he want to run face-first into these shadow pokemon with no information and no help?

There were a good many things Steven wanted to say to this guy right about now, but he certainly couldn't voice them aloud. Not in front of present company, anyway. For now, he settled for glaring daggers at the rockruff's back and hoping his little tantrum wasn't enough to ruin the mood of their only good lead...
Andre followed the conversation wordlessly. Given all of his concerns and questions were being voiced by everyone else, he was content to stay silent. And as much as he hated to admit it, part of him also wanted the responsibility of the decisions to fall on the others in this situation with painfully little information to make choices on. Cowardly, as always.

He inhaled sharpy when Steven mentioned the documents. They'd just met this guy, and they still had no idea if he was who he said he was. He made a mental note to stress after the meeting that they should make a copy of those documents as soon as possible, not just in the case that they did hand over those documents but also in case someone decided to take them without asking.

At the offer of employment, he raised a brow. What exactly would that entail? What would they get themselves involved in? If it turned out unpalatable, would they be able to leave? Would they be blacklisted? Hell, would they be blacklisted now if they said no?

As much as he doubted the inteleon and the intentions of his organization, the alleged opportunities were also enticing. More information, more resources. Getting closer to the truth behind Terminal Two and more. Working on the issue they were most likely called here to solve. Hopefully putting an end to this shadow pokémon business and making sure no one had to fall prey to those beasts.

He decided he would wait and see what the others settled on.
this Inteleon fucker
who the fuck

Amidst the escalating tension, Nolan spared a scrutinising eye for Dave, as if wondering just what his game was.

At the offer of employment, he raised a brow.

Andre drew similar inquisitive glances – Nolan was not one to underestimate a silent participant.

For now, he settled for glaring daggers at the rockruff's back

Steven, meanwhile, earned a subtly gratified twitch of Nolan's mouth at the discord between the party members. The Inteleon, it seemed, did not have a perfect poker face.

"Hypothetically speaking, if we were to accept the parameters of ‘permanent employment,’ what would that entail? [...] So, you get access to the journal, cooperation on our end, conditional on nobody on your end doing anything questionable, and we get what benefits from your organization? Info? Protection?”
“Well, pardon me for not trusting this guy right off the bat just because he claims to have good intentions! You still haven’t told us who your employers are, or what they do specifically, other than this auditing business you’re a part of. And now we have to agree to join you with the scraps of information you’re barely willing to tell us? How do we know you’re not just trying to get in on the action or whatever Voclain was up to? How do we know you’re not just in this for your own gain—or your organization’s gain? You’ve told us what you do, but not what you want, or why. Let alone what they want. And until you tell us more about that, I’m not giving you shit.”
"And the name of this organisation is?"

Nolan paused for thought as Odette inquired further, only to raise a brow very nearly off his face as Wes levied a series of accusations and doubts his way. His mouth curled downward into a reptilian grimace.

"My my," he uttered, his voice caustic with sarcasm. "How civil."

He sighed, planted his palms on the desk, and shook his head.

"I only meant to suggest a future possibility. I am not a recruitment agent. In fact, I have as little to do with Personnel Administration as possible... Still, though I do not make a habit of talking about my organisation as a matter of information security, it may be for the best that I give you more of an explanation."

Nolan smiled as agreeably as he could manage – not that he could fully purge the traces of scorn from his expression following an outburst like that – and clasped his slender hands together.

"My work is most commonly as a consultant for the Commonwealth Bureau of Investigation. However, the institution I belong to and represent is an independent society founded to research extraordinary phenomena, and insofar as is possible and necessary, to safeguard the public good against it. This society calls itself the Covenant of Light."

He looked sheepish for a moment, and then glanced away.

"It's rather more fanciful a title than I would have suggested, I must say..."
Well. If there was ever a list of organisation names that screamed 'we're a cult!' Covenant of Light was certainly sitting near the top.

"Subtle," Bellatrix replied. "I take it that said light is more about enlightenment?" A bit of an unfounded leap, admittedly, but that conclusion felt the most sound unless they worshiped some mythical light-bearing deity which just made her ask why not a religious organisation? "If that is so," she continued, "it does make me wonder how the study of extraordinary phenomena ties into it," she tittered, keeping her expression even. Obviously, 'extraordinary phenomena' would cover humans and offworlders which would make the immense interest in their group a foregone conclusion.

