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Splices' Revolution

Gredia ceased his attack when Leon teleported Silver away. Even though his Keen Sight could see them, he landed in a nearby tree to recovery energy he had used up. He kept an eye on Adeline, as she had hit him with some pitiful Psychic attack during his onslaut.
Adeline floated up to Gredia, enraged.

"You FOOL! What the fucking hell?! You ruined EVERYTHING," she shrieked, using one of her boxing gloves to weakly batt at his face. "How COULD you," she started to sob. That was it. It was over. Her Leon had disappeared with Silver. Team Galactic would most likely come running over any minute now, considering her bad luck so far. It was pointless. What would Galactic do to them? Euthanize them, as faled experiments? She didn't want to find out.

Adeline started floating back down from the tree that Gredia was perched on. She wiped away one of her tears and headed over to where the remaining splices were.

"If we still want to survive, we need to move now." She had to take control now. Their lives depended on it.
"Lost? Or have you decided to run from the others?" asked a voice behind Jaime. He didn't turn around to see who it was.

"Clearly I was just taking a break from all of this drama. As you can see, my breaks generally consist of crying behind a far-off bush."

The voice stayed silent for a while. Was it gone?

Behind him, there was a rustle in the trees. Probably a bird or something. But then...


Dammit. What happened to teaming up?

((fashionably late as always ^^' ))
Envy chuckled inwardly at Jaime's little confession because laughing outwardly would require far too much effort to be worth it. Just as she was about to unleash her well needed rant, a roar echoed throughout the forest. Gredia had found out.

She had left just before the fun began. Her victory tainted by that disappointment, she sadly and determinately set off to the clearing once more by hopping down from the tree and heading off. Before she left though, she turned to give a glare at Jaime and telepath to him, "I knew you couldn't save Leon."

After that, she grinned at his failure and ran off at a fast but not too tiring pace, enough for anyone trying to catch her. By the time she had gotten anywhere close to the clearing, Gredia was shooting a powerful beam of white, glowing light at Silver. Leon ran to her and they teleported away. How romantic.

Speaking of Gredia, he was just radiating the anger and jealousy she needed. The splice entered the clearing once more so she could get more of the taste. At this rate, the delicious emotions flowing out of the sandcroc splice would keep her full for days.

Adeline then decided to vent her anger at Gredia. Maybe it was time for her to do the same, while he was disabled?

"Do you know how stupid that was?" the splice asked haughtily. "What Adeline said true, even though it's irritating to admit it. I gave you advance warning, you know. We should probably leave, as if there was one Galactic grunt, there's got to be more, and they definitely heard you and are going to come after us. Although at this point I say 'us' very loosely, because I think I'm going to leave now, and I'd at this point go without you guys just as happy as I would go with you. And I'm definitely going alone if you," she pointed at Gredia,"are going to be such a dumbass. You almost killed your mate after one kiss with that typhlosion splice. I'm full anyway, and will be for days, so goodbye, and have a nice day!"

Leaving off with a sarcastically cheerful note, she started to leave.
Gredia look ar Adeline, then Envy, then back to Adeline. Everyone was yelling at him, but they had a point. Team galactic was probably on their way now. After resting a bit longer, Gredia took to the sky and ascened a mile up above. He flew towards the farthest tall tree, it would be here, he decided, would be where it would come out. A tear rolled down his snout, but he stopped them. He had lost everything important to him, and he didn't want to go on. In this tree he sat, and looked to the place he had left Adeline and Envy. They would never speak to him, Silver was with Leon, Jaime, was... wierd.

Gredia sat in the tree and pondered why he still lived. Everyone around him hated him now, and he was a freak and being hunted. He raised his claws to his throat, but lowered them. He would live alone, he decided. Alone some where away from Galactic, Leon, and Adeline. HE took flight again, going wherever the winds took him. As if by fate, they tokk him near the site of his battle. He saw Adeline there, but didn't say anything.
Adeline looks up at Gredia, who had flown away but had just flown back.

"Have you settled down, now?" She asked, voice quiet. She didn't want him to be angered again. His eyes were red. It unnerved her to know that the Flying-type splice had been crying.

"Look, we have to work together. If we move fast enough, we can evade Galactic. If we stay... well, I don't want to find out. Please. Come with us, Gredia. We all came from the same place. We've all been through the same horrifying tests and experiments. When we are together, we are stronger. We need you." She looked to the other splices - minus Envy, as she had left - and turned back to him. "Please."
Opening her eyes slowly she looked at hr surroundings. Just by looking in front of her she could tell she had been moved somewhere different. Looking to her side she saw Leon, collapsed on the ground. "Leon...?" He didn't move when she said his name and she started to panic.

He's not dead right? He's fine right? By seeing the rise and fall of his chest it assured her he was fine. But she had to wonder, why was she with him? She had only teleported him away and left herself in the field. Oh...I get it. Gredia went into a rage... He had decided to get her out of Gredia's war path.

She got onto her knees and pulled his head on her lap. Keeping her arms around him, she felt the tears well up in her eyes. "I love you, Leon...I'm sorry I trouble you so much..."
'Taking a break... That much makes sense.' Torrus heard a loud roar and turned his head slightly as if he could see the source from the dark woods. He blinked and turned back to Jaime.

"You know, running isn't always the answer. Fighting even less so. But sometimes it is." Torrus stepped into the light so that the Splice could see him. "So, what have I missed?"
Gredia thought over continuing with the others a while, then replied in a hushed, choked voice, "I will come..." He then flew down and stood next to where Adeline floated. He noticed his sandstorm was starting to fade. He saw where his coffin stood, and a bird was inspecting it. To relive rage, he used Sand Coffin on the large bird, and slammed his tail into the sand hard, and imploded the Coffin and a sea of blood flooed out of it, after a sicckening crunch. He released it and nothing remained of the bird.
Adeline curled her upper lip in disgust. "Ew," she muttered. "You know you didn't have to do that, right?"
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