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Splices' Revolution

Gredia felt rage at Envy for not knowing when to shut up. "NO!! SHUT UP YOU WORTHLESS SCUM!!! I DON'T NEED YOU HERE!!!" Gredia charged his natural Dark-Type into his massive claws, and prepared to strike Envy. "Speak once more, and it will be your last words. Choose them carefully."
Finally! The good emotions were starting to trickle in, exploding on her palate and filling her with pure bliss. It was worth it all this time, just for the envy that poured in now. The mixture of red hot anger only made the sweet envy more delicious by comparison.

Enjoying the tantalizing taste on her tongue, she closed her eyes in pure bliss at her food of choice. Though not a lot, the envy was enough to make it all worth it.

Oh yes. Gredia. Death threats. That might need some fixing. Envy cackled, using double team and sprinting across the treetops to increase her evasion. After that, she produced a substitute just to be safe. Soon, the six clones and her substutite looked down at Gredia with a gleeful and angry expression.

"Of course, my last words," she telepathed back, not wanting to open her mouth and lose more energy. "Ignoring the fact I'm a ghost type, and that I'm far more competent then you, how, exactly, are you going to kill me when I'm up in this tree? And how you've been bragging about how powerful you are, you realize that physical attack doesn't work thirty feet away? And when you fly up here, I'll be gone? Besides, what I said is true. Really, this is hilarious. Ever heard of don't shoot the messenger?"

Why, exactly, did she say that? All was true, of course, but now the splice would definitely be after her. Not like it mattered, but now she probably couldn't go back. Using flash just to be safe, she quick attacked away from the clearing and back into the the forest. Her substitute followed her, but for some reason the clones just stayed there, like a hologram of sorts. Oh well, hopefully she left fast enough that that wouldn't be a problem. Tucking herself into a bush to be unseen, she tried her best not to collapse from exhaustion. Panting hard, she realized that might be a harder task than she thought. Oh Arceus, what had she gotten herself into?

((There are six clones in the clearing left.))
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Adeline floated in between Gredia and one of the clones of Envy in front of him.

"All right, you two. Just calm down. We're working together so that we won't get caught by Galactic, got it? I don't need you guys messing up my escape from that horrible place for me."
Gredia's rage fluttered, and he realised he had a plan. "Hahaha foolish splice. Not matter how evasive the foe is, a Swift will NEVER miss!" With that Gredia took flight, fired multiple stalker-stars and they zoomed straight towads the real Envy's Substitute. They neatly slashed it several times with sharp edges, and Gredia flew backward a few feet.
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What should she do now? She couldn't go back now. She could fight the government herself. There was no need for this ragtag group in the first place. However, she couldn't just go charge the base now. She needed to rest.

Envy pawed at the ground and dug a small hole in the bush for her to lay in. The splice got herself comfortable and stared through the bush. There was nothing else to do now but wait until she was energized enough to leave, as one of the things that came with being a banette was an annoying (but mild) insomnia. At least she never had to sleep.

She watched and waited for something to happen.

This is infuriating. Tired or not, she could not stand to lay down in this bush any longer with nothing to do. Standing up but not yet sticking her head out of her hiding place, she prepared to either leave this bush or explode from the dullness. She often had good patience, but that was when she was making the rules. Waiting to be hunted down was not a particularly interesting thing to wait for.

Of course, she didn't have to wait much longer. Stars made of pure energy flew in from who knows where (though Envy was sure the sender was Gredia) and headed strait at her. The substitute turned in front of her to block the projectile, but it's not like it mattered much. It made a few cuts, but the normal type attack just mostly dissipated into nothing upon colliding into the psychic/ghost type decoy. Left feeling pleased with her victory, the banette splice peeked out of the bush and looked around. Seeing no sign of Gredia or Adeline, Envy slipped away from the camp.

