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Search results

  1. Shadowstar

    Hi! Long time no see, eh? ^^ Just thought I'd drop you a line so long as I'm here :P

    Hi! Long time no see, eh? ^^ Just thought I'd drop you a line so long as I'm here :P
  2. Shadowstar

    Chicken Soup

    (( Oh my gosh, Shadowstar's posting! )) Hello, TCoDers, well... You can probrally guess what this is. Chicken Soup is where I go when I'm not stalking TCoD, it's pretty awesome ^^ Except it's dying... Started on September 17, Chicken Soup is owned by the one and only administrator, Silver...
  3. Shadowstar

    Please stop posting on my profile about the egg please. >>

    Please stop posting on my profile about the egg please. >>
  4. Shadowstar

    So THAT's who was calling! X3

    So THAT's who was calling! X3
  5. Shadowstar

    Hello, person I don't know Sure. And yesh, I LOVE WARRIORS *eye sparkle*

    Hello, person I don't know Sure. And yesh, I LOVE WARRIORS *eye sparkle*
  6. Shadowstar

    hello, person I don't know Sure. And yesh, I LOVE WARRIORS *eye sparkle*

    hello, person I don't know Sure. And yesh, I LOVE WARRIORS *eye sparkle*
  7. Shadowstar

    Unite or Die

    ^ But I don't have admin privileges on my computer. So I can't download it. Believe me, I would if I could.
  8. Shadowstar

    Unite or Die

    Some links? I tested all the links and only one link doesn't work. XD It's that member of the month one; never bothered to take it down. It won't be broken when the Of The Months start. *shot* As for the button... I did the best I could with MS Paint, the only drawing program I have... :D; So...
  9. Shadowstar

    Warriors Fan Club

    I'm halfway through Po3. :D Anyway, I'll be gettin' Eclipse when it's out in paperback because UGH HARDCOVER IS SO EXPENSIVE AT B&N. It hurts. ;_; Then again Warriors books themselves are seven dollars on average. :D; ANYWAY, out of PURE BOREDOM, I have developed a random theory that will...
  10. Shadowstar

    Unite or Die

    This, my friends *gestures to Unite or Die's link* is Unite or Die – but you probably guessed that my the topic title! Anyway, so this is a /literate/ Warriors RPG forum I made~ The plot is always in the sidebar, just so you know, it's the bold faced text... And there's a forecast and moon...
  11. Shadowstar

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    Soul Silver!! >D Hm. I'm probably gonna start with either Chikorita (out of love for Meganium) or Cynderquil (beating the game with Fire Starter is on my to-do list.) I heard that my friend (not naming names because I dun feel like it) read somewhrere that it might be exclusively for DSi...
  12. Shadowstar

    Suggestions Shadowstar's Pixel Art & Sprite Gallery/Thread thing!

    Thanks for the advice, Twitch! (may I call you that? XD;; )) I'll keep that in mind when I sprite. C: Also, I have another piccie, it's just a picture of sunset at the beach (And it's title Sunset on the Beach. wow I'm creative.*shot*)) Here it is~!
  13. Shadowstar

    Suggestions Shadowstar's Pixel Art & Sprite Gallery/Thread thing!

    ......... Yeah. I couldn't think of a better title. iScribbled (and simaler) art Most of this is too big to post without stretching the page, so they will be in links~ So be quiet. D< Drawing of some blue, shiny lightning. My fursona.... Hacked's fursona Really horrible pic of my persona...
  14. Shadowstar

    Open The Magic of Darkness

    Accepted~ Um. I guess we'll start now, but I have to go to school in a second so I don't have time to type out an RP post that would be a good starter.... So someone else may start. :D *scurries off to School*
  15. Shadowstar

    Open The Magic of Darkness

    Accepted~ And, um, yeah let's go with animé-style. ^^' So yeah~ Once we get some people on the evil side, we can staaart~
  16. Shadowstar

    Open The Magic of Darkness

    All accepted. Legionaries are, in fact, allowed. @ Dragon: Yes, you may~ ^^ Heh heh I'll work on finishing my form now...
  17. Shadowstar

    Open The Magic of Darkness

    The dark blue-and-silverish gray dragon with red markings looked down at the pink dragon that lay before him. "You've grown weak, Palkia. You used to be so evenly matched with me... But now time will over power space... And space will become nothing but darkness. Finally, I will rule... Right...
  18. Shadowstar

    Idea Center

    Idea... *ZOMG SHADOWSTAR IS POSTING* To clear things up a bit... So basically, you're either a Magical Girl, Witch, Pokémon, or Trainer that has to stop the Chief Sorceress (the lavender haired lady) and /Primial/ Dialga from takin' over the world. (PD is gonna try and get rid of the rest of...
  19. Shadowstar

    Watch Me Disappear

    i wanted you guys to see my first finished story ever. Was chaptered, but I decided to post it all at once. So, basically, it's original-but-not-really. This is a story that I wrote on Chicken Soup. Luckily, there's not MUCH that you have to know about CS, and Creed is my husband in the...
  20. Shadowstar

    Sure~ ^^ Do as you wish~

    Sure~ ^^ Do as you wish~
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