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TCoD Has An Encyclopedia Dramatica Article

It's pretty funny that you think the people behind ED are kidding.

So are you new to the internet or...?
Uncyclopedia is boring and unfunny and serves no real purpose other than to rewrite wikipedia articles.

ED serves as a glorious library of all things good and pure, a repository of delicious drama, a testament to the lulz that can flow from the combination of man and internet. While our article is mediocre at best, the same can be said about these forums in general. We all must reap what we sow.
I emailed Butterfree about it and she said it was as joke created by the members. I think 99% of the articles on ED are jokes, actually. Some of them are actually entertaining to an extent.
I've never found Encyclopedia Dramatica to be funny.

It mainly seems like "throw random 4chan meme here while trying to be snarky at the same time".

At least with Uncyclopedia, you sometimes get a funny article.
*jaw drops at the 'how to become a mod' section*

These people need a life and to have seen the FAQ because Butterfree clearly states there that she's not taking any mor mods/super mods/whatever.

*flametrowers pic at top*


*serches fave animes*
D: Not funny.DDD:

ED is NOT fully, it's a shithole filled with bitches who have no life so they pick on perfectly fine communities and the members there. I'm suprised they have no section about ME. Probroly the most ranty, moody, sometimes annoying bitch on the planet.(ya I called myself that, peace. It's true.)
*jaw drops at the 'how to become a mod' section*

These people need a life and to have seen the FAQ because Butterfree clearly states there that she's not taking any mor mods/super mods/whatever.

*flametrowers pic at top*


*serches fave animes*
D: Not funny.DDD:

ED is NOT fully, it's a shithole filled with bitches who have no life so they pick on perfectly fine communities and the members there. I'm suprised they have no section about ME. Probroly the most ranty, moody, sometimes annoying bitch on the planet.(ya I called myself that, peace. It's true.)
get a sense of humour or thicker skin
*jaw drops at the 'how to become a mod' section*

These people need a life and to have seen the FAQ because Butterfree clearly states there that she's not taking any mor mods/super mods/whatever.

*flametrowers pic at top*


*serches fave animes*
D: Not funny.DDD:

ED is NOT fully, it's a shithole filled with bitches who have no life so they pick on perfectly fine communities and the members there. I'm suprised they have no section about ME. Probroly the most ranty, moody, sometimes annoying bitch on the planet.(ya I called myself that, peace. It's true.)

It's people like you that make ED flourish.
OH GOD I remember this. XD I was lolling about it to my mother when it happened~ Conveniently skipping out what Encyclopedia Dramatica actually was and the five hundred million pages of groin illnesses~

I remember there was nothing about me, obviously - so I asked Creepy Kecleon to add something about me in there. I think he put something like me being a total Wapanese. Which is obviously true. Obviously. XDD It was kawaii desu~

*looks* XDDD I'm still there. Good God.

Minish: Not really a banned member, but she's going to become one sooner or later. She instantly worships anything created by Japan, which includes Hentai, Anny May and furries.

D: But I don't want to be banned... (also I hate hentai, furries aren't my thing and I have no idea who/what Anny May is)

[/rambles to self, never found lulz actually lulzworthy in itself]
D: But I don't want to be banned... (also I hate hentai, furries aren't my thing and I have no idea who/what Anny May is)

[/rambles to self, never found lulz actually lulzworthy in itself]

It's anime in an elongated name form!

Article still makes me smile. Especially Butterfree's fishface. xD
honest to god I can't remember what my first impression of that article was
but its pretty funny atm

also Jolty thinks both ED and Uncyclopedia are funny, the end

after reading this thread, i'm almost crying from laughter

then i reread the article and i laughed even more

guys i think i need new lungs
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ED is a lameass-fied(is that a word?) Uncyclopaedia.
It's like they can't post a sentence without flaming, swearing and stereotyping.

I think that's the point.

I still agree though. ED is just like
BLANK happened last thursday/over 100 years ago. People involved with it include John Jones (< link to 'fag') Betty Smith (< link to '16 year old girl') and Billy Simpson (< link to 'nazi').
*insert random memes here*
BLANK is not to be confused with shit.
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