While walking away, Envy noticed the guilty-looking other gardevoir splice, Jaime. Considering whether it would be worth it to push her luck and antagonize the foolish lover-boy, she decided not to confront him yet but watch him from the trees and bushes. She climbed a nearby tree and relaxed in the branches, waiting for him to act.
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Gredia knew his Swift would not hurt the clone much but it did seem to scare her away because also around his intimidation, he had super-Keen eyesight and the swift was merely a ploy to find out where Envy hid. He saw her leave but didn't see her anywhere, and slightly calmed down when he remebered Adeline saw that all. 'Uhmmm, Adeline, about that all..."
Silver had just glanced up to see stray stars fly from the trees. She glanced at Leon before she decided that she had to go tell Gredia what had transpired. "Leon...I'm going to tell him...and you can't stop me." She slowly walked towards the trees, feeling she knew who the swift came from. Making her way through the trees with tears in her eyes she followed the trail that the stars made, seeing a few clones of Evny. Then she spotted Gredia speaking to Adeline while a SandStorm was raging. What in the name of Arcues happened here?

She decided it was time. "Gredia...can...can we talk alone?"
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Adeline shook her head in disgust.

"We're supposed to be working together, not fighting. You're going to ruin everything. No wonder Silver would cheat on an incompetant like you," she spat out like poison, though regretted it the instant she said it. She didn't mean it. She didn't want to believe that the male she loved was already in love with another, but she had to take in consideration how close they were. Maybe Envy wasn't lying.

When Silver appeared, with tears in her eyes, she thought two things: first, she hoped Silver didn't hear her outburst, and two, she knew it was true. Leon, her beautiful Leon, had kissed and admitted his love for Silver.
"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAHWR" Gredia roared in rage, but then Silver showed up wishing to speak with him. Gredia looked at Adeline again, ready to cleave her in two, but went towards Silver, Sandstorm following. As he passed an Envy clone, he swiftly removed its head with his massive claws. "What has happened?" Gredia asked, before realising the two dead deer were in the clearing and his jaws still smelled of and dripped blood.
"What has happened?" That was the question she didn't want to answer. She looked at his face but could not meet his eyes. She noticed the blood on him, but this wasn't her greatest concern. Sighing and looking him in his eyes she retold what had happened.

"While we were walking I had seen something in the trees and I asked Jaime to go see what it was. And while he was gone Leon..." Her mouth was dry and she found it hard to continue. "He started talking and said something and...well, I'm sorry Gredia, but...we kissed."
"We kissed." echoed in Gredia's mind several times before all rage kicked in. Instantly, the Sandstorm that was fading fired up to stronger than before, as if it was an embodiment of his rage. His Intimidate kicked in and he lost all sanity as he becma hell bent for Leon's blood to spill. Gredia took flight towards where Leon was standing, and punched him in the face before retreating back a few meter. "THIS FOREST WILL BE YOUR MAUSOLEUM!!!!!............... ........ SAND COFFFIN!!!!" Gredia shouted as he whipped up a modified Sand Tomb that incased Leon in it, with his head sticking out. "THAT'S YOUR GRAVE!!!... ..... ...SAND BURIAL" Gredia made a few signs with his hands as he was going slam them into the ground, making a modified Earthquake that would kill Leon.

((the Sand Burial would collapse the Coffin and literally liquify Leon))
Gredia intensified his Sandstorm and she had to cover her eyes to protect them. Barely able to see she saw him fly and leave her there. She knew immediatly where he was going. Rushing to the area where Leon was she saw him trapped in a Sand Coffin and Gredia was about to do something.

"Gredia! Stop!!" She ran in front of him and focused her energy into a protect that she used on Leon to keep him safe. "Gredia! Stop this! You have to stop because...because I love him!!" she shouted at him as she protected just Leon from his brutal attack. She couldn't think of anything to do except protect him and keep him safe as she braced herself for an attack on herself.
Okay, so they had kissed. But that didn't matter. She still loved Leon. She had to stop this.

