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Search results

  1. Magical Chicken Wing

    Warriors Fan Club

    Sunset? Sunset has been out since 2006. If you mean Sunrise, then yes, I believe so.
  2. Magical Chicken Wing

    What Country Are you from?

    Everything is confusing in Canada, even the weather. One day it will rain, and a second later it will be sunny. Then it will snow. In early October. The skies clearly dislike our "Eh?"s and maple syrup production.
  3. Magical Chicken Wing

    Planned Teams for Platinum?

    Flygon Glaceon Dusknoir Electivire Weavile Wobbuffet This is a very loose team, therefore it is subject to change.
  4. Magical Chicken Wing

    What do you want to see in the 5th gen?

    Indeed. The story may have been "fresh" a few years ago, but now it is simply generic and repetitive. Also taking into account what you said earlier. The Elite Four thing could be considered by some a fracture in the plot, as in most of the games, the story somewhat continues (or the "story"...
  5. Magical Chicken Wing

    Should Pikachu evolve into a Raichu already?

    I doubt this greatly. Pikachu is one of the defining traits of the Pokemon Anime, and possibly Pokemon in general. It would depend on how intensely the amount of fans would react to the change.
  6. Magical Chicken Wing

    Ninjas? Pirates? Ninja Pirates?

    Robot Zombies can beat any of them. Even the Nuns.
  7. Magical Chicken Wing


    Indeed. Quite a shame, isn't it?
  8. Magical Chicken Wing

    Are you a virgin?

    Yes. I can also see you've dodged your death a number of times with the replies here.
  9. Magical Chicken Wing

    Warriors Fan Club

    Why thank you. You're celebrating over the fact that the RiverClan confetti smells like fish.
  10. Magical Chicken Wing

    Nostalgia in Pokémon Games

    Re: Nostalgia in Pokémon Games Yes, my first Pokemon game was also FireRed. I had chosen a Charmander as my starter, but I could only get it to Level 81 before my FireRed's unexplainable disappearance. Another game I was quite fond of was Gold. It was very hard to find that game at the time...
  11. Magical Chicken Wing

    Least Favorite Type?

    Poison, then Bug.
  12. Magical Chicken Wing

    Favorite Type?

    Psychic, followed by Ice and Ground.
  13. Magical Chicken Wing

    What is your favourite single Pokemon ever

    Flygon, with Alakazam at a close second.
  14. Magical Chicken Wing

    Warriors Fan Club

    Would it be possible for me to join this club? I have recently finished Eclipse.
  15. Magical Chicken Wing


    Obscure references will be avoided here. Anyhow, I never did do anything that day.
  16. Magical Chicken Wing

    Ah, why thank you Evoli. It is what caffeine and 10:30 PM will do to you.

    Ah, why thank you Evoli. It is what caffeine and 10:30 PM will do to you.
  17. Magical Chicken Wing

    What Country Are you from?

    I am one from the Northland. We have a maple leaf on our flag, which counts as one "Epic Point" for us. I'm not exactly surprised to see only several votes for Canada. It's quite cold here at times, though the cold is what I enjoy.
  18. Magical Chicken Wing

    I smell an introduction.

    Excellent. I absolutely adore tea and cod. I trust we will get along somewhat well. Nice to meet you, Number 100.
  19. Magical Chicken Wing


    Oh yes, a large number of times. Not on this forum, mind you, but on a few other ones. It seems to happen to me when said forums are slow and inactive.
  20. Magical Chicken Wing


    QWERUIOPASDFGHJKLBN I seem to be missing a great number of letters. They are clearly lies.
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