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Splices' Revolution

Leon responded to Silver.

"Maybe we should break up into patrol groups? that way we could seek and destroy the Galactics, and we'd be harder to round up."
Silver thought about this before replying. We would need to get into get where we'll be the least distracted... She looked around at the group members gathered around. Gredia would be the most distracting if he went with me...I guess he could go with Adeline...or Zack.

"To be able to concentrate the most on our surroundings we should go with someone who won't distract us too much. So, I'll go with Leon for now. Uh...Gredia could go with Adeline, or Zack and Ageis..." she said, hoping nobody would disagree with her.
Gredia seemed to doubt Silver's plan. "You're one hundred percent sure Leon won't distract you? At all. Not even a tiny bit? Zero? Zip? Nada? Null? Nein? Ero-Zay?" Gredia rattled off a few more languges, including silence, which no one seemed to understand?"

"Adeline, I'll go with you I guess."
Silver nodded to Gredia. "I'm sure he won't. It's just a patrol around this area in case more Galactic members are around here." she replied. And the smell of blood is still on him... She thought as her stomach churned slightly.
Silver seemed sickened at the sight of him now. Did I frighten her, with... my action? Why? Why did I roar? Why did I lose control for a moment and roar like a wild animal?
Torrus had hung back so far, hoping to catch any following them before they could attack his companions. He had not the strength of some of the others, nor the capacity for destruction of them. However, he did have the ability to deliver poisons that could have almost any effect that he required. However he was often stuck waiting for the results as the toxins travelled through his victim’s bloodstream.

When the roar from ahead had reached him he had increased his pace but found only the damaged corpse of a human and those he was trailing. Torrus thought it lucky that none of them had been damaged by the human. Each injury could only cause delay.

As he stepped into the clearing he heard Silver mention splitting into groups. She also mentioned distraction. He Looked about those who were gathered, none of them would cause much of a distraction for him. He stepped closer to the others, ignoring the exchange between Silver and Gredia.

“I suppose I’ll go with Zack and Aegis then.”
Adeline hovered over the body, looking down at it in disgust. "Should we try to get rid of it or something? It'll be a dead giveaway that we're here if the other Galactics see the body. Then again that roar'll alert them either way," she said, giving a sideways glance to Gredia.

She nodded at Silver. She would rather go with Leon, even though it would be too much a distraction, but she decided to keep mum. Gredia would suffice,. Maybe she could get some info out of Gredia about his mate and her beloved, though that might get distracting, too. "Alright, Gred. I guess we can patrol together."

The smell of blood was rank in the air, and her mouth did an odd thing; it both gagged and watered at once. Something was wrong with it, but she loved it.
"If I were a human, besides kill myself, I would head away from a roar like that." retorted Gredia. "Um, about hiding it, I may be a part crocodilian, and I may be hungry, but I will not eat it. Just throwing that out there."
"Maybe we should cover it with something...hide it so it's not in plain site." she said softly. She didn't make any attempt to get closer to it. Gredia even brought up something about not eatting him...at least I know he hasn't changed in that aspect... she thought trying hard not to show pure disgust on her face.
"Maybe we should drag it behind a tree?"

Leon then went up the body and attempted to move it, a bit disgusted by the smell.
"Weakling." Gredia muttered as he picked up the body in one hand and fung it into a tree, where a crack was heard when it landed. "Anyone know how to use sweet scent?"
"I don't..." she said to Gredia. Ugh...I need to get away from this smell... She glanced at Leon. "Ready to go now? Figure it's best to leave now before anyone else comes." Silver glanced around the group of people. "I guess we should return here if we find anything out. Best not to set off an attack and attract attention to yourselfs."
"Yes, I'm ready." Leon responded. And the quicker I can get away from Gredia, the better... seems that my plan may work out sooner than I thought... he thought, smiling inwardly.

""So... shall we be off, then?" he asked Silver.
"I'll go with you, Leon..." muttered Jaime. "I wouldn't want anything bad to happen out there." For a split second, he glanced at Silver. He knew what she was up to. She was trying to get her into her grasp and...

"You dare..." he whispered. "Erm... did I say that out loud? I'm sorry..."
Silver nodded to Leon. "Right...we'll go this way then." She said pointing towards a small path that soon turns into the forest. Jamie seemed to be muttering to hisself, but she decided to let him be. She started to walk towards the small path hoping the others would follow her.
Aihi's ears pricked as a familiar but at the same time unfamiliar sound came from near the door. She knew what it was, but she barely ever heard it - the creaking of a door. And from in this room, the only door she would be able to hear creaking from was the one blocking the passage out of this... cell. She stalked cautiously towards the threshold, eying it suspiciously. Sure enough, the edge of the door slid open, revealing a thin passage of light. Unconsciously, her steps quickened as she approached the way to partial freedom.

