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Starlight forest

You walk through the forest with your bronzor, when you hear a loud screeching noise. You turn to see a Beautifly (m). Take it or leave it? (chances: 4)

You wander around till you hear a screeching noise. You turn around to see a Zubat (f). Take or leave it? (chances 4) [Extra pokeball: 1]

You kick at the mud that is resting on the lake, splashing mud everywhere. However, you kick something soild, and you realise that you have just kicked a very angry male corphish. Take it or leave it? (chances 4) [Extra pokeball: 1]

You walk past a very lumpy looking tree, and suddenly someone or something throws a rock at you. Slightly annoyed, you turn around to see a male mankey holding rocks and gesturing rude hand signals at you with his free hand. Take him or leave him? (chances:3) [spare pokeball: 1]


You throw the pokeball at the corphish, catching it. However, you have a spare pokeball which can be used in both the lake and the forest. Would you like to continue or save it for the forest?

Suddenly, you reach a small clearing, where many bug pokemon are dancing at the moonlight. Suddenly, a big male Ledian flies your way. Catch or leave? (chances: 2) [spare pokeball: 1]

You walk around after your sucessful capture, and see a flying bird pokemon swoop towards you. It is a female Pelliper! Catch or leave? (chances: 3)
You walk around, your feet getting a little tired, till you are lifted off the air by a gang of clefairy! One of them gives you a cheeky smile. Catch this male, or shrug the gang off and move on?
I shall pay $4 to explore the lake with an extra Pokéball.

Please remind me, do I still need something with flashyness to explore the lake? If not, could I please take Sedgewater the Croconaw with me? He's itching to explore <3
In any case, here's my profile~
(If I need light, I'll take Tornwillow the Venonat <3)
You walk around with Sedgewater, kicking pebbles in the water (as you do). One of the rocks hits a sleeping male pelipper who seems very angry at being hit. Take or leave? (chances 4) [Spare pokeball: 1]

You catch the pokemon, and the turn around. You then see a female Poliwrath. Take or leave it?
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