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[Open] The Program: Season Two [PG13+]


It's back...

It is a dark future. The art of Pokemon battling has become less of a draw than they once was, and people have turned to the bloody arts of combat to the death. In an attempt to find entertainment and control the fighting, the combined governments of the four regions created...The Program.

The Program gathers a group of young trainers, strips them of their own Pokemon, and sets them loose with a 'rental' Pokemon on a large island. The goal: Kill each other until only one is left for the amusement of the people. They are encouraged to use creative and bloody methods to take down their fellow combatants, since blood means ratings. The last to come out alive is declared the winner, and will become a media darling, until the same time next year, when the next trainers are chosen... They usually don't come out quite...intact, either.

This has been going on for a few years now, and you may have watched past Programs. But nothing could prepare you for when you awoke in a large classroom of sorts along with a group of others, and were told where you were...

Good luck. You'll need it.

-All the usual things; if you haven't read the guidelines, I don't want you
-NOMNOM chatspeak
-Your characters will probably die in this, since it is a Battle Royale RP.
-Once you do die, you can post commentary here if you want.
-Put the smiley face that I put somewhere in this post in your form. Yes, I feel like being a jerk.
-Please, Please don't magically be able to avoid any attacks on you, and in the same vein, don't be 'Oh my attack hit you you die', since you can be wounded, and attacks miss!
-ASB and MD style - all moves, all abilities.

-You can take the Pokemon from anyone you kill.
-You can band together and try to take down the Program if you want... it just won't be easy. >:3
-A terrible map of the island I drew in like 5 minutes

1. /Full Metal Cookies
2. Shaun McFowl Jr./Heavy Lobster
3. Gage Noll/Scyther
4. Lina Beran/Dragon
5. Rick Brandon/Kusa
6. Erika Harris/Ameroq01
7. Marcus Crown/Minnow
8. Anieli Myalo/Psymon
9. Anara Forenx/shadow_lugia

[B]Name:[/B] (First and last)
[B]Age:[/B] (Between 13 - 17)





My form later.
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Name: Lina Beran
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Number: 4

Appearance: Lina is tall. Very, very tall. At 6'5" she stands head and shoulders above most people, though instead of taking advantage of this and her possible athleticism, she mostly spends her time indoors and is pretty pale because of this, but lean. She has shoulder length dark brown hair with bleached blond streaks, and wears her hair in a ponytail. Lina's eyes are a light green. While she's not the kind to wear makeup, Lina doesn't let her appearance run wild either and keeps a comb in her pocket at all times. Her usual outfit is made up of a plain green t-shirt, baggy jean shorts and sandals.

Biography: Lina's lived with her parents since she was born, and has hung out with kids years older than her, to make herself feel of average height. She knows more about video games and computers than survival or sports or physical stuff.

The announcement that she was going to be in the Programme came randomly. Lina had never done anything to stand out or make herself seen, though she could do nothing about it and resolved to come back alive. Probably.

Personality: Lina is pretty laid-back, preferring to watch the world pass her by than do anything. She's rather openhearted, and would rather talk things through than get physical. When Lina's stressed you can't tell, as she buries it under the pretense of being perfectly fine. Brain over brawn, she usually says.

Other: Totally screwed >:3
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I love Battle Royal! Hell, I even know what it's about, and why it's banned in both China and Japan. Can I be the Primary Antagonist? Otherwise, I'll fix his personality later. >:3

Name: Markus Marina
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Number: 6
Appearance: His eyes are the most noticeable thing about him, small blue ones filled with nothing, as if he had no soul. He has scars on his right cheek from an accident in which his parents died, and he survived.
Biography: As a young child, he barely survived a car crash that killed both of his parents when a drunk ran into their car. He survived only because the doctors preformed a lobotomy, removing a small section of his brain that had swollen, and permanently removing his ability to feel emotion. He was put into an orphanage, which he subsequently ran away from after he killed the dog. Since then, he has killed a large variety of things, from random people whom he perceives as looking at him the wrong way, to stray dogs and cats that come to him for a treat, to birds that he catches. He only very rarely attends school, and willingly signed up for the Program, because he had nothing else to do.
Personality: Cold. This man feels... nothing. Nothing at all. He can and will kill absolutely everyone here, and not shed a tear over them, nor lose any sleep at all. All of his comments sound bored, when he actually decides to speak. He has a habit of taunting his prey, though, in an attempt to feel... something, anything. Fear, perhaps. Excitement. Anger, maybe... I don't know, I just know that's what he wants.
Other: Totally not based off of Kazuo Kiriyama, honest! ;D
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Name: Anara Forenx

