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Search results

  1. ZimD

    Answer A Question With A Question

    Is that relevant?
  2. ZimD

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^ Stabbed me in the back with the Julie thing, then stabbed me in the back again and rubbed salt in the wound -- unnecessary!
  3. ZimD

    Fave bands/artists?

    The Killers are great -- do you know "Why Do I Keep Counting?" By a wide margin their greatest song in my book. I am also very big on Springsteen, Butch Walker, Blue October, KISS, The Academy Is..., DNA-Groove, Breaking Benjamin, My Chemical Romance, Better Than Ezra and Jackson Browne among...
  4. ZimD

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Linoone is so cool. It's just such a fucking badass, I mean look at it.
  5. ZimD

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    - Geodude once in Silver way back when - Zigzagoon in my old Sapphire game; released it - Cacnea in my old Sapphire game; forgot to save and then proceeded to fight and beat Regirock.. that one's totally my bad - Tentacool in my old Diamond game; started over - Bidoof in my old Diamond game...
  6. ZimD

    Meaning behind your Username and/or Usertitle

    invader zim is a fucking shitty show and it's the epitome of all the "LOL SO RANDOM" shit that twelve-year-olds find hilarious. so naturally i loved it when i was twelve. and i needed a new username for some website and i thought it'd be SO COOL if i took the name of my favorite show and used...
  7. ZimD

    Rate the song above you

    lol @ the people just posting ratings with little to no explanation because they just want everyone else to listen to their songs anyways i'd give the above song like a 4.5. not big on asian shit. the background music is cool and sounds like something you'd hear in ridge racer revolution or...
  8. ZimD

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^ Was a deceptive, lying, bitch
  9. ZimD

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    it makes me think of duran duran
  10. ZimD

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I still haven't played Gen 5. Probably won't. Looks fucking badass, though.
  11. ZimD

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^ Had her mind made up week two who she was going to vote for, but that got ripped right out of her mind the night she left.
  12. ZimD

    Answer A Question With A Question

    What the fuck does "jadeblood" mean?
  13. ZimD

    Your Sex Life In Pokemon Moves

    attract charm sleep powder beat up imprison
  14. ZimD

    You laugh, you Lose part 2!

    This one killed me.
  15. ZimD

    Your Sex Life In Pokemon Moves

    seems self-explanatory mine would be as such: growth arm thrust arm thrust arm thrust string shot minimize
  16. ZimD

    Rate the Signature above you!

    I'd have to go with a 1/10 simply because it is motherfucking huge.
  17. ZimD

    Lie About the Above Poster II

    ^ Owns an oil company in Dallas and is only here to show everyone how easy it is to win.
  18. ZimD

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Espeon is definitely my favorite eon, it was my fav pokemon for a while as a kid. It has one of my favorite cries of all time and I love its shiny.
  19. ZimD

    Favorite Pokemon?

    The correct answer is always Dragonair.
  20. ZimD

    What national holiday is on your birthday?

    not sure, i just know that i share my birthday with survivor god james "j.t." thomas, jr. which may as well be a holiday and that kid was a fucking boss so i'm pretty satisfied
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