Still, she didn't have all the pieces. Perhaps the others who hadn't run off to Blaguarro could fill her in.
Wes could practically feel Steven’s burning glare on the back of his head, and he certainly didn’t miss the light note of annoyance in Bellatrix’s tone when she spoke up. His frustration flared—surely he couldn’t be the only one who was alarmed at the prospect of showing all their cards so quickly? He wanted to say as much to Steven, but now was not the time nor place.

And…The Covenant of Light? Hah. Please. Wes had another snide response at the ready, but at the last second he managed to stop himself. With a steadying breath, he willed his bristling fur to lie flat and met Nolan’s gaze once more in an even a manner as possible.

“Thank you for answering,” he said, unable to keep a hint of annoyance out of his voice. “Honestly, that sounds like a noble cause your organization has undertaken.” It’s also suspicious as hell and I don’t buy it for a second. “Why all the secrecy, if this is for the public good?”
Nolan huffed a sort of dry half-chuckle.

"The name is rather... dated, by now. It predates modern sensibilities, but does indeed refer to enlightenment – the founders were educated people who wished to further true understanding of the world's mysteries and dispel mere superstition. There is also a fanciful myth, popular in the organisation, that 'summoned humans' appear from – and return to – the aether in a cascade of light. The Covenant is not a human organisation per se, but it certainly does have many human members. I myself am of human descent." The twitch of his mouth at saying this indicated it was a matter about which he had hidden depths of feeling. "As you say, humans certainly are foremost in the category of 'extraordinary phenomena'. As are Shadow pokémon."

“Why all the secrecy, if this is for the public good?”

Nolan's smile was hard to read, but it certainly wasn't warm.

"The public good often necessitates discretion. Imagine if every strange occurrence with far-reaching implications were immediately cast into the public eye – order would give way to chaos, and understanding would be lost in the inevitable panicked squabbling. I do hope you'll show restraint when determining who to tell about Shadow pokémon, for instance."
"It's not such a bad name," Aige said from further back. "Being shamelessly dramatic often means being shamelessly passionate- at least I think so."

Listening to everyone going back and forth, the Roggenrola had had nothing to add. She wished that everyone could have just sat down for a nice talk, no suspicion, no assumptions, no giving and no taking, just talk.

That would be too forward of me to ask for, she thought sheepishly.

"I agree that public good requires discretion," she continued thoughtfully, "But who knows, maybe public good comes from a little chaos too, hm?"

Aige hesitated. "That was... a joke." She didn't sound sure of herself.
"The name is rather... dated, by now. It predates modern sensibilities, but does indeed refer to enlightenment – the founders were educated people who wished to further true understanding of the world's mysteries and dispel mere superstition. There is also a fanciful myth, popular in the organisation, that 'summoned humans' appear from – and return to – the aether in a cascade of light. The Covenant is not a human organisation per se, but it certainly does have many human members. I myself am of human descent." The twitch of his mouth at saying this indicated it was a matter about which he had hidden depths of feeling. "As you say, humans certainly are foremost in the category of 'extraordinary phenomena'. As are Shadow pokémon."
Ooookay. That was a whole heap of red flags. Covenant of Light? Enlightenment? Most importantly, humans? It screamed human supremacy. Andre suppressed an exasperated sigh and gave Steven a look of 'look who you exposed our secrets to'. They really should have been more careful, dammit, but of course it was easy to see in hindsight.

Well, what now? They'd have to give up those documents - it didn't matter if they went back on their offer now as the inteleon had already said he could take them by force. How much did that cost them? The human supremacists would be able to know how much they knew about Voclain's dealings. They'd know that the offworlders knew about Terminal Two being in Blaguarro and likely shut it down - provided they were involved with the place, that was still uncertain, right. If they were, though, that would invalidate the offworlders' major finding of locating the place. Three steps back. Well, at least there wouldn't be any new shadow pokémon in Blaguarro. Provided Terminal Two was involved with those. Gods, what a mess this all was when nothing was confirmed.

Andre suddenly felt very tired.
Odette continued to keep her expression neutral despite the anger welling up in the crevices of her mind. Again. Again with the lack of answered questions. Just a vague allusion to it. Jawile's stem twitched, and she reached up to adjust her glasses.

"The public good often necessitates discretion. Imagine if every strange occurrence with far-reaching implications were immediately cast into the public eye – order would give way to chaos, and understanding would be lost in the inevitable panicked squabbling. I do hope you'll show restraint when determining who to tell about Shadow pokémon, for instance."
"Not to mention, if there's anything--or anyone--causing the strange occurrence, they'd take that chaos as the distraction needed to run for the hills," she said, not taking her eyes off Nolan.

