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Search results

  1. River

    How are things with you, enjoying life?

    How are things with you, enjoying life?
  2. River

    The 74th Annual International Prime Cup

    Name: Blake Harrison Age: 17 Gender: Male Hails From: Southern Cross, Western Australia, Australia Battle Theme: Pokemon R/S/E Remix: Mt. Pyre Appearance: His hair is short and messy due to the heat of his home. His skin is well tanned from hours of desert sunlight and his eyes are a soft...
  3. River

    Just the way it's phrased makes me reread it repeatedly. That's fair, I've still got 7 gyms...

    Just the way it's phrased makes me reread it repeatedly. That's fair, I've still got 7 gyms before I need it unless I have her enter the story earlier, but I still need to ask Blade to do one. Which may or may not happen. The same goes for me. Yes, It is. Indeed!
  4. River

    That sentance confuses me. :P, I've been working on those for the other gym leaders and Elite...

    That sentance confuses me. :P, I've been working on those for the other gym leaders and Elite four, it gets a bit hard to come up with last names after a while but it helps me wrap my head around the characters when I write them. I do that for every character I've ever made. Thus why I enjoy...
  5. River

    Suppose you're right, I can get on every now and then but most of the time I'm fairly busy...

    Suppose you're right, I can get on every now and then but most of the time I'm fairly busy. Thanks. I will.
  6. River

    I feel like I'm drifting away from my friends here... I'm glad I can still find time to get on...

    I feel like I'm drifting away from my friends here... I'm glad I can still find time to get on every now and then but still, it doesn't seem like enough. Anyway (never truly depressed), I have a favour to ask of you. I'll send the details in a PM soon. Also have fun RPing.
  7. River

    Thank you. ... Okay, now that just scares me even more due to your current avatar. (WHY, YES...

    Thank you. ... Okay, now that just scares me even more due to your current avatar. (WHY, YES. YES IT WAS.) Yes...
  8. River

    Thank you, By my time it's not but where you are it is. (not exactly.)

    Thank you, By my time it's not but where you are it is. (not exactly.)
  9. River

    Thank you very much, Sir.

    Thank you very much, Sir.
  10. River

    ...your point?, your point?... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?:::::::::::::::::::: (Very much...

    ...your point?, your point?... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?:::::::::::::::::::: (Very much so.) *coughluckyyoucoughcough* *Inhale* Well, I think we may have the flu. *coughitshouldbecoughcough* What is it, madam? Thank you. Not a problem, I got a Neocube today. (You probably won't know he's...
  11. River

    Splices' Revolution

    'Taking a break... That much makes sense.' Torrus heard a loud roar and turned his head slightly as if he could see the source from the dark woods. He blinked and turned back to Jaime. "You know, running isn't always the answer. Fighting even less so. But sometimes it is." Torrus stepped into...
  12. River

    ...not sure, not sure... ;;;?;;; (He seems to like $20 bills.)...

    ...not sure, not sure... ;;;?;;; (He seems to like $20 bills.) *coughsamethinghappenswheneverilistentotheradiocoughcough* *inhale* Quite. *coughtotallyworthitthoughplusihaveacoldsoicantgotoschoolcoughcough* Very much so, Ma'am. Not always. But today is my birthday. *YAY* (Not sure...
  13. River

    ...Thank goodness, Thank goodness... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (Icosahedron?)...

    ...Thank goodness, Thank goodness... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (Icosahedron?) *coughyouprobablycansingduetothefactthatsingingisrelativeifjustinbieberthinkshesoundsbadbutothersdisagreethenhedproabblystillsingunfortunatelycoughcough* *inhale*...
  14. River

    Guardians <OOC/Signup>

    @jokersfeind: Accepted.
  15. River

    Guardians <OOC/Signup>

    @Magnemite: Accepted.
  16. River

    Okay, but it's evil too. (VERY MUCH SO, INDEED) But not until things have settled down over here.

    Okay, but it's evil too. (VERY MUCH SO, INDEED) But not until things have settled down over here.
  17. River

    Guardians <OOC/Signup>

    Yes. Reservation Accepted. Fifth Gen are allowed. Reservation accepted. Magnemite: What species is she? It should be a pokemon. Other then that it's fine.
  18. River

    Splices' Revolution

    Torrus had started walking into the dense plants fairly soon after the others, using his claws to shift or cut the plants where necessary. After walking aimlessly for a few minutes he heard something nearby. He slowed down and noted the direction of his target. He moved as quietly through the...
  19. River

    Your avatar is still evil. (QUITE, IT WAS INDEED FIXATING) Maybe you will. Maybe you will...

    Your avatar is still evil. (QUITE, IT WAS INDEED FIXATING) Maybe you will. Maybe you will...
  20. River

    Guardians <OOC/Signup>

    Okay, not a problem. Accepted.
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