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Splices' Revolution

Silver was truly happy, until she heard the noise herself. Leon had broken their kiss as he had heard it too. She thought over the few minutes that just passed, when a thought popped into her mind. Where could they be going...? No! They can't be...! Are they going to tell Gredia?! I don't even know if I could tell Gredia... She felt the guilt welling up in her.

She felt herself blushing as Leon turned to face her, he himself blushing. Looking down so he couldn't see her face, she felt tears come into her eyes.

"I...I'm sorry..." she said as he seemed to be shocked by her kissing him back. His confession of his love to her still made butterflies come to her stomach. I have to do something...I have to tell him...

It took her a while before she could even tell him how she felt. She knew she had feeling for Gredia...but for Leon...it was something else. And she knew what it was. "Leon...I...I love you too...don't think that I don't love you back..." she said, wondering his reaction. "But I do have one thing to do...I...have to tell him. I have to tell Gredia what happened." She couldn't look up, as the tears were about to overflow in her eyes as she thought how Greia would react. She quickly brought her hands up to her eyes to try and hide the tears that were starting to overflow. Gredia...I'm so sorry...
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Surveying Adeline turned up nothing for the time being, as they were just... there. Nothing to be learned. The sound of talking down near camp made her turn, however, and Envy was greeted with the wonderful sight of Leon osculating with that little whore named Silver. Couldn't she just settle for one mate?

But of course, that would be too peaceful, and it just might starve poor me, she thought sarcastically. This would, if played correctly, feed her a feast that would leave her full for months.

But how? Should she tell herself, risking the chance of making enemies that could be useful?

Aha, poor Jaime, that little gardevoir splice who had the crush on Leon was telling himself. Perfect. The rage and jealousy of Silver's mate would be perfect.

Hopping down from the tree, she stalked closer to Adeline (she seemed to have an attachment as well, but Envy was not certain) and Gredia to feel the hatred closehand.

Before she went into a position of much better stealth inside a nice bush, she turned to look at the little couple. Silver was crying and moaning about Gredia now. Poor you, little princess. You have to suffer the consequences of your little implulses.

Jaime was getting close! Almost there, almost to Gredia!

Let the dischord begin. Envy was almost drooling with anticipation.
Gredai was feeling as if all was lost when he heard someone running at him. It was Jamie, the other Gardervoir splice. He looked to be dyign to speak with someone, but Gredia was in no mood for anyone's game. He had had a great day, until Silver seemed to be revolted by him. "WHAT. I DON'T NEED THE LIKES OF YOU IN MY BUSINESS DO I?" Gredia yelled ((though not loud enough for Silver to hear)) Gredia seemed to forgt Adeline was there, feeling annoyed Jamie interrupted his venting session.
Gredia seemed mad, but now was as good a time as any.

"Gredia..." he began, before trailing off. Could he really do this?

He rested his hand on Gredia's. "I don't know how to tell you this..." He wasn't really that sorry to be the bearer of this particular news, but he had to act it. But... could he really do it? Was he, maybe, truly sorry? Could he really do this to Leon?

Gredia had waited long enough. Jaime couldn't do this, though - but he'd already begun. And so, he stupidly went with the first thing that came into his head, without thinking.

"I-I love you, Gredia." Oops.
No! No no no! Her feast! Gredia's face, turning red with anger, not embarrassment! Envy hissed. Now she would have to take care of it herself. Hopefully she wouldn't make enemies on the way.

She slinked out of the bush and walked into the clearing, putting on a sad and sympathetic expression. "I-I'm sorry, Gredia, that it had to come this way," she muttered, looking down sadly. "Bu-but I don't think that Jaime really loves you, if he does, I'm sorry. But I think, that is, maybe, I kind of saw him on the way here, but... Leon kissed Silver and Silver said she loved him!" Blushing, she corrected herself, repeating, "Leon walked over to Silver and said he loved her. Then he kissed her... and she kissed him back! Then she said that she loved him, but you too, of course! I'm sorry, but you have to know."

