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Splices' Revolution

Gredia smirked and he saw Leon become enraged inside. ((that stuffs obvious)) He pompuosly fapped his wings ever so gently, a few loose feathers falling from his massive wingspan.
Silver inwardly sighed as Gredia seemed to hiss at Leon. She didn't really know why he despised him, maybe it was the fact that Leon was part Gallade, but she couldn't put her finger on it. ((Silver's not good at realizing what's going on with other people x3)) Leon seemed to have the same hatred towards Gredia as he did. She kept a straight face and nodded at Adeline and Leon's comments. "That should be the best idea now."
Zachariah stopped moving. He could have sworn he heard something. But he couldn't have, right? Everyone was accounted for, at first glance. Then, He heard it again, a sillohette to add to it.
Zachariah tapped Aegis, and whispered, "We may have company."

This was something to report. Silver was ahead of most of the people, er, whatever they were, but she was engaged in a conversation. Telepathy was the way to go here. They question was, how could Aegis possible have missed it? He was keeping a close eye, had sharp vision and such...
'We may be having some trouble soon enough. Zach spotted a silhouette. It couldn't possibly be another Pokemon. There hasn't been one near since we got here. And all of us are accounted for...' Aegis telepathed.
Listening to the message that had been telepathed to her she tensed. 'Do you know what it is?' she telepathed back. She turned to Gredia. "I think we have company somewhere around here."
'Not at this exact moment. We could try to get a closer look if it comes back, but for now, we have nothing,' Aegis replied, 'But prepare for the worst. I can only naturally expect that Team Galactic is after us.'

Zachariah continued his conversation with Aegis, "You telepathed her? How did she handle the news?"

Aegis replied, "Silver... I can't exactly say how she reacted. She is aware of the fact we have to be careful and wary, however."
"Company? That should be fun," the splice said, overhearing Silver to Gredia. Adeline stretched out her gloves, flexing the fingers inside. This could get rough.
Gredia lent close to Silver's face and kissed her, subtly flapping his massive wings as to tell Leon Eat your Heart out..., after a while a while, he stood back up and began to focus on the fight ahead.

His claws then began to glow a dark black, then doubled in size ((Hone Claws attack)) "This should be fun!"
Silver nodded at what Aegis told her. So, Galactic didn't leave too long ago...

As she looked up from thinking Gredia suddenly kissed her. This caught her somewhat off-guard, usually he doesn't kiss her around Leon. She let him kiss her, to be honest it was pretty unexpected to her, but she didn't mind. When he finally stopped, he started to get pumped up for a fight.

"Y-yeah." she said, a little shaken by the unexpected kiss.
"Company?" muttered Jaime. "Hm..." He turned to Leon.

"Be careful," he ordered. "Or..." The floating creature smiled. "Perhaps we could go away from all of this chaos?"

He turned toward Silver and Gredia, whom Leon seemed to be watching intensely. "Just the two of us?" he continued through gritted teeth.
Company, hmm? Leon thought. He ignited the flames on his arms and head, ready to fight. And then, everything stopped.

Gredia kissed Silver.

Leon knew they were mates, and he knew they had probably kissed before, but they had never done so publicly. And as if to make things worse, Gredia seemed to be teasing Leon by doing it. The careful observer would have noticed his flames get hotter and shoot up half an inch.

The nerve of him... If I had a worse mindset, he'd be lying on the ground. Unconcious. or hopefully dead.

Glaring at Gredia, Leon prepared himself for whatever may come next.

He then heard Jaime speaking to him.

"No, I think we should stay as a group. just in case something happens.", He responded.
She looked over at Leon, his flames were flared up, as if he were ready to fight too. Does he plan to attack Gredia...? She was about to say something to him, when out of the corner of her eye, she saw a human. Her focus was turned onto him, examining him she saw the Galactic logo. "Guys...Team Galactic has shown up." she said, now glaring at the human that was in the trees.
Downhearted by Leon's reply, Jaime turned to Silver as she muttered something.


