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  1. Automata heart

    wa! i'm always messing that up! thankyou!

    wa! i'm always messing that up! thankyou!
  2. Automata heart

    take away the sensation inside, bitter sweet migraine in my head~ greenday is awesome.

    take away the sensation inside, bitter sweet migraine in my head~ greenday is awesome.
  3. Automata heart

    i may be obsessive, but i'm kawaii.

    i may be obsessive, but i'm kawaii.
  4. Automata heart


  5. Automata heart

    What kind of people do you hang out with?

    my facebook family, (inuyasha fans from all over the world.) people older than me, mostly people with talent, people who can draw and paint and write and sing. and a lot of little kids, seeing as my mother works in childcare. and the few non internet friends i have are sadly abused as my cosplay...
  6. Automata heart

    i know that. but i'm not a sauske fangirl. he's a douchebag. i like fluffy-chan and sebby-kun...

    i know that. but i'm not a sauske fangirl. he's a douchebag. i like fluffy-chan and sebby-kun and ed-kun and fai-san and len-kun and L-kun and kaito-kun!!
  7. Automata heart

    happy birthday L-kun. and if you do not answer this within a month, i will kidnap you. i'm a...

    happy birthday L-kun. and if you do not answer this within a month, i will kidnap you. i'm a fangirl, you know i can do it.
  8. Automata heart

    no problem. i'm only just starting to dress in lolita now, but i love it. if ur interested in...

    no problem. i'm only just starting to dress in lolita now, but i love it. if ur interested in it, may i recomend fyeah lolita as a good blog to learn from? miss caro-chan is really knowlageable.
  9. Automata heart

    True Horror.

    ketsu, wow, i'm a huge vocaloid fan and wide knowlage of the last madness gave me the idea to write this, as well as black and white ward. Storm earth and fire, thank you, if i can find them, i'll give them i read.
  10. Automata heart

    If the whole world were atheist...

    i think better in some ways, such as no more religois war, but people NEED the hope beliveing in a big guy in the sky gives them.
  11. Automata heart


    last night, no crap, i had a night of rerun dreams. one where my friend and i are climbing to the roof of a bilding (i think that may have happened though.) and one about reading manga. i once had this dream involving most of the cast of pokemon and inuyasha and kagome from inuyasha. i cant...
  12. Automata heart

    Funny quotes, typos, etc.

    me: I made lunch!! Eon-kun: We're going to die.
  13. Automata heart

    True Horror.

    thank you everyone! i'm using t.v tropes, i watch zero punctuation every week, as well as Extra credit. i'm also using silent hill as insperation, i like its use of suspence. Verne, i'm going to read those storys you sent me, thank you heaps. i've actualy read alot of poe, and like the way he...
  14. Automata heart


  15. Automata heart

    True Horror.

    Hi. My name is Sakura, and I am writing a horror manga.:dead: I only have a setting at the moment, so i was wondering if any of you guys and girls had any ideas. My setting is a disused mental hospital, or normal disused hospital. so, have a go! but be warned i may use these ideas, but i will...
  16. Automata heart

    okay. i'm going to text you.

    okay. i'm going to text you.
  17. Automata heart

    Hypothetically, if one were to go to Amsterdam,

    SOMEONE SAID MUSEAM! where? also, New Zealand is okay if you're only visiting. living here.
  18. Automata heart

    Zac Efron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

    Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira @blastiose (i'm doing it like this cause i havn't figgured out how to use quote right) hehe. no. mine.
  19. Automata heart


    hehe. longest thread i have ever started. anywhoo, i think mr "cbf typing your user name so i'm gona call you mr. V.P.LJ." is right, where IS the holacaust in this? its like new zealand, WTF have they done with all the jews?
  20. Automata heart

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    Re: STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! well, take a video game, or something, or, if your really feeling spitefull, laugh all the way though the service. i would say just go, no need to make someone dislike you. take a book or something.
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