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Number: 9

Appearance: Anara has long, straight chocolate-brown hair and bright blue eyes. She is a bit short and skinny for her age, and is pretty bony.

Biography: For a long time, Anara was happy. Her parents loved her, she had several friends, and almost nothing bad happened to her.

One day, while she was out with one of her friends, a carbon monoxide leak happened in her house. She came home to find authorities telling her that she couldn't go in, and that both of her parents had died.

In her grief, she abandoned all of her friends and released the few Pokemon she had, preferring to be alone. She was taken to an orphanage, which wasn't too bad. She was fed three meals a day, the food wasn't terrible, and she got her own bed.

She hated it there.

When a young couple came in to interview her for adoption and agreed to adopt her, she grew upset and angry and ran away. She didn't want new parents, she wanted her old parents. She volunteered to be on the Program, thinking that it was pretty much a one-way ticket to seeing it again, but still comforted her slightly by giving her a chance to survive and prove that she didn't need anyone but herself.

Personality: Anara is toucy, and easy to upset or anger. She often reacts violently to any suggestion that she is weak or vulnerable. Otherwise, she is very quiet, and antisocial. When she does talk, she sounds cynical and pessimistic, and could possibly unnerve someone who believes differently about life. She hardly ever accepts help, but when she does, she usually plans to make it best for her. Deep down inside, she feels lonely, but denies these feelings to everyone, including herself.

Other: She likes Ice types, which is totally irrelevant. >:3
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I wouldn't say her liking Ice types is irrelevant, especially considering she has surrounded herself in a prison of Ice. Unlike Markus, who can't feel because he had a small lobotomy after the car crash, she has removed her feelings herself, separating her from anyone who wants to help her. Actually, I would say that her liking Ice type is due to the fact that she can compare so much between them.
Name: Rick Brandon
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Number: 5

Appearance: Rick is a small boy with a wide grin and a few nicks on his face, elbows, and knees from his time spent in the forest. He has floppy black hair covered by a wide-brimmed straw hat and light brown eyes. His clothing consists of a simple white shirt, blue shorts, and running shoes. In his hand he carries a long butterfly net with a hidden blade and on his shoulder he carries what looks like a metal lunchbox. He is good at running and swinging his net around, as well as hiding when he must.

Biography: Rick was probably born somewhere, but the only proof of that is that he is alive. All he really knows is that he is part of Team Rocket, possibly always has been, and he works for them. He was taught to kill people with a gun and blade, all the various bug-type pokemon and similar pokemon, and then placed in a forest with a group of similar boys in bug catching gear. They stayed there for a while, informing their handlers about new trainers and their interesting pokemon, and helped manipulate or capture swarms of beedrill. They also raised weak pokemon like weedle to beedrill, then gave them away to be used by experienced trainers who needed the stingers and poison to kill. When they started to look too old, between ten and thirteen years of age, they were swapped out for younger bug catchers, and sent wherever the Rockets needed them to be.

Rick looked young, so he stayed in the forest for several years. Afterward, he was sent to a distant high school, complete with documentation stating he was thirteen, and told that he was to participate in The Program. It didn't matter if he won. They just had to know what was going on, because it was somethign outrageous done by the government that they wanted to stop. Criminals have a difficult time taking advantage of an organised society if it isn't organised, and the Rockets wanted to put a stop to this. Rick was just the first. There would be others. Everything he did would reach the Rockets somehow - they didn't specify - and he was just to act like a normal child in The Program. If he overthrew The Program, that was fine, but they didn't expect much. He was going to die. He was just supposed to last as long as he could, and learn as much as he could.

