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Starlight forest


Everyone call me elf monster.

You find yourself in a dark forest, which is only lit up by what seem to be strange star like lights that are attached to random poles, along with the very bright stars in the sky. There seems to be a path by the admission office, with is beside a small lake. The admisson office seems to be made of a dark stone, and the admission officer, who seems to be a large chatot, smiles down at you.

This place is full of pokemon that are attracted to the stars and moon, or shiny objects in general. Other pokemon can be found, of course, but since they are not attracted by the starlight sky, they do not appear often. These are often monkey like pokemon, as they live and forage in the trees. Occasionly, a bird pokemon will be found. It costs $3 for a trip into the forest. However, the forest is dark, and you will not be able to properly see unless you have a pokemon with an open flame or flash. If you do not have either, you may buy a torch for $1.

The lake can also be visited, but for health and safetly you can only walk around the edge. Pokemon who live a the surface are commonly found here.

From now on you will get a chance to leave the pokemon or catch it. You will be given four attempts to catch something. But watch out for pit traps...someone has been digging holes around everywhere for some reason.

Items (more coming soon!)
Torch: £1 Allows you to visit this place without flash or an open flamed pokemon. With such pokemon, this is not needed.
Extra pokeball: £1 Allows you to catch one extra pokemon.
Bug Pokebait: £1 Ensures you catch a pokemon of only this type.
Flying Pokebait: £1 Ensures you catch a pokemon of only this type.
Normal Pokebait: £1 Ensures you catch a pokemon of only this type.

Common: Clefairy, Meowth, Murkrow, Zubat, Venonat, Ledian, Dustox
Uncommon: Aipom, Mankey, Golbat, Bellsprout, Hoothoot, Ariados, Yanma, Girafarig, Sneasel, Beautifly, Nuzleaf, Nincada, Skitty, Sableye, Volbeat, Ilumise, Kricketune, Mothim.
Rare: Clefable, Ambipom, Primape, Stunky, Umbreon, Delcatty, Carnivine

Common: Psyduck, Krabby, Horsea, Slowpoke, Wooper, Lotad, Wingull, Corphish, Croagunk.
Uncommon: Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Vaporeon, Dratini, Marill, Quagsire, Lombre, Pelipper, Surskit, Barboach, Bidoof, Shellos.
Rare: Squirtle, Lapras, Totodile, Mudkip, Piplup, Totodile.

Go on, have a go~
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You wander around in the forest for what seems like a long time, when you suddenly see something dark rush in front of you. Startled, you throw your pokeball...

and you have caught a female Ariados!
You wander through the forest, Bronzor floating behind you. You suddenly hear a crash, and you see your Bronzor has banged into what seems to be a female venomoth. You throw your pokeball with ease, and catch it.
You walk around the forest when you hear a soft beating of wings. You turn around, startled, and see a male Mothim looking at you with a calm look on his face. You throw the pokeball, and capture the calm moth pokemon.

You walk around the muddy lake area, looking for a pokemon. Suddenly, you feel pain in your leg. Startled, you look down, and see that a male Totodile biting your leg. Muttering angrilly, you toss your pokeball at his head, making a nice bonk noise on his head while you capture him.
Again again again! Same thing, once in each place, you've got that link to the flashyness...please? =]
I wants a bird =3
You race through the forest, looking for a bird pokemon. You brush past a Venomoth in your haste to find a good bird pokemon. Soon enough, you find a female Murkrow pecking at the dirt. You throw your pokeball at the female pokemon, and catch it.

This time, you decide to watch your step to make sure nothing bites you. After walking for hours in the sticky, gooey mud, you come across a male Poliwag, who looks at you with curiousity. You throw the pokeball with a shrug- after it, it does seem kinda cute.
You and Edward walk through the forest slowly, Edward's flash attack shining brightly on the area. Several pokemon scatter, but one male Dustox is attracted to this light rather than scared of it. Edward tries to bat the annoying pokemon away, but you throw the pokeball before he can bat it out of his face.
I'd like to go into the forest, please! Oh, and can I get a torch (since I have a Totodile)?
With your trusty Totodile behind you, you flash your torch in all sorts of directions, looking for something interesting. A curious Meowth walks up to you and starts pawing at your torch. Smiling, you throw the pokeball and capture it before it can burn itself.

Gender: Male.
Your newly caught Meowth runs around in circles as he looks for some pokemon to help you catch. He come across a red bug pokemon that is flying in strange patterns. He quickly pounces on it, and you can't help but sweatdrop at the female Yanma that is in his mouth. Before he can hurt it, you throw your pokeball at it.
You and Lieutenant Ffff march through the forest proudly. Nothing is going to stop you from catching the rare pokemon in the forest! Your Elekid starts buzzing at you after a short marching trip, and you turn to see a female Umbreon growling at you. You chuckle a little, and toss the pokeball right at her face.
Thank you, come again!

From now on, you'll get a choice weither you want to catch the pokemon or not. This is because this place isn't as popular as I hoped...so this might perk up interest a bit...maybe.
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