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Search results

  1. Pikachu

    Sorry, you don't. Sorry for bothering you.

    Sorry, you don't. Sorry for bothering you.
  2. Pikachu

    Raging Whirlpools

    ultraviolet You throw your Pokéball at the wild Barboach. The Barboach pauses and stares at the incoming object, wondering what it is. The Pokéball opens up and in the Barboach goes! The Pokéball shakes for a few seconds, and then glows. Congratulations, you caught a female Barboach! YOu grab...
  3. Pikachu

    Raging Whirlpools

    ultraviolet You decide to leave the Red Scarf spinning around and with a nod at Devvy, both of you go underwater. After spinning around for a few seconds, you get used to the environment and continue to swim. After swimming for a couple of minutes, you notice a female Barboach swim by. Pokéball...
  4. Pikachu

    Em'rild Thicket -/current swarm: Roselia

    I'd like to try, please. *hands over $4*
  5. Pikachu

    The Bank

    -$3 from Full Metal Cookies -$3 from Psymon -$3 from ultraviolet -$3 from Walker
  6. Pikachu

    Once again, terribly sorry for bothering you if you didn't do it.

    Once again, terribly sorry for bothering you if you didn't do it.
  7. Pikachu

    I used to own a sprite shop, and then another, plus I had a RP called The Torn World, and I...

    I used to own a sprite shop, and then another, plus I had a RP called The Torn World, and I posted around and about. First few posts were noobish and were advertising a dead forum.
  8. Pikachu

    OH NOES. ZOMBIE PIKACHUS. Yes, I've come back from the dead, dude.

    OH NOES. ZOMBIE PIKACHUS. Yes, I've come back from the dead, dude.
  9. Pikachu

    Hello, sorry to be bothering you, but is there any reason as to why my Safari Zone area, Raging...

    Hello, sorry to be bothering you, but is there any reason as to why my Safari Zone area, Raging Whirlpools, is locked? If it is regarding the payment, it is right here.
  10. Pikachu

    Raging Whirlpools

    (terribly sorry folks, I had an history final I needed to study for. The original post has been modified a bit to make it clearer.) Full Metal Cookies You and Jet jump into the water and swim towards the South Whirlpool. Suddenly, a current sucks you in and down the whirlpool you go. You begin...
  11. Pikachu

    The Bank

    -$30 from me for a new area
  12. Pikachu

    Raging Whirlpools

    Raging Whirlpools Welcome to the Raging Whirlpools, a series of four whirlpools home to various Water Pokémon. Just recently has this Pokémon habitat been approved as an Official Safari Zone area. We hope you enjoy your stay. The entrance fee is $3, which allows you took explore one whirlpool...
  13. Pikachu

    Magma Volcano

    I'll go ahead and take it, thanks!
  14. Pikachu

    Starlight forest

    I'll have another go, please! This time, with my Meowth!
  15. Pikachu

    Magma Volcano

    I'll try the mountains, please. (hands over $3 in coins)
  16. Pikachu

    Primary Village

    I'd like to have a go, please! *hands over three buckaroos*
  17. Pikachu

    Starlight forest

    I'd like to go into the forest, please! Oh, and can I get a torch (since I have a Totodile)?
  18. Pikachu

    Your PC

    Pikachu Pokémon (Male - obtained as Starter) (Male - obtained at Starlight Forest) chingling (Male - obtained at Primary Village) (Female - obtained at Starlight Forest) chimchar (Male - obtained at Magma Volcano) dusknoir (Male - obtained at The Beaten Path spoink (Female - obtained at...
  19. Pikachu

    The Bank

    I'd like to open an account and get a Totodile, please.
  20. Pikachu

    Calling someone "sister" without being related?

    I do. It's kinda standard in Islam, where you call someone who's about the same age as you (give or take 5-7 yrs.) "brother" or "sister" and calling someone considerably older than you (someone who has kids and is about the same age as one's parents) "uncle" or "aunt". So I've got plenty of...
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