Personality: Rick is pragmatic and comfortable in the wilderness, particularly forests, but he is better with bug-type pokemon than with people. It's not that he's bad with people, but he's not used to dealing with them for a significant period of time. He can make bonds similar to friendship, but does not grieve over any losses, though he might be angry because he lost an advantage. He is passionate about bug-types, but he will just as easily kill one to see what is inside, or torture them to see how they react; it is perhaps learning that he enjoys more than the bugs themselves. He has a good memory, especially for rules and instructions, and because he has a very active subconscious, he can make fairly accurate judgements about people by just observing them for a short time. He is analytical and aware of his surroundings. He has an odd habit of whispering to himself when he thinks nobody is listening. He likes to appear more vulnerable than he is, and pretends to have an aversion to killing when he thinks he can get away with the hesitation.

Other: Since the government is evil, TR makes up the good guys. But bug catchers have been with TR for a while. Bug catchers do a few more necropsies on the bugs than they used to, though. >:3
Name: Shaun McFowl Jr.
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Number: 2

Appearance: With a tall face, cropped blond hair, and two hazel eyes covered by a pair of bushy eyebrows, Shaun's head looks normal. He has a skinny chest with a pair of wiry arms, but below that, his appearance becomes quite odd. He is an amputee, with his right leg only a stump, as it had been cut off eight years prior because of a "bad" blood vessel (Shaun doesn't like to go into detail). He wears a prosthetic leg, but because of his disability he isn't very athletic. His clothes consist of a plain Grey hoodie, blue jeans, worn sneakers, and a baseball cap with the Johto League symbol printed on it.

Biography: Shaun has had a relatively well life, besides his disability. He has never known his father, but his mother is very kindly. They were also very wealthy, as his mother was a surgeon. The only problem was Shaun's older brother, Daniel.

The two hated each other quite passionately, preferring to treat their friends like the brother that they already had. Daniel was five years older, so when he turned eighteen, he had a little surprise for his brother. He signed him up for the Program, and only told him via a text message the night before. Thinking it was a joke, Shaun slept without a worry.

He woke up in the worst place imaginable.

Personality: Shaun is nice, though whiny and neurotic at times. He can be over-emotional, but his mother can usually woe him back to sanity with a new video game. Thus he is spoiled, the only thing keeping him from being an absolute snob is his leg problem and his tormenting brother. He had many "friends", but these were mainly people who admired his vast collection of video games. He only had four true friends, who he misses very much in the Program. However, he decided to think rationally, which his mother always said was the best plan of action

Other: Based on a friend of mine >:3
Everyone but those mentioned below are accepted/reserved.

I'm not too keen on accepting you, judging by what you've posted in Grimiore, but I'll give you a chance if you fix up the form a bit. I even bolded everything in the first post, how did you manage to unbold it D; And I'd like it if you made your own character idea too, but that's not completely necessary. Also missing something that's in the rules.

shadow_lugia: Your form is fine, except you're missing a little something~

Also, when the hell did I surround myself in a prison of ice? It would be kind of hard to wander around an island on national TV if I had locked myself up somewhere. And she's liked Ice types for a long time.
It meant metaphorically. As in, your character has put up mental walls or something due to grief, but in doing so, it locked her into suffering? And other such significances, making her preference of ice-types non-arbitrary.
...Oh. Well, in truth, I didn't think about that at all. I just made her like Ice types because I named her after an ice dragon character I created in one of my video games :P
@Full Metal Cookie: Alright, two things. One, Saul and Paul, er, well, Paul anyway, is kind of waiting for someone to either mention the eyes, or the judge to actually look at him... neither of those events having taking place. Also, about the unbolding thing... well, what can I say? I retyped everything. Can't believe I missed Bio, though... I'll fix it up. Finally, about the whole stealing thing, well, the line in Other is supposed to come off as sarcastic. Especially when you clicked on the link and read his mini bio. Didn't it? And I did say I wanted the primary antagonist...
@Full Metal Cookie:

There is more than one cookie.

