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Search results

  1. Shadowstar


    Hi, RaichuRules! I'm Shadowstar.^^ *throws confetti around like an idiot*
  2. Shadowstar

    Website Pet Hates

    Sites that are just there because the webmaster wanted one and aren't really a site, rather a forum with a n00b admin who doesn't keep his/her mind open to new possibilities and shuns people who try to make him/her see the light and try something new.*shot*
  3. Shadowstar

    Warriors Fan Club

    Please use capitals... And proper grammar...><; Welcome to the club, Silverfur! I am Shadowstar, my made up warrior name is Jewelstar(BECAUSE I CAN!XD) and my clan is the LightClan(AGAIN BECAUSE I CAN) Don't like it? Then I'm Jewelwing of the ShadowClan.*shot* ShadowClan for the win! They can...
  4. Shadowstar

    Warriors Fan Club

    *nodnod* My friend says "Firestar is a gary-stu that survived for all 21 books so far." but it's not nessesarily true, She loves Tigerstar.<3...~ I like both, but Firestar has become(so far to me) meh. *waits to get Dawn so she can read Twilight then Starlight(?) then whatever book is next*
  5. Shadowstar

    Wow, the website was down

    You guys had the same problem, too? *huggles you guys* I thought is was my computer and half of you thought I was AWOL!XD *is glad to be back*
  6. Shadowstar

    Warriors Fan Club

    I finished Midnight and Moonrise. Bes books I ever read.*speeding throuh TNPU* I can't wait to get Dawn...
  7. Shadowstar

    The Rank-Up Thread

    With this post I commend myself a Butterfree!*evolution scene plays* Your Shadowstar obtained 1,000 posts! Good job!XD
  8. Shadowstar

    NaNoWriMo 2008

    Something adveture-ish. I have tons of ideas already!~ I'll get a progress bar soon-ish... Maybie. It WILL invove vampires, ect. Because I'm obsessed.
  9. Shadowstar

    Weirdest Sprite!

  10. Shadowstar

    You have the same username as my pokesona.=D

    You have the same username as my pokesona.=D
  11. Shadowstar

    Open Path to Diasaster

    (Look here for full series story, characters, ect. Look at the characters, too.) Èclair and Lumére are gone, but new ES members have come to take their place, with new abilities. One day, they were on a normal mission; one to Dartanos; when their ship, Dirinnie, turned around back to Aineias! It...
  12. Shadowstar

    Warriors Fan Club

    Hmmm... I'd be Swiftwish of the ShadowClan as a warrior and I'd climb the ranks to become Swiftstar, I'd be a black cat with amber-green eyes and a white paw, basicly an invert of Blackstar, sort of.
  13. Shadowstar

    [CLOSED] Heaven and Hell OOC Thread

    Re: [OPEN] Heaven and Hell OOC Thread Name: Shadowstar Kindness Species: Eevee Gender: Female Age: (That means, how old does your character appear. Remember, the Sins and the Virtues have existed since thinking creatures appeared.) Abilities: (Invisibility, super speed, superhumanpokémon...
  14. Shadowstar

    TCoD Has An Encyclopedia Dramatica Article

    *jaw drops at the 'how to become a mod' section* These people need a life and to have seen the FAQ because Butterfree clearly states there that she's not taking any mor mods/super mods/whatever. *flametrowers pic at top* BUTTERFREE CAN'T BE THAT... UH... YOU'LL SEE WHEN YOU LOOK AT IT...
  15. Shadowstar

    Warriors Fan Club

    YES! I'M READING MIDNIGHT!=D No, I haven't read FQ. It was twenty fucking dollars, I'll read it when I have more money. I'm NOT going to be left with five dollars.
  16. Shadowstar

    Halloween Festival 2008

  17. Shadowstar

    Bank of TCoD

    Thanks, I forgot about that.^^
  18. Shadowstar

    Bank of TCoD

    I am entering a contest. 45-5=40.
  19. Shadowstar

    Halloween Contest 2008

    ENTERAGE!=D? Bank Profile Go, Moonshine! Okay, I want you to use Quick attack at the cotton candy stand to pick up tons of cob webs – and I mean LOTS – be sure to stir the dust. Use bite aat the cobwebs to make a hole for your mouth for creepiness(yeah you're sopposed to be a mummy of some...
  20. Shadowstar

    What do the plus signs next to usernames in the Active Users area on the main page mean?

    That user is added to your contacts and/or friends list, accually. Not just friends.
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