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Search results

  1. Elfin

    S'okay. xD

    S'okay. xD
  2. Elfin

    Well, after about 10 seconds of thought, I can't figure out what yv stands for, so... probably...

    Well, after about 10 seconds of thought, I can't figure out what yv stands for, so... probably not. :P
  3. Elfin

    Open Tales of TCoD

    "Guys? What's going on- crap!", She half-screamed, tripping over Midnight, then cringed. Her throat still hurt. And why was everyone asleep? What just happened?! It was probably the walls, but suddenly her head felt funny. Evoli honestly had no idea what to do. She could probably turn and run...
  4. Elfin

    Open Tales of TCoD

    Evoli grumbled under her breath and scurried after her two newfound allies, trying not to start coughing like crazy. "That wasn't smart, Nighty Night... now my voice is messed up for a while", she complained hoarsely. Yep. If he pulled something like that again, she was definitely going to go...
  5. Elfin

    Yep. Aren't you lucky. >D

    Yep. Aren't you lucky. >D
  6. Elfin

    Open Tales of TCoD

    Evoli jumped away from the web with a yelp, slipping on a pile of loose gravel and falling over backwards. That wasn't fair! She was going to kill and eat Midnight! But first, this delightful giant spider. "Okay, youguysshouldcoveryourearsnow-!!". Although she usually didn't spend much time...
  7. Elfin

    Open Tales of TCoD

    Evoli poked at the remains of the wall Midnight had kicked open. "Styrofoam? Crappy construction there. I guess it makes getting through here easier... as long as we don't get lost and starve. Heh." She ran off to Midnight and Cryptica. It was a bit hard keeping up, being much smaller, but it...
  8. Elfin

    Open Tales of TCoD

    Evoli laughed and scampered towards what seemed to be Midnight. "Well, I'm not exactly... not-lost. There's a reason nobody's seen me in a while. But see? I'm not dead. Echolocation does wonders, heh. Plus snack foods." She stopped abruptly, getting back on track. "Anyway, I wanted to help out...
  9. Elfin

    Open Tales of TCoD

    ((OH LOOK A LATE ARRIVAL AREN'T I SPECIAL.)) Evoli stepped out of the shadows in a slightly-stealthy maneuver, which was somewhat ruined by the fact that she was singing. Loudly. From far off, someone holding a lantern or some sort of light was walking towards her. Well, it could either be...
  10. Elfin

    Really? Thanks~ I'm starting the form now.

    Really? Thanks~ I'm starting the form now.
  11. Elfin

    I was... That's what I get for being so inactive, I guess. xD

    I was... That's what I get for being so inactive, I guess. xD
  12. Elfin

    Okay then! I didn't spend all that time thinking of a not-crappy name for Asrai for nothing. l< xD

    Okay then! I didn't spend all that time thinking of a not-crappy name for Asrai for nothing. l< xD
  13. Elfin

    Yay, a quasi-love triangle! xD Yeah, that'd be... interesting. Mwahaha. It would be more fun to...

    Yay, a quasi-love triangle! xD Yeah, that'd be... interesting. Mwahaha. It would be more fun to write that. Erindor and Twi falling for each other again. Whatever you want, though.
  14. Elfin

    It was with a male Buneary and female Sneasel. I want trying to breed the perfect...

    It was with a male Buneary and female Sneasel. I want trying to breed the perfect Sneasel/Weavile, and out of 20 or so eggs, one was a Buneary. But I digress. Yay~ >D I do want to! I just assumed that KQ wouldn't want most sideplots and stuff, you know. But I do want them to be in it.
  15. Elfin

    The eggs/kits are going to be in it? I kind of assumed that 99% of the sideplots are going...

    The eggs/kits are going to be in it? I kind of assumed that 99% of the sideplots are going bye-bye, given what happened. ... I want to mention, though, it is possible for the offspring to be the father's species. Apparently. It happened to me in my Pearl game once. Not that it matters, since...
  16. Elfin

    Well, my main reason is mainly that it would be a fresh start after playing an Espeon character...

    Well, my main reason is mainly that it would be a fresh start after playing an Espeon character for so long... which, admittedly, isn't the best logic. But... it's pretty hard to take Delcatty's seriously, though their appearance would fit her personality. Eh, I probably won't. Maybe. Too tired...
  17. Elfin

    Craziness rules. :D Anyhow (kinda related...) I'm sorta-kinda-maybe thinking about changing...

    Craziness rules. :D Anyhow (kinda related...) I'm sorta-kinda-maybe thinking about changing Twilight to a Delcatty if/when we restart the RP. Any thoughts on it?
  18. Elfin

    Hopefully. Jeez... weird stuff is always happening the the RSP in more ways than one, huh?

    Hopefully. Jeez... weird stuff is always happening the the RSP in more ways than one, huh?
  19. Elfin

    For once, yay for a lack of violence~ No, I didn't! Honestly, I haven't been going to the RSP...

    For once, yay for a lack of violence~ No, I didn't! Honestly, I haven't been going to the RSP Lounge. Never really did. Yeah, me too. Though the plot will probably be easier to follow this way, but still...
  20. Elfin

    Oh well! Not like anyone will beat us up. I hope... >> <<

    Oh well! Not like anyone will beat us up. I hope... >> <<
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