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Halloween Festival 2008

Argh, you're all too fast. >(

I'm a laid-back kind of creature,
Happy just to lie around and soak up sun.
My aroma's my finest feature,
One that can calm down anyone.
I'm a laid-back kind of creature,
Happy just to lie around and soak up sun.
My aroma's my finest feature,
One that can calm down anyone.


I'm a laid-back kind of creature,
Happy just to lie around and soak up sun.
My aroma's my finest feature,
One that can calm down anyone.

Gah, Chikorita.


Full Metal Cookies


Grass King

vB was the word from the previous set (it's un-highlighted now to prevent future confusion). However, "exists" is correct.

Riddle incorrect.



Kratos Aurion



Correct (chikorita).
I've plenty of curiosity for my size,
But following my nose isn't always wise.
If something scary rears its head,
I find it's best to just play dead.
What are the only two pokémon abilities (e.g. motor drive, truant) that have special sections devoted to them in the ASB Rules?

Wonder Guard and Levitate? I don't see a section devoted SOLELY to them, but they are the only abilities that are even mentioned in ASB Rules, so...

EDIT as I just found the other hidden word:

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I just hate getting wet,
And hide at rain's first sign.
I float as high as I can get,
To gather sun for this flower of mine.

Skiploom. Has a flower, is a grass/flying type, can jump high into the sky and float, and I am certain I can find something on the rain part (but I is too lazy right now)

EDIT: From Serebii (BLEH TO ALL OF YOU!):

Crystal: As soon as it rains, it closes its flower and hides in the shade of a tree to avoid getting wet.
No movement escapes my eye,
Despite the heights to which I fly.
My territory ranges far and wide,
But I keep watch; prey can't hide.

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