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Open The Magic of Darkness


The dark blue-and-silverish gray dragon with red markings looked down at the pink dragon that lay before him. "You've grown weak, Palkia. You used to be so evenly matched with me... But now time will over power space... And space will become nothing but darkness. Finally, I will rule... Right after the rest of them are out of the way."

Turning away, the Temporal dragon disappeared into the rift.

A lady with lavender-colored hair watched using the water in a cauldron, that was cemented to the floor. "I'll be able to control more dimensions now... With Dialga under the power of my dark magic."

So basically, you're either a Magical Girl/Magical boy, Witch, Pokémon, or Trainer that has to stop the Chief Sorceress (the lavender haired lady) and /Primial/ Dialga from takin' over the world. (PD is gonna try and get rid of the rest of the legendaries, in case you're wondering... That's the idea I had, anyway.)

So yeah, this is a Sasami Magical Girls Club and Pokémon X-Over... But you need to know about neither of those animé's plots. Both worlds are combined, by the way so no confusion, okay?

Note: Boy witches are still called witches to me. >:[


- Keep. It. Even.


-No Mary-Sues please. D:

-Don't time mod.

- I reserve the right to add or change rules.

[B]Weapons(if any):[/B]

Name: Middy
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance: She has long, (dark) purple hair with red streaks and her eyes are sky blue. She usually wears a sky blue cut off top that only covers her chest and red shorts under a black trench coat and a red belt. She wears black combat boots.

Personality: She's stubborn and openly contradicts anyone who speaks against her, but knows when to keep her mouth shut. She loves going to extremes, and doesn't relax easily, especially when around strangers. She's a great liar, and will lie through her teeth when she sees fit, but rarely does so. She loves inventing things.
Abilities/Moves/Magic: Some fire magic, but not extremely advanced stuff. And the standard magic. (i.e: Flying on brooms/any stick-like object. She is not very good at this, however...)
Weapons(if any): Two hand guns...
Bio: N/A. (Simply because I don't like to think of bios for my characters XD;)
Other: Witch, not Magical girl...

So join... Please. ^_^
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o hai thar

i lied kthxbai

Name: Vai Kisubo
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Appearance: It varies, she can turn into most forms of Pokemon that she's seen, and two or three human forms. Vai's normal form is a human, the equivalent of Asian. She looks about 14, with black hair, brown eyes, and is usually smirking.
Personality: Vai likes to annoy or trick people. She's actually pretty shy around people she has to be around or work with, but she tries to be shady and lay low.
Abilities/Moves/Magic: Shapeshifting
Weapons: She keeps two daggers on a belt.
Bio: (optional)

I don't know, can I have these powers..?
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Well, I know nothing about the Sasami Magical Girls Club, but I'll try to be a Magical Girl...

Name: Rebecca Holland
Gender: Female
Age: 11
Appearance: Long, brown hair, usually wears black/dark clothes, but isn't goth.
Personality: Very solitary and hates working with others, unless you know her well. Then she opens up a bit. You are very lucky if she considers you a "friend".
Abilities/Moves/Magic: She is Psychic; in other words, telekinesis, psychic blasts, levitation, etc etc...
Weapons(if any): Carries around Nun-chucks.
Name: Sky
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: A shiny Ponyta
Personality: Calm, Kind, slow to anger, Sky is willing to go on an adventure but never without his twin sister Kristen, The thing that irritates him the most is when people threaten to bring harm to his twin sister Kristen. Sky, age 19, is a trustworthy ally, always there for friends and family but specifically focused on those in authority. Sky basically doesn't trust his own decision making ability, so looks to others who he feels knows the answers.
Abilities/Moves/Magic: Stomp, Flamthorwer, SolarBeam, Fire Blast
Weapons(if any):
Other: Sky has a twin sister named Kristen

Name: Kristen
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Appearance: A shiny Ponyta
Personality: Calm, Kind, slow to anger, Kristen is willing to go on an adventure but never without her twin brother Sky, The one thing that irritates her most is when people threaten to bring harm to her twin brother Sky. Kristen, age 19, is a trustworthy ally, always there for friends and family but specifically focused on those in authority. Kristen basically doesn't trust his/her own decision making ability, so looks to others who she feels knows the answers.
Abilities/Moves/Magic: Stomp, Flamthorwer, SolarBeam, Fire Blast
Weapons(if any):
Other: Kristen has a twin brother named Sky.
Don't forget "No Legendaries!" (If that's true)

Name: Sukoi
Gender: Female
Age: 9
Appearance: A cute little Pidgey.
Personality: Sukoi's real name is Shitsukoi, which means persistent, but she calls herself Sukoi "because it's shorter." She's rather wimpy and timid, but as long as she has a good teammate one can keep her from running away from battle.
Ability: Keen Eye
Current Moves: Tackle, Sand-Attack, Gust
Other: :3
I'm done mah form.