Adeline floated as fast as she could to where Gredia had gone. Seeing him hurt Leon made her upper lip curl. She closed her eyes and her brow furried, focusing all her energy on one attack. She sent out the most powerful Psywave she could muster, and it headed directly towards Gredia. That had to stop the angry bird splice for at least a second. She needed at least a second to save her Leon from dying.
After he had seen Silver run away, he'd followed. (she apparently hadn't known.) He ran until he had seen a sandstorm. Then, Leon began to grow apprehensive and increasingly angry.

"Gredia..." he growled, full of rage.

No sooner than he had growled the splice's name, Gredia himself came flying out of the sandstorm and punched Leon straight in the face. After hearing Gredia yell something about a masoleum, Leon felt a huge weight of sand caving in around him. he tried to fight, but he knew in his heart that he alone couldn't break the coffin. he heard voices outside amidst the sworling sand, one of which he was positive was Silver's. As Leon felt himself being stung and whipped by the sand, all he could think of was how happy he was that he had finally been able to tell Silver his thoughts.

'If I ever get out of this alive, he thought, knowing he probably wouldn't, "Gredia is going to pay. No, scratch that. He is going to die. But I can't take much more of this...

Leon felt his consciousness begin to waver, but he tried his best to stay awake. The last thing he wanted was for Gredia to win.
Knowing the protect would help but only for so long she had to think of something. I have to distract him...make him confused or make him fall asleep... She knew attract, which could be used to her advantage now with what she planned. Turning on her charm she said to the enraged Gredia, "Don't you love me? I thought you loved me...and wanted me to be happy. I'll be happy...if you stop this, you do what you need for the one you love...isn't that true my dear Gredia?" Keeping some of her energy focused on the protect she used the move Sweet Kiss, she blew a kiss at him and it was shaped like a heart that would cause a staus effect. Please let this work!
Silver had tried to charm him, but it wouldnt' work. "IDON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE. I DESPISE YOU AND YOUR WHORE LEON." The kiss hit him but in the state of rage he was in, it barely affected, but did calm his rage slightly. He flew up and struck the ground again, intent on imploding Leon's Coffin with a Sand Burial.
Silver had tried to charm him, but it wouldnt' work. "IDON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE. I DESPISE YOU AND YOUR WHORE LEON." The kiss hit him but in the state of rage he was in, it barely affected, but did calm his rage slightly. He flew up and struck the ground again, intent on imploding Leon's Coffin with a Sand Burial.
It hurt her to hear the words Gredia spoke. But she had to expect it, after what had happened, but she needed to get Leon away. Keep him safe. What can I do? Gredia won't give up! ...I will do what I have to, to keep Leon safe...

She put her hands together and sent a beam of her energy to Leon, using Healing Wish. Right before she fainted, she focused her teleport on Leon to get him away from Gredia, somewhere safe. Did I succed in my mission...? She thought as she fell to the ground, unconcious.
Gredia saw Silver send Leon away, and then faint. He ascened higher in the air, and charged a Hyper Beam. He fired, and it hit a few meters from Silver, he then turned his head slowly, and the beam approached Silver's body slowly, destroying everything in it's path.
Suddenly, everything went blank for a few moments.

Leon looked around, only seeing darkness, then, he realized that the sand was no longer swirling around him. in a flash of light, he landed outside, in a bush. Relieved he was alive, Leon almost decided on runing away, hopefully to a safer place. and the nhe remembered Silver. Her voice was outside of his cocoon, she might still be in danger! As Leon ran as fast as he could, he saw a shape rise into the air. He then saw Silver, lying on the groud unconscious. and then, Gredia shot out a hyper beam. that was moving towards her. Leon ran as close as he could, and focused all the energy he had left into teleporting him and silver a mile away from the Gredia. For Leon, however, the strain was too much. as soon as the teleport ended, he fell to the ground, unconscious.
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