"I only meant to suggest a future possibility. I am not a recruitment agent. In fact, I have as little to do with Personnel Administration as possible... Still, though I do not make a habit of talking about my organisation as a matter of information security, it may be for the best that I give you more of an explanation."
"That aside, noted. You're not a recruitment agent. You don't like discussing your elusive dealings. Confidential stuff; I get it," she said evenly. "But you did propose the idea of potential employment, so who would be willing to speak about the parameters of that? I again want to reiterate that getting close to Shadow Pokemon might spell certain death for us. So if you're keen on us 'investigating' as part of our potential deal here, something is going to have to give to make the prospects of that more accessible. I don't want to walk back into the line of fire without certainty I'm not going to have my head..." she trailed off for a beat, "...s, blown off."

If this guy wasn't game to give answers, perhaps she could prod someone who would be a tad more qualified to open up some more. And the more members of this Covenant of Light she could interact with, the better she could gauge them and the metaphorical fishy smell that surrounded this whole thing.
Yeah, still not buying it. But fine, if he needed to humor this jerk for a bit, then he’d give it a shot. “Makes sense, I suppose. Don’t want to cause a panic by going around asking just anybody about Shadow Pokémon.”

He narrowed his eyes slightly. “You’ve mentioned that you’ve been doing research into how these Shadows are created. What have you found so far?”
More humans? Enough to create a whole organization? That was certainly a surprise, given it seemed humans coming to Forlas were a rather rare occurrence. And Nolan was one of those occurrences.

Steven gave a non-committal hum. It was all a bit much, he had to admit, (and more than a bit vague) but they'd already had to make do with less...

"I see your point," he murmured, "but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Consider our cooperation on the matter of these shadow pokemon with the investigation bureau-- not any other organization. As for that particular subject, I think that's a discussion for another time..."

He had a feeling regardless of their answer to Nolan, this wouldn't be the last they'd see of him.

Why some of the present company wanted to piss the well-connected inteleon off already was beyond him. At least the rockruff seemed to be dialing his attitude back somewhat.

Steven chirped an inquisitive, yet hopeful tone. "I'm assuming the earlier agreement is still on the table?"
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"The public good often necessitates discretion. Imagine if every strange occurrence with far-reaching implications were immediately cast into the public eye – order would give way to chaos, and understanding would be lost in the inevitable panicked squabbling. I do hope you'll show restraint when determining who to tell about Shadow pokémon, for instance."
Dave raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I can't say I'm a huge fan of the 'general public should be kept ignorant and in the dark because their feeble minds can't take it' approach myself. For one thing, when people are already regularly disappearing and sighting 'Witching Beasts' up in Blaguarro, that cat's pretty well out of the bag."

That'd be something you could propose to misguidedly serve the public good, sure. It'd also be something you'd propose to minimize attention on your own shady business.

He exhaled. Fuck it. "So what is the big deal with humans, in your organization's view?"
"But who knows, maybe public good comes from a little chaos too, hm? That was... a joke."
"Yeah, I can't say I'm a huge fan of the 'general public should be kept ignorant and in the dark because their feeble minds can't take it' approach myself. For one thing, when people are already regularly disappearing and sighting 'Witching Beasts' up in Blaguarro, that cat's pretty well out of the bag."

"That may be so," Nolan said, sounding like nothing could be further from the truth, "but I struggle to imagine what good it would do to publicise our limited intelligence on these events elsewhere. The press would have a field day, exploiting public terror – or instead by labelling us cretins who believe in frontier ghost stories."

He sniffed dismissively, and turned to another 'mon.

"You're not a recruitment agent. You don't like discussing your elusive dealings. Confidential stuff; I get it. But you did propose the idea of potential employment, so who would be willing to speak about the parameters of that? I again want to reiterate that getting close to Shadow Pokemon might spell certain death for us. So if you're keen on us 'investigating' as part of our potential deal here, something is going to have to give to make the prospects of that more accessible. I don't want to walk back into the line of fire without certainty I'm not going to have my heads blown off."
"Consider our cooperation on the matter of these shadow pokemon with the investigation bureau-- not any other organization. As for that particular subject, I think that's a discussion for another time... I'm assuming the earlier agreement is still on the table?"

Nolan's quizzical brow-raise returned.

"I said I'm starting to think the Covenant would do well to employ you. I also said a little prior that I have no authority to make any formal affiliation with you." The Inteleon sighed, and leaned back a little. "I can submit a memo recommending that you are approached. That is all."

