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Halloween Festival 2008

Some 800 years later...

With the ASB Halloween Mafia finally over, it's time to announce the winners and distribute the prizes of the 2008 Halloween festival! First place this year goes to Kusarigamaitachi with 24 points. It wins $25, a rare candy, and when I stop being lazy and put my business together, I'll come up with an appropriate discount.

Second place goes to Prettzel, with 19 points. He wins $15 and a rare candy.

Finally, third place is a spectacular four-way tie between Animorph, Chiropter, Full Metal Cookies, and Grass King. Because I can make money appear out of thin air, I have no problem giving them all $10 as a reward.

At this point, they and everyone else can go ahead and exchange their points for prizes as desired.
Team registration office. Just count it as an experience point, but link to where you exchange points for the candy instead of a battle where experience was gained.
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