Looking at Gredia with a pitying expression, she waited for it to sink in, the envy and pain combined with anger that made a meal a feast that she wouldn't let Jaime ruin.
Gredia was put off by Jamie's... Confession and was about ready to ask him if he was ill. But When Eny told him this news, Gredia refused to believe it. "Is this true Jamie? Is that why you came here other than to...confess?" Gredia looked to Adeline confusion.
No. He couldn't let this happen.

"Not at all!" he continued. "I've loved you for so long now, and I know you feel the same." His hand moved further up towards Gredia's face. "But, if were going to make this work, you should know that it's Jaime, not Jamie."
Seriously. He was that determined to ruin her feast. Well, she would power on. She would not let this happen.

"Oh, that's great!" she said cheerfully, smiling obliviously at their little 'romance'. "Because, Gredia, if it gets that way, you can be with Jaime! He loves loves you, I guess!" Now, to rub in the fact that Silver didn't love her and was with Leon... "So sorry Jaime! Now you two can be together, I guess, and Silver can be with Leon and everyone can be happy! Except maybe Adeline, but I don't think she has a crush on anyone. I mean, you could learn to love Jaime, couldn't you, Gredia? And then everyone would be happy."

Thaaat might not have turned out quite right. Gredia might get angry, and Silver also, because of her assumption that she no longer loved Gredia. But she was determined to get that wonderful meal now, no matter what the consequences.
Gredia grabbed Jaime's hand as he moved it up his face, tightly around the wrist. "If you wish to keep this arm, I suggest you stop now, and tell me what you were really going to tell me. Or else." Gredia said as his claws lengthened again and his eyesight became sharper((now he's used Hone Claws twice +2 attack and Accuracy))

"And Envy, how badly do you want to die? With my current power doubled and natural affinity for Dark, you wouldn't fare too well. And if you're hoping I miss, my Accuracy is doubled as well." Gredia was not fond of Envy, and thought the deer might enjoy company. Feline Company..
Adeline scowled when Gredia yelled at Jaime. "What'd he do to you?" she muttered, wondering what was eating at the other splice.

What Jaime said surprised her. She blinked, and then had to stifle a giggle. "What the hell," she chuckled, shaking her head. "You're a strange one, Jaime." She shrugged back at Gredia in confusion, her disembodied boxing gloves floating up and down.

Then, it struck her.

Leon had kissed Silver. She felt her heart skip a beat, and she said "What" for the third time today. "How, when, wha-" She felt her heart soon go back to it's normal pace, the quicken. Faster. Faster. Faster. "Why would you lie to us like that?" she shouted at Envy, denying everything. This couldn't be true.
No no no no NO. This couldn't happen to Leon. Didn't we all have to follow our hearts at some point?

There was only one thing Jaime could do. "I... I meant it..." He hated having to lie to Gredia like this. The idea of them together, in no uncertain terms, simply repulsed him. But this was for Leon's happiness.

He leaned in, and kissed Gredia.

What had he just done? Absolute stupidity. Disgusted with himself, he ran off into the night.

Away from Silver and Leon. Away from Gredia. Just... away.
Jaime kissed Gredia. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF HELL DID YOU JUST DO? ARRRGH IM POSIONED!!! CAN SOMEONE USE A HEALING MOVE?? HEAL BELL OR ANYTHING???" In his rage, Gredia whipped up a Sandstorm as Jaime disappeared into the night. Gredia used the Sandstorm to hide away for a moment, deciding whether to kill Jaime now or later. After a moment, Gredia decided later was better.
In the distance, Jaime heard Gredia yelling. He wished, so badly, he could use a move to make everything better.

Instead, he'd ruined everything.
Nothing was going right. Though Gredia's death threat did nothing but amuse her (it's not like he could kill her, for one thing, she was a ghost type and for another thing, he was too stupid and incompetent to land a hit, even with doubled accuracy) the fact that she was not getting any delicious envy was not funny at all. To rethink her strategy, she used calm mind. Plus, upped stats would help her if a fight did ensue.