One, Saul and Paul, er, well, Paul anyway, is kind of waiting for someone to either mention the eyes, or the judge to actually look at him... neither of those events having taking place.

a) Nobody actually cares, because even if there's a bounty on your head, it will be pretty freaking small. You're just a thief. We're going after people that will destroy the world. Besides, most of us have killed before. If all you are is a thief, we're only worried that you'll be useless in battle or that you'll steal from us (in which case we might turn you in for a bit of cash, because you're useless or a traitor).

b) Judges are not actual law enforcement. There's a police force, probably, and also bounty hunters. All judges do is make you not die in battle.

c) So, you're standing somewhere, with (what you think are) unique eyes being clearly displayed. You are worried someone will recognise you because of them, since you forgot to ever disguise them despite this fear. Nobody notices. Would you stand around there forever and do nothing until someone does notice? When people continue to not notice, are you really going to continue acting suspicious, as if you want them to notice?

d) Heterochromia is rare, but not that special. Even if people notice, they've got no reason to mention it. This is especially true where people are vulnerable to eye injuries, or can change their eye colour with magic. Additionally, eyes are small and your character is in the shadow caused by the cart's roof, so it's just as likely no one can see it, even if your character's face is interesting enough to look at for a significant period of time.

Finally, about the whole stealing thing, well, the line in Other is supposed to come off as sarcastic. Especially when you clicked on the link and read his mini bio. Didn't it? And I did say I wanted the primary antagonist...
You want to be the primary antagonist, but you don't get to choose that. How your character is treated in the RP is entirely up to the other players.

Lampshade hanging does not actually decrease your offence.

Also the stealing thing was a small issue, just a sort of ":c no originality, eh?" thing. I doubt FMC of all people cares too much about stealing.

The bolding is actually important, as is the use of the enter key (see how my paragraphs have a blank line between them? Use that for the beginning of every paragraph when typing on the Internet, always. Look at anyone else's form to see how yours should be spaced out), because they make it easier to read.

Also, your form isn't particularly high-quality. FMC wants you to improve that as well. And maybe include at least a bit of originality.

This message brought to you on behalf of the FMC Associates, Ltd.
Well someone read The Hunger Games >:3

Anyway, I thought I'd give RPing another chance.

Name: Gage Noll
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Appearance: Gage's outfit is pretty bland. He wears a green plain hoody and a pair of jeans, along with some black, square-rimmed glasses. Gage has short-ish brown hair that is a bit ruffled in some places, and green eyes. Otherwise, he has no particualy outstanding features.

Biography: Gage is... normal. (Or, you know, as normal as it gets these days.) He lives in Pallet Town, goes to school there, ands gets moderately good grades. He has a few close friends, all of which were sad to see him go, along with two loving parents. Gage hadn't chosen to join the program; they had chose him. He had come home from school one day only to find his parents crying over a letter they had recieved, telling them that he had just that day to say goodbye to his family. He feels scared towards the whole thing of course, but has tried to keep a level head about the whole thing, after all, he had as good a chance as anyone, right?

Personality: If it was up to Gage, he'd be by himself drawing most of the time rather than be with friends, however he was rather likeable and often got dragged along to do things. However, he doesn't complain, being rather passive. Gage really is rather innocent, and besides this, there isn't much else to say.

Other:Gage has some experianced with Pokemon, having taken battling classes in school, along with the other required Pokemon classes, so he isn't comepletly clueless. Also, his father is Pokemon Doctor, so he has a bit of knowladge on matters such as this.
Name: Anieli Myalo
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Number: 8

Appearance: Anieli wears square brown glasses, a purple shirt and a leather jacket. He always wears jogging bottoms, usually blue ones. He is average height for his age, and quite slim. His hair is a light blond, flat and shortish. He has green eyes.

