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Halloween Festival 2008

不对。 (No)

You all are taking the first line too literally and the last line not literally enough.
(Damn I really thought it was Misdreavus...) Smoochum?
And do the last 2 lines refer to an attack?
I'm usually a quiet, gentle thing,
But don't make me think you trying.
This haunting little tune I sing
Can as easily knock you flying.


Line by line:

1. Absol is quiet and I would presume somewhat gentle
2. I don't think that has any relevance
3. It can learn Perish Song via Level Up (Perish Song WOULD be haunting...)
4. Super Luck allows critical hits to happen more likely
All incorrect.

And of course every line has relevance; I only get four, it's not like I'm going to waste one.
Grrr.... I don't really get the second line. "But don't make me think you trying".... The "think you trying" really bugs me for some reason.
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...and so it was. Darn Perish Song! I kept thinking that it was a Pokemon that could learn it o_O
Oh, sure. But getting locked into that interpretation obviously caused people problems.
Yeah.... Like me. Oh well. These riddles are fun, keep it up :D
Update, and since I've been lazy the past couple of days, there are five riddles, two trivia questions and two hidden words.
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