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Search results

  1. Scyther

    Ameroq01 vs. Scyther

    Erm, DQ warning. We won't freak out or anything if you're a tad late, though.
  2. Scyther

    Parents And The Computer?

    :) My name on Facebook is Scyther Smith.
  3. Scyther

    Eh. Not much. How about you?

    Eh. Not much. How about you?
  4. Scyther

    Have I told you that I absolutely love your avie? ^-^

    Have I told you that I absolutely love your avie? ^-^
  5. Scyther

    You know, to the plural noun issue~~

    You know, to the plural noun issue~~
  6. Scyther

    Not if you're Pennsyvienia-Dutch~~

    Not if you're Pennsyvienia-Dutch~~
  7. Scyther

    Possible Gen V. game?

    Well. I'll be damned. That's wicked.
  8. Scyther

    In response to your other previous post: What is aerobics agains? It sounds fun. You know...

    In response to your other previous post: What is aerobics agains? It sounds fun. You know, yesterday was the anniversary of The Raven. I really wished I had waited longer to read it, as it's kinda incomprhesiable now and I know I would get it better if I was older. "See? Now you know why I...
  9. Scyther

    It's, um, almost resolved. I was really over-dramatic, and I would have taken it back if I...

    It's, um, almost resolved. I was really over-dramatic, and I would have taken it back if I could. You needn't respond to it.
  10. Scyther

    Oh my goodness Full Metal Cookies I'm so sorry! I honestly didn't think you would mind, it...

    Oh my goodness Full Metal Cookies I'm so sorry! I honestly didn't think you would mind, it being in a diffrent forum and all. Seriously, I'm so sorry! My goodness, this is embarrising! I'll remove it right away! Seriously, I'm so sorry! I totally should have asked! No, seriously, I can't...
  11. Scyther

    ...Except that Scyther aren't afraid of Zangeese. Mhuhaha.

    ...Except that Scyther aren't afraid of Zangeese. Mhuhaha.
  12. Scyther

    Freedom of religion does not apply to Atheists?

    Isn't my state just that wonderful? That gives something to rant about on Moodle and have everyone in history hate me for it~~
  13. Scyther

    Where do you eat? How often?

    We generally make our own food, mostly using vegtables we grow ourselves and noodles. I like to make myself rice whenever my family isn't having anything but more recently I've been eating ramen. Oh, and about once a month we'll go out to eat at Wendy's or McDonald's. We haven't been to an...
  14. Scyther

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    Can you Imprision Chill?
  15. Scyther

    [Open] The Program: Season Two [PG13+]

    Well someone read The Hunger Games >:3 Anyway, I thought I'd give RPing another chance. Name: Gage Noll Age: 15 Gender: Male Number:3 Appearance: Gage's outfit is pretty bland. He wears a green plain hoody and a pair of jeans, along with some black, square-rimmed glasses. Gage has short-ish...
  16. Scyther

    It's been quite a bit since we've talked~~ So how have your new classes been? What else have...

    It's been quite a bit since we've talked~~ So how have your new classes been? What else have you been up to. Ohmygosh, guess what? All I know is wrong. MATH.IS.FUN. No seriously. I'm sitting there, mindlessly taking notes as always and then I relized that it all seemed to fit together...
  17. Scyther

    Ameroq01 vs. Scyther

    Hidden Power~Protect~Imprison
  18. Scyther

    :P Yeah. I just got a new puppy today!

    :P Yeah. I just got a new puppy today!
  19. Scyther

    Friend request me on facebook, and look at my photos. Then delete the friendship~~

    Friend request me on facebook, and look at my photos. Then delete the friendship~~
  20. Scyther

    Make a challenge for me in the challenge board. I'll take it, then we just wait for a ref.

    Make a challenge for me in the challenge board. I'll take it, then we just wait for a ref.
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