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Search results

  1. Karousever

    Favourite Internet Memes

    Anyone remember the meme with the goats that "crave this mineral" or whatever? It was short lived but I really, really loved it.
  2. Karousever

    Pokemon Sun & Pokemon Moon

    I LOVE THE WOODPECKER. I am so pleased when they have good bird designs, I loved the Fletchling family and I'm prepared to love this woodpecker and his evolutions too.
  3. Karousever


    Yeah, Overwatch is an FPS but it has sprinklings of a MOBA in it, with important team composition and heroes with different abilities that can match up with the rest of your team, or use to counter the enemy. That alone feels like it sets it so far apart from Battlefront, at least. I know...
  4. Karousever


    I was just watching a video today that was talking about how Overwatch will probably be added to over a long period of time. Their biggest piece of evidence was that Overwatch is the first new IP by Blizzard in 17 years, because they like to just work with what they already have so much. So it...
  5. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Hey that's great! If you play on PC, I left my Battle Tag (is that even the right term?) in the Overwatch thread, and we can totally play together sometime. But even if we can't it's still great that you got it!
  6. Karousever


    I'm Ike#1943 on Battle.net, and I don't really have anyone to play with save for a single friend, who has limited Internet so can only play for like half of every month, if even that long. So yeah, don't be shy about adding me, especially if you'll want to play together from time to time. I'd...
  7. Karousever

    The silence game

    *eyes shotgun* *eyes Ferret's PS4* *contemplates...*
  8. Karousever


    I'll admit, it's been my favorite game the past few weeks.
  9. Karousever

    The silence game

    *mourns over the loss of dustpan*
  10. Karousever

    The silence game

    *turns the lights back on and clears away some cobwebs*
  11. Karousever

    Camp NaNoWriMo July 2016

    I'm jaketiger1116 over there as well.
  12. Karousever

    How many Pokédexes (or Pokédex equivalents) have you completed?

    Re: How many Pokédexes (or Pokédex equivalents) have you completed? I've actually taken it upon me to complete the dex in Omega Ruby. We'll see how that goes. I spent 3 hours breeding Pokemon on my Y version last night, one by one duplicating every Pokemon I knew I didn't have on Omega Ruby. I...
  13. Karousever

    Camp NaNoWriMo July 2016

    I'm down, I love NaNo (even though I've never got to my word goal...)!
  14. Karousever

    Potential Live-Action Pokémon Movie

    Re: Potential Live-Action Pokémon Movie I agree with the skeptics. I'm pretty sure this will result in something like Dragonball Evolution or The Last Airbender, and no one will be happy it happened.
  15. Karousever

    How many Pokédexes (or Pokédex equivalents) have you completed?

    Re: How many Pokédexes (or Pokédex equivalents) have you completed? I'm pretty sure my answer is none... Like, I would certainly catch every "new" Pokemon I came across, but I never went the extra mile to make sure I completed a pokedex.
  16. Karousever


    You know what they say, fourth time's the charm!
  17. Karousever

    How many shinies have you seen/caught (Wild encounters only)?

    I've been playing Pokemon since I was five years old. My answer is 0. None owned, bred, or encountered. :( Edit: Wait, I won't exactly say none owned. In Omega Ruby I have a Shiny Crawdaunt on my team, however he was not caught by me. My best friend caught the little Shiny Corphish and traded...
  18. Karousever

    The Café of Doom

    Re: The Café of Doom I really love the Cave, but it's been hard trying to come back. I've missed you all so dearly though.
  19. Karousever

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I keep needing to do homework, but I just started playing Choice of Game's A Wise Use of Time. I love Choice of Games games, I hope I'm not the only one!
  20. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I move in to college tomorrow :D For the first time, I've never done this before.
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