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Search results

  1. Inept At Normal

    Theism, Religion and Lack thereof

    STUPID, BIGOTED EVANGELICAL FATHER! *ahem* ERRRRRRGGGGGHHHH! So. A while ago, I officially came out as an athiest to my father (an Evangelical Glenn Beck watcher with opinions like sieves). He took it surpisingly well, as narrowminded as he's proven himself to be in the past. In fact, he...
  2. Inept At Normal

    The New Kid on the Block~

    Yeah, Inept's perfect. It's what I usually like to be called, actually. Haha. Thanks. (And gee, everyone's so nice here. That makes me feel all squigly inside.)
  3. Inept At Normal

    The New Kid on the Block~

    It's a small world after all, isn't it? It's nice to see you.
  4. Inept At Normal

    The New Kid on the Block~

    How, um. How quaint. At any rate, it's nice to meet you all. I'm sure I'll enjoy your company. We'll all, be like, happy, and stuff.
  5. Inept At Normal

    It's nice to meet you! It's cool to have such a warm welcoming, I'm sure I'll like it here.

    It's nice to meet you! It's cool to have such a warm welcoming, I'm sure I'll like it here.
  6. Inept At Normal

    The New Kid on the Block~

    No, no! It was something along the lines of: "Welcome to TCoD, where we drink our tea and eat our cod!" with various small variations. It's so sad - I always loved that about this forum. (A for the effort, though! :3)
  7. Inept At Normal

    The New Kid on the Block~

    Gee, everyone, thanks for the introductions! I'd like to join your RPGs, etc, but I'm afraid that after some time will stop being here too consistantly and I don't want to cause anyone any inconvienace. Your ASB system is very interesting, however, and I want to check that out at some point...
  8. Inept At Normal

    The New Kid on the Block~

    Uh. Hi. My name is Inept At Normal. I'm a rather unactive member of the studio-revolution forums, so some of you may know me from there. I've been considering joining this forum for quite a while, but haven't because I've been very focused on my schoolwork, and also I'm generally too lazy. But...
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