As she drew closer, it didn't close - in other words, the opening was intentional. Just in case, she jumped out into the hall rather than stepping, pulling her tail out of the way just as the heavy metal door closed. A rather tall human was standing at the hinges, looking down at her purposefully. She returned his gaze with her narrow black eyes, awaiting instructions (as she didn't think this would be much of a releasing party).

The human muttered something she barely understood - apparently he expected the Glaceon-splice to check the place where the other chimeras were kept. Or maybe she was supposed to track them; she couldn't tell which, but she would have to start from somewhere. To the other lab it was.

She padded down the gray-walled passage with a sense of unintentional authority, as the scientist-human was following her uneasily, and a few of his colleagues were slowly tailing in. She flicked her tail dismissively as they trailed behind her, although it was mainly just for show, and proceeded through a door that seemed intentionally left open.
She ignored Adeline, only shooting her a dark look when she tried to correct her. She heard him, and that was that. She was even in a worse mood when Gredia interrupted her, the egocentric idiot with his romance.

She stalked further into the forest, not feeling like being with the other morphs. This changed when she heard a loud, ferocious roar. Seconds later, a dead body of a galactic member was flung right beside her, whizzing past her head and into a tree. It looked delicious, actually. Her ghost typing had given her an affinity with the dead, and although it was more of a smugness that had filled her (she had overcome and conquered, and also sometimes inflicted death), it had also not only given her hunger not only mentally but physically for blood.

To get some of that delicious liquid, she would have to open her mouth. Not a good thing, that. But the wonderful nectar of life... it was worth it. Her mouth zipped open, a horrible black smog seeping out of the slit in her face. It filled the air, making an ominous cloud that would most likely spread to alert the others soon. Not that quickly, though. She would have enough time to finish her meal. The dark energy escaping from her head would prove problematic, however, so she tried to hurry.

She lapped up the blood, enjoying the satisfaction of this little triumph. Not only did it taste wonderful, but even better she and the other morphs not only got to kill the man but afterward defile his corpse. This gave her a extreme sense of satisfaction. Another part of her revenge enacted. Speaking of which, Adeline just might have to pay. But as her current status as an ally (to most of the group) would lead others to defend her, Envy decided it would take quite some planning to enact payback.

Which, unfortunately, would probably require going back to the group. After cleaning the blood off her mouth she kicked away the body, disregarding the rest of its potential edibility. She could feast on many things, including the delicious envy that many of the members of her makeshift team possessed for one another. Zipping back together her mouth, she decided it was most definitely worth it, the loss of energy to get the blood was far outweighed by her satisfaction.

She went back over to where she came, but still stayed in the shadows. They were dividing up into groups. She did not want to go with them, any of them, but nevertheless she wished to see what happened, and if she got picked she would follow the group. If not, she would stalk Adeline's group happily to plan her revenge.

She stayed where she was, unseen unless directly looked for. It was much simpler that way.
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Silver looked around at the forest that was closing in on them. She looked behind her to see Leon, and she couldn't tell if Jamie was behind him. It's nice to be out of that lab...maybe this is what it feels like to be free...free from any restraints that held me back... She though almost smiling. She sighed, not a sad sigh, but a somewhat happy sigh. "Leon...isn't it nice to be away from that lab? To have the feeling of being able to move without any chains attached..." She said to him. Almost feeling as if she could fly into the sky for a while.
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Jaime didn't need inviting. He was here to make sure Leon didn't get into any trouble. And by "any trouble", he meant Silver. Silver muttered something about freedom and chains, but he wasn't really listening.

But then he started to think. It really was nice, to have this freedom, to have the rest of his life to spend of his own free will.

And, mark his words, he would spend it with Leon.
((Darn, it's confusing reading about a character named Envy XD No matter...))

Turquoise swooped closer as she noticed the others take down the... whatever it was. Though she had escaped separately, she was still working with them. For one thing, she didn't want to reveal their position, and another, she wanted to be able to communicate with them if she needed to. The long-beaked Swellow fanned out her feathery tail to slow herself as she broke through the canopy just above the others. She landed carefully on a branch, navigating so she didn't cause too much rustling, and looked toward the other Pokémon splices. "What should we do now?" she asked, having heard their discussion about being found. Her eyes sharpened and she tilted her head as she asked the question, honestly thinking. If Galactic humans came, she would be able to escape them because she could fly quickly and agilely. But not everyone else had that ability... She would have to stay close for now.
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