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Halloween Festival 2008

I wanna participate! Oh and when you can could ya update the activities? EDIT::sweatdrop: ... oops hehe...
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You don't need to post here to say you want to participate; just answer something. And... I do update the activities when I can, actually.
The trivia question is still up for some reason.

Just in case it's there on purpose, I believe business ideas and concepts could be found at the free stuff thread, as well as (I think) businesses that were previously owned.
Nah, no reason for it to be up there besides that I forgot to take it down. Business ideas weren't a part of what it offered, no.
The best way to approach something new
Is to give it a lick and find out its taste.
My saliva leaves a tingly feeling, too,
Which may be why new people I meet leave with haste.
Iron is my favorite dish,
And I'll tear through bedrock to find it.
You can tell my age by my horns if you wish,
But don't trespass on my land, or I'll throw a fit.


and 100
EDIT: Darn... Beat.
I'm too scared to move when I'm alone,
But I'm lively when in the midst of a horde.
I'd rather not speak, but I have my own way
Of talking--by smell instead of words.
The best way to approach something new
Is to give it a lick and find out its taste.
My saliva leaves a tingly feeling, too,
Which may be why new people I meet leave with haste.
For the 3rd riddle:

Negrek said:
Iron is my favorite dish,
And I'll tear through bedrock to find it.
You can tell my age by my horns if you wish,
But don't trespass on my land, or I'll throw a fit.

negrek said:
The best way to approach something new
Is to give it a lick and find out its taste.
My saliva leaves a tingly feeling, too,
Which may be why new people I meet leave with haste.
Line 3:It causes shaking that won't stop until the victim's demise.
Line 4:By licking, it saps the victim's life.
Yah I would run!
Haunter all the way!
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Kratos Aurion

Riddle correct, word incorrect.

Grass King

Both correct.




No; you can divide your prize between them, though. If you had nineteen points, you could spend fifteen on a rare candy and cash in the other four.
No; you can divide your prize between them, though. If you had nineteen points, you could spend fifteen on a rare candy and cash in the other four.

No, I think they are asking:

If I win first, second, or third place, can I still spend my points on stuff?
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