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Halloween Festival 2008







Blaziking 175



I feed on happiness and store it away,
And I'm a great lucky charm.
I'm just waiting for the day
When I meet someone to share it with, who wishes me no harm.
I'm a relic from days long past,
My appearance mysterious, my purpose unknown.
I float on the power of my mind and cast
powerful beams from my hands to strike down my foe.
I may look mean, but I'm quite fragile,
And some days it's hard to keep my head up high.
I'm strong, but not so agile,
And if you make me mad, I'd rather fight than fly.
I may look mean, but I'm quite fragile,
And some days it's hard to keep my head up high.
I'm strong, but not so agile,
And if you make me mad, I'd rather fight than fly.

Ugh, always you are with the updating during times when I am not available.

Anyway uh I think the answer to the trivia question is sig moves. There might have been other things, but that's the only significant one that comes to mind.


Kratos Aurion

Mmm, there was something else.

Edit: Kusarigamaitachi

Yes... although I don't remember if the thread was also used for signature moves. I didn't realize that thread had only been created on vB, so I can't get into it. I suppose I'll give you and Kratos one point each.
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