Then, Adeline (she was still angry at her) accused her of lying and Jaime had no help. That was great, actually. The sour taste of disbelief seemed to hold a slight sweetness, possibly her envy. Jaime might've even held pity. That was all she needed to expand her options immensely. Not only could she target Gredia, but Adeline and Jaime were possible meals as well.

She already screwed this up, so why not screw it up some more? It was time to go on the hyper offensive.

"I'm. Not. Lying~" she sang, immidiately quick attacking to the branches of a nearby tree to avoid being hit. "They had stopped by the time I came here, but they might have already started a whole new round of smooching. Who knows? Come follow me~"

Moving on to the next tree and beconing them to follow, she hoped this last ditch effort would finally yield some tasty results.
Adeline forgot her anger as she saw Jaime kiss Gredia. "What the fu-" She was cut off by Gredia's roar of disgust and anger. Their first day out of the lab, and she would have thought it would have been better if they were back being experimented on.

"Sorry, I don't know anything," she muttered, though Gredia probably couldn't hear her over himself. Poor Jaime. Having to go through heartbreak like that. Oh well. She was experiencing the same thing. Oh, Leon.

"No. I'm not following you. I don't believe it. And if it's true, I don't want to see it." She turned away, biting her lip to fight back the tears. She truly loved Leon, but this slag Silver was ruining everything. Woop de fucking doo.
The scientists would approach soon. After all, more of the humans were heading towards the escaped splices. It would take them an hour or two to get there, but that wasn't too much time compared to how fast those chimeras would move.

With a deep sigh, Aihi watched as the door slowly closed, trapping the light outside once more. She scanned the inside of the familiar building again - it seemed so dark now, and gray, compared to the few seconds of outside she had just seen. Sure, she remembered it from a long time ago, but the experience in the present always seemed to be better. Shaking her head, discouraged, she slowly walked back towards that blackened room, with the one high window. Ushered along by the scientists, she quickened her pace, but hesitated as the dullness beckoned her in. It seemed like an hour she waited there, but it was truthfully only about ten seconds - a rough hand shoved her in by her hindquarters, and she flattened her ears, curling up on the hard stone floor. It was so freezing in here compared to the warmth of that sunlight outside. Sure, she could sit by a door, but she couldn't expose herself to the outside. It just wasn't like that here. Apparently, she was too valuable to the scientists to go outside.

Well then, curse those scientists.
Torrus had started walking into the dense plants fairly soon after the others, using his claws to shift or cut the plants where necessary.
After walking aimlessly for a few minutes he heard something nearby. He slowed down and noted the direction of his target. He moved as quietly through the leaves as he could, careful not to allow any sign of him to reach them. He turned and he could see a shape moving towards him. He stood and readied a toxin in case a fight ensued but he soon quelled his venom when he realised that it was simply one of those in the group. One of the Gardevoir splices. Jaime if he remembered correctly.

"Lost? Or have you decided to run from the others?"
((Envy didn't really care. She's just upset that no one's getting envious enough to provide a meal. She was rethinking her plan at the time.))
Turquoise noticed that Silver had paid no attention, and was about to call out again when drama unfolded. With an exasperated sigh, she flew upward; she would sing a love song for Leon and Silver, but this wasn't exactly a winter wonderland. They needed to keep an eye out for more Galactic grunts. And with all the ruckus that the group was creating, they were bound to give away their position. The Swellow/Fearow splice grew even more exasperated as she noticed that sand was being blown up by some sudden wind. Turquoise let this wind elevate her, spreading out her tail feathers, which she would be unable to do had she been pure Swellow. The long crest on the top of her head billowed in the wind as she was carried by the updraft. Her keen eyes were fixed to the forest constantly to immediately warn for any sign of attack, from Galactic or otherwise.

Turquoise honestly didn't know -- and almost didn't care -- about what the source of all the drama below her was, but whatever it was, it probably wasn't her business. If a fight was erupting from it, she didn't want to be involved. She guessed that everyone just needed to be reminded that all the commotion would only alert Team Galactic to their location. As the other splices argued below, Turquoise let herself float in the clear sky.

((I keep trying to spell "Turquoise" as "Turqoise." o_o))
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