Jaime tensed up as best he could inside his cytoplasm shell. He'd had it practically all his life, but still couldn't get used to it. He shuddered at the thought of that man... that organisation. He would get revenge.
"It would seem I was correct..." Aegis muttered to himself as he saw a Team Galactic member. "Let's get this done." Aegis prepared for the fight. As he concentrated, Zachariah could've sworn he saw a small aura around him. Hell, that was impressive considering he couldn't see them.
Zachariah got ready as well. He held up his claws, waiting. He was brutal- and the chance to fight wasn't going to waste.
Leaves rose from the ground due to Adeline's psychic powers, starting to glow a black, steady aura. She was preparing Magical Leaf, and was focused on where the noise was coming from.

She watched as Gredia kissed Silver, a bit jealous to say the least. leon didn't show any intrest in her, but she still had to try. Speaking of Leon, she sensed hostilty crackling through the air was he seemed enraged by the kiss between the two mates. I hope it's not true, she thought to herself, a little disheartened.

Her sadness was interrupted as she chuckled under her breath at Jaime. If she didn't know any better, she would've thought he loved Leon, too!

And then the grunt appeared, and revenge was the only thing on her mind. "Let's teach these heartless humans a lesson," she hissed, spitting the words out like acid.
Then, the grunt appeared. the whole reason for him looking like he was, for every single prejudice and for every moment of suffering he had endured, was standing right in front of him. Enraged and nearly blinded with fury, the flames on Leon's arms and head rose by about an inch and a half, and he sprang toward the grunt, slashing madly.

He's not getting out of here alive, Leon though as he neared the Galactic member, casting dancing shadows with his blades.
"This will end it!!" Gredia cried as he lept forward at the human. It yelped in surprise, but Gredia had grabbed it slammed it into a tree. "HIDEOUS SCUM!!! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO US??" he screamed, but the human only understood it as vicious growls and hisses. It tried to punch him, so Gredia snapped his jaws around its arm, severly damaging it. The human cried in pain, but Gredia raised a crocodillian hand, and with his newly elongated claws, slit the humans soft throat. Warm, red blood trickled out of it, and the body went limp. Gredia released it, and roared with a primal instinct.
Adeline watched as Leon leaped towards the grunt, only to be cut off by Gredia. Even in the heat of battle these two fought each other.

Gredia killed the grunt mercilessly. She watched as the blood pooled onto the ground where the body fell, somewhat sickened, but somewhat pleasured by the sight. She was startled by Gredia's primative roar, though she recovered quickly.

"Nicely done," she said with a sadistic smile.
Leon's flames flared down a bit. "I wanted to kill him..." he muttered.

Still angry at Gredia, Leon began to think. I really hate him. That Gredia... he has to go. Or... I could hit him where it hurts the most... but for that to work...

He was interrupted by a sudden thought.

What if there are more?

Leon walked over to Silver and asked her quietly, "Do you think there are any more close by?"
She watched as Gredia flung himself at the grunt. Shouting, and then he raised his arm and slashed at the humans neck. Blood rushed out from the neck, as he dropped the body, Gredia roared. She had never really seen him like this, they were close and she knew him well, but, he seemed different. She suddenly felt somewhat sick to her stomach by the sight of this.

Leon walked up to her and quietly said, "Do you think there are anymore nearby?" She thought about this. "Yes, they wouldn't send just one after us. There are probably more nearby, being lured by that roar would also be a downside." She said replying to him. I want to get away from the smell of this blood... she thought without showing anything any disgust on her face.
Turquoise's attention was brought about by a loud, enraged cry by something nearby. The wind made the primary feathers of her wide wings flutter, and she lowered herself a bit, though her flight stayed level. Her keen eyes made out in the forest a dead body, apparently human and even more likely Team Galactic. The Swellow-Fearow chimera had made it out before anyone else, thanks to her speed, but when it came to defense, she was fragile. She would drift in the air for now, and wait to dive down until she saw another human. She wasn't sure if anyone down on the ground would notice her, but if they did, it didn't matter. They were all in this together, right?

Turquoise kept a sharp eye out. She would want to defend her friends from attack as soon as possible if they would all make it out alive. She circled around the group, keeping watch. Whatever human appeared next, they would see the truth in the rumor that a Swellow's dive for its prey never misses.
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