Personality: Calm, Kind, slow to anger, Sky is willing to go on an adventure but never without his twin sister Kristen, The thing that irritates him the most is when people threaten to bring harm to his twin sister Kristen. Sky, age 19, is a trustworthy ally, always there for friends and family but specifically focused on those in authority. Sky basically doesn't trust his own decision making ability, so looks to others who he feels knows the answers.

Personality: Calm, Kind, slow to anger, Kristen is willing to go on an adventure but never without her twin brother Sky, The one thing that irritates her most is when people threaten to bring harm to her twin brother Sky. Kristen, age 19, is a trustworthy ally, always there for friends and family but specifically focused on those in authority. Kristen basically doesn't trust his/her own decision making ability, so looks to others who she feels knows the answers.


Or actually...

All accepted.

Legionaries are, in fact, allowed.

@ Dragon: Yes, you may~ ^^

Heh heh I'll work on finishing my form now...

Name: Gardenia
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Appearance: Celebi
Personality: Gardenia has a very bright personality and likes to help people. However it doesn't take much to frighten her from the scene; outside she's a nice, brave Celebi but on the inside she's actually very timid.
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves: Future Sight, AncientPower, Magical Leaf, Recover

Name: Masquerade
Gender: Preffers Male
Age: 26
Appearance: Tail is slightly lighter than normal, with crystal blue eyes. Otherwise a normal Mewtwo
Personality: Is very much like Rebecca, except is slightly more caring and actually attempts to make friends.
Abilities/Moves/Magic: Is this Anime-style? I'll edit after answer.
Other: Not done; just reserving Mewtwo until Shadow says if this is Anime or Game-style.
Name: Shay
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Appearance: Shaymin
Personality: Like most Shaymin, Shay is rather shy and timid, but can open up for those who get his trust. On the other hand, if he's in Sky Forme, he's a lot more outgoing, courageous and more social in general.
Ability: Natural Cure(Land Forme)/Serene Grace(Sky Forme)
Moves: Synthesis, Air Slash, Energy Ball,
Other: Creative name get.
Accepted~ And, um, yeah let's go with animé-style. ^^'

So yeah~ Once we get some people on the evil side, we can staaart~
Name: Dialga

Gender: Male (apparently)

Age: Unknown, infinite, whatever you want to call it

Appearance: A normal Dialga, not the primal one. Dialga

Personality: Dialga does not automatically fight; he only does so if there isn't a way that doesn't involve him or someone else he knows getting hurt. While he doesn't make others bow to him or anything, he does demand respect, and can get provoked quite easily when talking about tender subjects. Otherwise, he is mostly quiet and stages most conversations with himself inside of his head. He spends his spare time (which he has a lot of) thinking things over.

Abilities/Moves/Magic: He has a lot of moves, and prefers to use ones that aren't directly attacking the opponent at the beginning of a fight, such as Heal Block and Scary Face. He likes to use moves such as Roar of Time and Aura Sphere for direct attacking. He also has control over time, although sometimes other powers, such as the Primal Dialga's, interfere with this control.

Weapons: He has a spiky head and sharp claws, which are pretty much it for physical weaponry.

Bio: Dialga was born at the beginning of time, of course. Aside from controlling time, his life hasn't been very eventful, unless you count things such as the time he was put under a strange trance and summoned to create a new universe.

Of course, then the Chief Sorceress (who he likes to call 'that old witch') had to interfere with his life, bending him to her will. He sensed that he was about to be changed, and manipulated time in a way that allowed himself to basically live in two places. He summoned himself from the past, gave the new creation the same powers and conciousness as he had himself, and then fell under the witch's spell. The Dialga that had been from the past knew all about this problem, and how he had to fight himself to correct the universe again. He honed his skills, hoping to defeat the him that had lost his mind.

Other: Word :D

Name: Yono

Gender: Male

Age: 124

Appearance: Dusknoir

Personality: Yono is very cunning and deceptive. He has a certain ability to persuade people and get them to follow him. He gets angered easily, but pretends to stay calm and understand others.

Abilities/Moves/Magic: He is a ghost, so he can do things like go to the spirit world and become insubstantial and stuff.

Weapons: Only the obvious ones that don't need mentioning :P

Bio: Yono used to be very oblivious to the world around him. He was friendly, but then he met the Primal Dialga, who got Yono to follow him as his most loyal servent. He taught Yono the art of deception so that he could sneak to the other side unnoticed and get as many of them to turn to the Primal Dialga as possible.

Other: He is often assisted by several Sableye, but the Primal Dialga thought it would look suspiscious if Yono came to the "good" side with a group of Sableye that were all too chattery and violent to be unnoticed.
o i c wat u did thar

Um. I guess we'll start now, but I have to go to school in a second so I don't have time to type out an RP post that would be a good starter.... So someone else may start. :D *scurries off to School*
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