He adjusted his cravat and cleared his throat.

"I had assumed that since you approached me that you were already intent on pursuing further investigation of the Blaguarro matter! If you've no independent interest at all, then that is most unfortunate news and there's little I can do to persuade you to stay involved. I had thought only that if we were both looking into the matter, that we might continue to share our intelligence. That is the offer I am making, and that offer – to which the Beldum gentleman refers – remains open. A gentleman's agreement to cooperate. Nothing more."

“You’ve mentioned that you’ve been doing research into how these Shadows are created. What have you found so far?”

Nolan ran a hand along his crest, which could have been a way of collecting himself.

"Unfortunately, without testimony, documentation, or observation of whatever process is used, I cannot begin to guess. However – and this is pure speculation, mind you – I believe that wildlife and residents of the frontier region are being turned into these appalling beasts, and that the sophistication and secrecy of this operation indicates it was begun, and may still be overseen by, humans. This 'Wolf' being one of them. Call it intuition, or an educated guess."

"So what is the big deal with humans, in your organization's view?"

He nodded towards Dave at this point.

"Humans do not exist naturally on Forlas. If we consider them as a species, then they do not exist at all. They cannot. Humans only exist here by taking the forms of pokémon, traditionally when they are summoned from beyond to prevent great disasters. In doing so, they inherit enormous potential for strength in battle, and a mantle of responsibility to use that for good."

He coughed lightly, and seemed to drop a certain formal air, as if he'd been quoting something.

"Surely you must have realised that you are growing stronger at a much greater rate than any native of this world. Surely you know that you are not unremarkable. This trend will only continue."
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"Unfortunately, without testimony, documentation, or observation of whatever process is used, I cannot begin to guess. However – and this is pure speculation, mind you – I believe that wildlife and residents of the frontier region are being turned into these appalling beasts, and that the sophistication and secrecy of this operation indicates it was begun, and may still be overseen by, humans. This 'Wolf' being one of them. Call it intuition, or an educated guess."
Of course the most glaring red flag came from an off-hand comment, rather than his direct answer. "Sophistication and secrecy, huh," he said. "Funnily enough that doesn't strike me as a direct consequence of strength in battle."

Growing stronger at a much greater rate than a native was part of what the cloud had mentioned, wasn't it. Fair enough. They were on their way to becoming a bunch of fucking superheroes, he supposed. "As for our 'remarkable strength', as it happens only some of us are human, but the whole remarkable strength thing sure seems to apply equally to all of us, so it feels like there's some gap in your logic there."
She made a conscious effort to not let the tension drain from her shoulders. Clearly this was a wall she wasn’t going to get through, and if she kept throwing unanswered or wordy-yet-vaguely-sidestepped questions at him, she was going to end up throwing something far more physical at him.

Settle. Settle down. Keep it together.

“Understood,” she said in a weighted breath. “And I assume physical samples like attack residuals like my pin here are useless in the research endeavors, yeah?”
Nolan nodded, his face briefly showing genuine commiseration.

"I'm afraid so. Elemental energy fades quickly from such things. You are holding a piece of chitin with a trace signature of Shadow – it will be entirely inert by the time it arrives back in a research laboratory. One would need a captive Shadow to study."

He looked back to Dave, eyes narrowing.

"There is more to this than I can summarise in a pithy statement. It is the nature of humans that by spending time in the company of non-human pokémon, their extraordinary powers are leached into those... associates. It does not surprise me that your non-human affiliates are growing stronger as well. The same is also true of native pokémon who accompany humans."

Nolan looked as if he'd suffered some kind of acid reflux.
"Unfortunately, without testimony, documentation, or observation of whatever process is used, I cannot begin to guess. However – and this is pure speculation, mind you – I believe that wildlife and residents of the frontier region are being turned into these appalling beasts, and that the sophistication and secrecy of this operation indicates it was begun, and may still be overseen by, humans. This 'Wolf' being one of them. Call it intuition, or an educated guess."

“Hm. I’ve suspected the same, myself.” Nothing is officially confirmed, but going off of what Gladion’s note said…it almost certainly had to be a human-run operation. Shadows didn’t just pop out of the woodworks naturally in Orre, and Wes was pretty damn sure the same could be said of Forlas.

“So you’re from a group that associates with former humans, and then there’s us. And you’re insinuating that there’s some other third group out there that’s responsible for these Shadows. That’s a hell of a lot of former humans out there, then.”

His eyes darkened. “You mentioned a research laboratory. I take it your people have one?”
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