Biography:Anielli came from a Greek speaking country when he was 7, moving to Sinnoh with his mom and dad. He learned English while in Sinnoh, mainly learning it from watching past programs. He always liked watching it, though he sort of hated the gory bits when he was still young. He loves it even more now that he is older, but was still shocked when they had chose for him to go on it. He doesn't like to think of what will probably happen to him, but reckons that he should just get along with it as there is nothing he can really do.

Personality:Anielli likes to read, read and read a bit more. He reads both English and Greek, being fluent in both, but tries to buy Greek books when he can. He usually speaks English, but has a bit of a habit of calling Pokemon by their Greek names.

Other:I shall probably get killed within two seconds, but i want to kill someone else too. >:3
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Name:Erika Harris

Appearance: She has blonde hair that comes to the middle of her back, and deep blue eyes. She usually wears plain blue jeans and a black. tank top, with a cross necklace. A gray sweatshirt is usually worn over the tank top. She is thin and about 5'6".

Biography:Erika was always a little odd, she kept to herself and wrote in her journal rather than being social. Her parents worried about her, but finally left her alone. When she received notice that she had been called on, her parents were devastated, they cried and hugged her, and she hugged them back. She is always observing things, and writing them down. She spent most of her time with her Pokemon. Though her parents didn't allow her to go on a journey and collect badges, she captured some Pokemon, and spent a lot of time with them. She lived in a small town in the Kanto region.

Personality:Erika is quiet and doesn't speak much, she likes to write in her journal about her feelings, and almost everything else. She is very observive, and quite intelligent, though she doesn't use it often. She is quick-witted, but forgetful, and is always ready for a fight. Erika is quite impulsive, and is quick to judge, but that often helps her out, since she believes trust is earned, not given. She always keeps her Pokemon with her, and hates that she has to leave them behind.

Other:She doesn't like the idea of using a strange Pokemon she doesnt even know. She hates pushing herself. She's not very strong (though she thinks she is) and therefore, might not last long in this competition....
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Name: Marcus Crown
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Number: 7

Appearance: Not necessarily muscular, but definitely very strongly built. Light sandy hair and a light complexion. Usually seen with a smile. Clothes are rustic but well-kempt. Sometimes dusty or dirty from his excursions.

Biography: For the early years of his life, Marcus lived in a small town in rural Johto with his extended family. Although large responsibilities and an even larger household had shaped him into a highly independent person, he still was greatly involved with and loved within his family. He helped with their business (and many others’, too) on a daily basis and was extremely devoted to making them proud and happy. As time passed, however, he found himself needed less and less, and knew his time was up. Although he was sad to leave, Marcus knew that it would be much better for him to get out and see the world. He was 13.

The past four years Marcus has been traveling through Johto, exploring and learning what he can. He’s picked up a few Pokemon along the way, but found it much more natural to befriend rather than capture them (and didn’t really know how to handle a Pokeball, anyway). In his travel’s he has met many people who have taken a liking to him, but he deliberately kept himself from forming strong attachments. Having never had a proper education, Marcus learned most of what he knows from his own experiences or from what he has heard from others. Traveling alone, he’s learned a great many things about wilderness survival, and even basic self-defense, which he’s been trying to improve lately.

Never having learned to read very well, he took the various pamphlets he’d found about The Program to be discussing a kind of physical training course. Being interested in that sort of thing he inadvertently volunteered himself.

Personality: Very easy-going, Marcus takes a whimsical and generally happy view of life, as something to be enjoyed and experienced, through all its ups and downs. He seems to be smiling all the time and is usually good at cheering people up, intentionally or not. He greatly enjoys his nomadic life, feeling at peace with himself and the world, without much to be worried about.

People who’ve known him usually can’t decide whether he’s simply naïve, or he’s actually one of the few who have figured it all out. Regardless of his spiritual state, however, he is often far too trusting and can get on the nerves of someone who disagrees with his worldview.

Despite all this, Marcus is still very independent and seems to require lots of time alone, to reflect and relax. If stressed too much, he starts to become critical and snappy. If pushed too far he can really surprise people with his strong convictions and concealed rage.

Other: Can’t write. Can barely read. Limited knowledge about much of modern society. Loves fishing. Oh, and have a >:3, FMC.
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