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Guardians <OOC/Signup>


What if I'm asleep?
For years we followed them, trusted them to keep us safe. They were supposed to keep us safe from the dangers of the world. Some still follow them but they are doomed and blind to the evil that the Guardians had become. Until recently all was fine, why did things change? Why did they change? Power. That is the one thing that can corrupt even the wisest beings.

Now we are left to the wilds, to be feasted upon by the shadowed horrors that prowl these forests. One word of rebellion and they leave us here. Here of all places. Us and the apprentices. The apprentices they had trained themselves. The most infested part of our world. If only things had been different. If only we had been killed, that would’ve been a kinder fate then leaving us here.

The demons are all around us, they seem to realise we are without true Guardians. Three have vanished in three nights. Each night we pray they escaped the demons.

It’s growing colder. Days seem to pass much faster now. It appears winter is coming on. Good. The demons will flee the cold and leave us here alone. But we will still be doomed by the hunger that has overtaken us.

All is quiet, only a few remain. The demons came in a great swarm and we fled. Fled while our friends were taken and devoured by them. We returned to find only empty husks of Pokemon. Not a single drop of blood was shed that night. It appears that the demons are staying for the winter. Or at least until we are all devoured. That night we burned their bodies, knowing that we would eventually be taken if we did not escape.

So now we fight back.


-No godmodding other characters
-Posts must be more than three sentences long.
-Seven Guardian and seven Demon spots total.
-This RP is PG-13
-One character per person
-The sections of the form should bold and spaced.
-Mary Sues will burn.
-No major legendaries.


Name: (First and last name)
Age: (How old is your character? (13+))
Gender: (Male, Female or None)
Alliance: (Guardian or Demon?)
Species: (Guardians can be any type except Dark or Ghost, Demons must have Dark, Psychic or Ghost type.)
Appearance: (At least do something abnormal)
Personality: (Can be PO but give a general idea.)
Bio: (A little history about who they are and how their lives went)
Relationships: (Relationships with the others around you.)
Other: (Any notes?)

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Name: Torr Ayer

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Alliance: Guardian

Species: Marowak

Appearance: The skull on his head has rows of spikes on the ridges and his club has been dented and worn down by repeated use.

Personality: Generally mistrusting of all except his closest friends and allies. He is determined when it comes to battle and will continue to fight as long as he is able to. He comes across to most as being mean or cruel but at heart he is kind. When his teacher left him in the wilds with the others he felt as though he had failed his teacher in some way so he trained his skills almost non-stop in the forest, nearly blocking out all of his companions in the process until the demons attacked.

Bio:Torr was once just a Cubone wandering through the remains of the world, wondering how he had gotten there. When he was younger a Demon had attacked him but one of the Guardians had defeated the demon before it could finish him. He began to follow the Guardian until he was invited to become an apprentice.

Before they reached the wilds, Torr was taught by a Rhyhorn how to fight. He grew to enjoy his teacher’s company. When his teacher left him in the wilds he refused to believe that he had turned into a power hungry monster.

Relationships: He respected his old teacher.

Other: He is fond of his teacher but understands the power hunger that drove him.
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Could I please reserve a spot for a Demon?

Name: Spite


Gender: Male

Alliance: Demon

Species: Misdreavus

Appearance: Misdreavus is a fairly anomalous Pokemon consisting of a round, flattened head with a small skirt-like appendage at the bottom. It has semicircular, eerie-looking red eyes, and long "hair" that seems to float behind it. The Ghost-type also has a necklace of dark red pearls - its body is grey with fuchsia highlights in the hair. Spite's "hair" is longer and straighter than that of a normal Misdreavus, and hangs over his body more than it levitates in the air.

Personality: Spite likes to spar and move through shadows and dislikes hot days. He can be aggressive and is mainly independent and defiant, although he will tolerate working with others. He doesn't make friends easily, and prefers to be alone rather than have a lot of companions. Irritable, he will turn on allies who frustrate him, even if with just a glare.

Spite originally lived in a dark cave somewhere near the eastern coast of the Johto region. Naturally, he only came out at night, but not a lot of traffic moves towards the Pokemon league, and not a lot of nocturnal Pokemon live on this Route - envy-food was hard to come by, but Spite kept himself sustained by wandering, sometimes for miles. Exploration became more of a hobby than a habit, and soon Spite had no set home. He stayed mainly on the north side of Johto, and of course never crossed the ocean, but he learned a lot about the surrounding Pokemon and how the region worked. He wasn't overpowered with knowledge, but his experience from exploring made battles a bit more strategic for him; he started relying on strategy rather than brute force (since the latter was hard to come by in a Misdreavus).

Relationships: Spite is mainly solitary, and prefers not to make friends, but he will tolerate companions. He lives apart from his family and doesn't have any acquaintances.

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Somehow I managed to finish my form and not procrastinate before my self-imposed deadline. I'm surprised I managed to make the Bio longer than the personality, but...
Can we be B/W pokemon? if so:

Name: Damon Frier

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Alliance: Guardians

Species: Riguree (This:

Appearance: Damon is not only shiny, but the markings on his head are slightly different than regular Riguree as well. Instead, the lines make a hexagon with an X in the middle. Other than that, he is completely normal.

Personality: A little shy and over-cautious, Damon is actually fairly good in battle. It might not be wise to sneak up on him, as he tends to be jumpy and quick to defend.

Bio: Damon was actually next on the list to receive a Guardian mentor, but they separated before he could get one. He is real touchy on the subject, so conversation about it is tough for him. Nothing else really notable.

Relationships: Secretly is very fond of Maggie, but he is friends with just about everyone in the group.

Other: Sorry to jump on the bandwagon, it's just, he's so... innocent looking. I'd have to be really twisted in order to make him evil.

Oh, and if we can't be B/W pokemon, well, reserve me something, because this is all I got right now.
Zackrai: Accepted (but, wait... Who's 'Maggie'? Did I miss something?)

magnemite: Guardian or Demon?
Name: Maggie Gadar

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Alliance: Guardian

Species: Gardevoir

Appearance: Usually hooded nowadays. Not very talkative, but very
stratagetic. Hardly ever not using Psychic powers, only when to blend into a crowd. The robe is of cloth. She has wonderfully blue eyes and long, shiny-silver hair, so she kind of stood out in a crowd before she went into hiding.

Personality: She's very quiet, but is quick and tactical. She can plan a strategy and change it as odds and information changes, making her the second-greatest strategist. She can change and adapt any strategy in an instant when odds or information given is changed or added, so she'd be an asset to any team, which is why she is running from the Deamons.

Bio: The reason Maggie is the SECOND greatest strategist is her mentor, the Guardian of Logic and Strategy, died at the hand(s) of the Deamons, so she's out to extract revenge (tactfully, not running headlong into danger). She wears a cloth-made robe to avoid suspicion from the Deamons, due to her unique physical traits (eyes and hair, for any pervs).

Relationships: None as of yet.

Other: (From "Bio") A little history about who he/she are and how his/her life went (not good grammar! sorry, had a 180 Q English midterm ysterday... So now I'm pronoun OCD'd)
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Name: Lae Parirow


Gender: Female



Appearance: Lae is a shiny lepardas, with a black mask as opposed to the regular pink mask.

Personality: Lae comes across charming, but it's all just a ruse to get what she wants. However, she would much rather sneak instead of being nice. She isn't much for friends, as she thinks they are distractions.

Bio: At a younger time she lived off the scraps from the others. As she grew she learned that falling into the favors of the others got her bigger portions of leftovers, and after years of getting what she needs for herself like this she thinks she is all she could ever need. Now she is eager to prove she no longer requires the others to survive, and remains with them only for protection.

Relationships: none

Other: She has the limber ability preventing paralysis. (if allowed)
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